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of riling, fb alfo of going down ; and by tbe Sun at Noon,
when he is mounted up to his Meridian Point, he inltanl-
ly polls downward. Not only is the Lord powerful and
wile, and lb able to extricate his People from all Difficul¬
ties, but allb his Power and Wifdom is bound over to his
People by a Promife, fo that it Hands him upon the Point
of his Fairhfulnefs to relcue them ; He will not fuffer the
Rod of the Wicked for ever to ly upon the Lot of theRighteous,
left righteous Men put forth their Hand to Iniquity. And
let all thole who have lift up themielves to call down his
People, fpeak their Experience of his Faithfulnefs; let Pha¬
raoh. let Han an, let Judas, let Herod, let each of them
fpeak their Experience of his Faithfulnefs ; let all that have
Ears to hear, and, hearing, acknowledge, that never was
Persecution, but God made them remarkable for his
Judgments. Though they have been of fuch Elevation a-
bove the ordinary Level of Men, as none might fay to
them, What doll thou ? yet God hath faid to them in
the latter End, What hall thou done .f How terrible an
Exaltation is that in Exod. ix. 16. For this Caufe have I
raifed thee up to Jhew in thee my Power, and that my Name
may he declared throughout all the Earth. How does he,
in a Moment, turn the Heart of Ahafitei'us againft Ham an ?
Tbe fame Hand, that had lifted him up, doth likeways call
him down; he was advanced to a high Eftate, and the Fa¬
vour of his Prince fhrewded him from Envy, till once it
be known that a Complaint may be acceptable, then one
Complaint of him after another, firft Eflher then Harbonah,
Ejrber, vii. 6. 9. but none came to a more dreadful Ca-
talirophe than Judas : He was intrufled by his Brethren
with the Management of Matters of publick Concernment,
God makes him fuch a Terror to himfelf, that he proves
his own Aflallb; and the more violent a Feriecution be> iris

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