Scottish Theatre Programmes

Venue Browse Results

Your search returned 321 plays

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Show:     By Jupiter
Company:     Jack Waller
Venue:     Empire Theatre (Edinburgh)
Year:     1944
Shelfmark:     SJ4.2048
This performance has musical content
Show:     Call Girl
Company:     jack Gillam (Entertainments) Ltd.
Venue:     Empire Theatre (Edinburgh)
Year:     1956
Shelfmark:     SJ4.2048
This performance has musical content
Show:     Cap and Belles
Company:     Charles L. Tucker
Venue:     Empire Theatre (Edinburgh)
Year:     1953
Shelfmark:     SJ4.2048
This performance has musical content
Show:     Catalyst, Las hermanas, L'estro armonica
Company:     Stuttgart State Theatre Ballet
Venue:     Empire Theatre (Edinburgh)
Year:     1963
Shelfmark:     See note
Notes:     Ticket for Saturday Sept 7th loosely inserted.
This performance has musical content
Show:     Chocolate and Cream
Company:     Archie Parnell & Company
Venue:     Empire Theatre (Edinburgh)
Year:     1954
Shelfmark:     SJ4.2048
This performance has musical content
Show:     Chocolate soldier
Company:     Anne Croft Ltd
Venue:     Empire Theatre (Edinburgh)
Year:     1933
Shelfmark:     See note
This performance has musical content
Show:     Chu chin chow
Company:     Maurice Winnick
Venue:     Empire Theatre (Edinburgh)
Year:     1959
Shelfmark:     See note
This performance has musical content
Show:     Cinderella
Company:     Syd Seymour
Venue:     Empire Theatre (Edinburgh)
Year:     1945
Shelfmark:     SJ4.2048
This performance has musical content
Show:     Cinderella
Company:     Tom Arnold
Venue:     Empire Theatre (Edinburgh)
Year:     1958
Shelfmark:     SJ4.2048
Notes:     Programme for two weeks commencing Monday, Feb. 3rd, 1958
This performance has musical content
Show:     Cinderella
Company:     Tom Arnold
Venue:     Empire Theatre (Edinburgh)
Year:     1958
Shelfmark:     SJ4.2048
Notes:     Playbill for programme for 1958
This performance has musical content
Show:     Cinderella
Company:     Tom Arnold
Venue:     Empire Theatre (Edinburgh)
Year:     1941
Shelfmark:     SJ4.2048
Notes:     Programme
This performance has musical content
Show:     Cinderella
Company:     Tom Arnold
Venue:     Empire Theatre (Edinburgh)
Year:     1941
Shelfmark:     SJ4.2048
Notes:     Programme
Show:     Circus comes to town
Company:     Albion Operas Ltd
Venue:     Empire Theatre (Edinburgh)
Year:     1946
Shelfmark:     See note
This performance has musical content
Show:     Civvy Symphony
Company:     Tommy Morgan
Venue:     Empire Theatre (Edinburgh)
Year:     1947
Shelfmark:     SJ4.2048
This performance has musical content
Show:     Cocktail Continentale
Company:     Arthur Fox presents (in association with B.M.K. Productions)
Venue:     Empire Theatre (Edinburgh)
Year:     1957
Shelfmark:     SJ4.2048
This performance has musical content
Show:     Come and lead the band
Company:     Empire Theatre
Venue:     Empire Theatre (Edinburgh)
Year:     1941
Shelfmark:     SJ4.2048
Notes:     Programme
This performance has musical content
Show:     Continental Peep Show
Company:     Gaston and Andree
Venue:     Empire Theatre (Edinburgh)
Year:     1956
Shelfmark:     SJ4.2048
This performance has musical content
Show:     Co-optimists
Company:     Laddie Cliff
Venue:     Empire Theatre (Edinburgh)
Year:     1930
Shelfmark:     See note
This performance has musical content
Show:     Co-optimists
Company:     Laddie Cliff
Venue:     Empire Theatre (Edinburgh)
Year:     1931 - 1932
Shelfmark:     See note
This performance has musical content
Show:     Coppelia
Company:     Choreographic Productions Ltd.
Venue:     Empire Theatre (Edinburgh)
Year:     1948
Shelfmark:     See note
This performance has musical content
Show:     Covent Garden opera
Company:     Royal Opera House Covent Garden Ltd.
Venue:     Empire Theatre (Edinburgh)
Year:     1951
Shelfmark:     See note
This performance has musical content
Show:     Covent Garden Opera
Company:     Royal Opera House, Covent Garden
Venue:     Empire Theatre (Edinburgh)
Year:     1951
Shelfmark:     See note
This performance has musical content
Show:     Crackerjack
Company:     Hammorcourt Corporation Ltd.
Venue:     Empire Theatre (Edinburgh)
Year:     1950
Shelfmark:     SJ4.2048
Notes:     Programme for week commencing Monday, Feb. 13th, 1950.
This performance has musical content
Show:     Crackerjack
Company:     Empire Theatre Edinburgh
Venue:     Empire Theatre (Edinburgh)
Year:     1950
Shelfmark:     SJ4.2048
This performance has musical content
Show:     Crackerjack
Company:     Edinburgh Empire Theatre
Venue:     Empire Theatre (Edinburgh)
Year:     1950
Shelfmark:     SJ4.2048
Notes:     Programme for week commencing Monday, Nov. 13th, 1950
This performance has musical content
Show:     Crackerjack
Company:     Empire Theatre Edinburgh
Venue:     Empire Theatre (Edinburgh)
Year:     1950
Shelfmark:     SJ4.2048
Notes:     Programme for week commencing Monday, Oct. 30th, 1950
This performance has musical content
Show:     Crackerjack
Company:     Hammorcourt Corporation Ltd.
Venue:     Empire Theatre (Edinburgh)
Year:     1950
Shelfmark:     SJ4.2048
Notes:     Programme for week commencing Monday Apr. 10th 1950.
This performance has musical content
Show:     Crackerjack
Company:     Empire Theatre Edinburgh
Venue:     Empire Theatre (Edinburgh)
Year:     1948
Shelfmark:     SJ4.2048
Notes:     Programme Monday, May 31st until Thursday, June 10th
This performance has musical content
Show:     Crackerjack
Company:     Empire Theatre Edinburgh
Venue:     Empire Theatre (Edinburgh)
Year:     1948
Shelfmark:     SJ4.2048
Notes:     Programme for Thursday, June 17th until Wednesday June 23rd
This performance has musical content
Show:     Crackerjack
Company:     Empire Theatre Edinburgh
Venue:     Empire Theatre (Edinburgh)
Year:     1948
Shelfmark:     SJ4.2048
Notes:     Programme for Thursday, June 24th until Wednesday, June 30th
This performance has musical content
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