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People of Cod have a hard Past of it, having lb many
Enemies and fo few Friends.
Athly, Yet, notwithftanding of this, ’tis very unreafon-
able, in the Account of the Lover of Chrift, to turn aiide
from him by the Flocks of his Companions, therefore Ihe
hath her Recourfe to him alone, with a IVhy jhould I be
as one! be. There is not one Ttibulation that can feize
upon a Believer, but there is abundant Confolation to
overcome it in Chrift ; fo that, though all the World Ihouid
lorfake him, the Lovers of Chrift have no Reafon to do
lb, but rather may fay with Peter, Lord, to whom (hall we
g» but unto thee, for thou ha]} the IVords of eternal Life ?
The Truth of this will evidently appear to you, if you
will follow the Words, in thele fix or leven Conlidera-
if. That any Reft that can be had by turning afide
from Jefus Chrift is not his Reft ; it is not a Reft of his
giving, nor in his Company : If his Reft can be had by
turning allde, why Ihould lire, after lb lerious an Inquiry
after his Reft, evidence fo great an Averfation from turning
afide by the Flocks of his Companions ? It is the Happi-
nefs of a Believer, that the Reft which he hath, cither in
Poirdfion or Right, is one of God’s Provifion ; and it were
the Wifdom of the People of God to rcjedl all Motions of
Reft, which the Lord letteth rot his Seal unto : The
World’s Peace and the Lord’s Indignation ofteivtimes run
in one and the lame Channel ; you may efcape the Fury
of profane Men, if you will comply with them in their Pro¬
fanity, but except you fo follow Peace with Men, as allb
to follow Holincfs, you cannot fee the Face of God. O
beware, Beloved, of chufing the World’s Peace upon fetch
Terms as will engage the Lord to trouble you. What a
Madnefs Ihall it be for you to place the Foundation of
your Quietnefs and Reft in the Favour of a poor Reed fha-
ken with the Wind ? Is not this to bring you within the

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