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Song of Sol. i. 7.
'Tell me, O thou /whom my Soul loveth,
'where thou fee deft, where thou makes thy
Flocks to reft at Noon: for why Jhould
1 be as one that turneth ajide by the Flocks
of thy Companions %
AS there is a very ftraight Connexion betwixt Sin
and Mifery, (b likeways betwixt Holinefs and
Happinefs. Mifery is not only entailed to Sin,
but even involved in it; Sin being a Separation of the
Soul from God, the abfolute Fountain of all Happinejs and
Excellency; hkeways Happir.efe is not only entailed to Ho-
linefs, but even involved in it; Hohnefs being a near Con-
junftinn of the Soul with God, the ablblute Fountain of
all Happinefs and Excellency. By Holinefs the Soul is
like unto God, who is glorious in Holinefs ; by Sin the
Soul is like unto the Devil, who is devililh by Sin. There¬
fore it may be faid to all Sinners, You are of your Father
the Devil, and the Lufts of your Father you do. But
what the deplorable Confequences of Sin are, they already
know, who now receive their Portion with Unbelievers;
apd they (hall quickly know, who, tracing their Steps, are
in an unhappy Motion toward their End 1 Ah, how little
doth the fecure World conftder, that that Day is haftin?
toward them, which is fpoken of, Eccl. viii. 8. There is m
Man that hath Power over the Spirit to retain the Spin! 5
neither hath he Power in the Day of Death ; and there is
no Di/charge in that War; neither Jhall Wickednefs deliver
thefe that are given to it. There is a War there fpoken
of, which God will manage againft all the Workers of Ini-
A 2 quity ;

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