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You fee this clearly examplified in Jehojhaphat, 1. Chron.'
xx. 12. 0 our God, faith, lie, ivHt thou not judge them ?
for we have no Might againjl oil this Company that cometh
againjl us: neither know we what to do; but our Eyes are
toward thee.
That the Afflictions of the People of God are dearly
imported by the Sun fhining upon them, is eafily demon-
ftrate from many Places of Scripture ; in particular, look
to the Parable of the Sower, Alatt. xiii. there is feme
Seed falleth among Stones, which, immediately fpringing
up, is fcorched by the Sun. In the opening up of the Pa¬
rable, the Lord applieth it to Tribulations and Perfecuti-
ons arifing becaufeof theWord: So likevvays, I fa. iv. Chrift
is held forth under the Figure of a Tabernacle in the Day¬
time from Heat; as alfo, in that forecited Place, vii.
the Immunity of the People of God in Heaven is exprefled
in thefeTerms ; The Sun (hall not light on them. Whence
’tis clear, that by the fhining of the Sun upon God’s Peo¬
ple is imported any thing that annoyeth them, from which
Chriil here fheltereth them, and at the latter End fully de¬
livered! them. Alfo, that by thefe Companions, here fpo-
km of, are not underftood the true Friends of Jefus Chrift,
is evident, if you will confider the great Averfation the
Spoufe hath to their Company, difeovering that fhe could
not follow thefe without a Turning afide; as alfo the Lord,
•in his Anfwer, dired’ts her to the Footfteps of the Flocks,
and Shepherds Tents, as fomewhat diltlnd from thefe
Companions here fpoken of.
The Words then are a ferious Supplication of the
Church of God, under the Preflure of fome heavy AffliClfi-
on ; Affliction come to its greateft Height as the Sun at
Noon, and in this Strait fhe crieth for Help; her Prayer
falls willingly in thefe three : Fir ft, the Compellation fhe
gives to Chrifl: to whom her Prayer is direCtcd, 0 thou
whom my Soul Imeth ! idly, the Petition itfelf, managed
i-'“ " •' with

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