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great Madnefs is it for a Man to fell that, for a momentary
Advantage, which is of more Excellency than his very
Soul is worth ; yet fuch Madnefs is oftentimes incident to
thofe who fit in the Chair of Wifdom and Truth. ’Tis
given as a Chandler whereby to difcern a falfe Prophet
from a true, Matt. vii. id. By their Fruits ye Jh all knew
them. And certainly this is a Chandler which not only
comes within theCompafs of Reafon, but even offers itfelf
to the Judgment of the gyes and Ears. How heavy a
Complaint is that, Ifa. iii. 12. 0 my People, they who lead
thee caufe thee to err, and dejlroy the Way of thy Paths.
Teachers in the myftical Body of Chrift may be faid to
poflefs the Place of the Eye; they ought to defery Danger
afar off, and forewarn of it ; and how lamentable is it when
thefe Eyes threaten Dangers, when thefe that look out at
theWindows are darkened ? They are fuch Eyes as ought
to difcern even Mots in the Eyes of others : How fad is it,
when they themfelves are full of the Beams of Profanity
and Malicioufhels They are as a City let upon aHill; how
lamentable is it, when that City is drowned with fuch a
Vomit as is fpoken of in Ifa. xxviii. 8. All ‘Fables are
filled with Vomit, there is no Place clean ? What is that
Vomit ? fee Verfe 7. Fhe Prie/l and the Prophet have erred
through ftrong Drink, they are fw allowed up of Wine. It
is not fufficient for them to fwallow it; they are fwallowed
up of it; they are as aCandle let upon a Hill. How deplo¬
rable a Condition fhall we be in, if that Light that is in us
be Darknefs, if that Candle be covered under the Bufhel
of Covetoufnefs, vain Glory and Pride ? Is it poffible you
can follow' the Flocks of fuch Companions without turning
afide ? Nay, let every Man deferve a Commendation of
Nobility, upon that Account that is given to the Bereans,
that would not take the Word of a Paul upon Trull, but
{torched the Scriptures whether thefe things were fo.
• t\thly.

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