Scottish Theatre Programmes

Venue Browse Results

Your search returned 321 plays

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Show:     Variety - Overture, Betty Hobbs' Globe Girls, Paddy Drew, Patillo and Pesco, G.S. Melvin,Ernest Shannon, Joe Loss and his band
Company:     Empire Theatre
Venue:     Empire Theatre (Edinburgh)
Year:     1942
Shelfmark:     SJ4.2048
Notes:     Programme
This performance has musical content
Show:     Variety - Overture, Frank Marx and Iris, Russ Carr, Swan & Leigh, Freddie Bamberger, Sherkot, The Miranda Girls, Billy McLeod, Ambrose presents...
Company:     Empire Theatre
Venue:     Empire Theatre (Edinburgh)
Year:     1942
Shelfmark:     SJ4.2048
Notes:     Programme
This performance has musical content
Show:     Variety - Overture, George & Jack Dormonde, Low & Webster, Hortobagyi Troupe, Florrie Forde, Monroe Brothers, Bob Ripa, Western Brothers, Jenny Howard, Jan Gomez and the El Romana Accordion Troubadours
Company:     Moss' Empires
Venue:     Empire Theatre (Edinburgh)
Year:     1936
Shelfmark:     See note
This performance has musical content
Show:     Variety - Overture, La Petite Poupee, Billy Matchett, The Three Adairs, Tex McLeod, The five lai founs, The three adairs, Scott Sanders, Oscar Rabin and his band
Company:     Empire Theatre
Venue:     Empire Theatre (Edinburgh)
Year:     1942
Shelfmark:     SJ4.2048
Notes:     Programme
This performance has musical content
Show:     Variety at the Empire Edinburgh
Company:     Moss' Empires Ltd
Venue:     Empire Theatre (Edinburgh)
Year:     1957
Shelfmark:     SJ4.2048
Notes:     Programme - Overture, Marie De Vere dancers, Curzon Trio, Don Smoothey & Tom Layton, Des O'Connor, Mundy & Earle
This performance has musical content
Show:     Variety, Overture, Damzel and Partner, Earle and Lewis, Sherkot, Cliff Cook, The Young China Troupe, Maurice Winnick
Company:     Empire Theatre Edinburgh
Venue:     Empire Theatre (Edinburgh)
Year:     1945
Shelfmark:     SJ4.2048
This performance has musical content
Show:     Variety, Overture, Frank Marx and iris, Peter and Joan Fannan, O'Doyle Bros. and Jean, Jack and Eddy Eden, The Three Matas, ... Peter Brough, Joe Loss and his Band
Company:     Empire Theatre Edinburgh
Venue:     Empire Theatre (Edinburgh)
Year:     1943
Shelfmark:     SJ4.2048
This performance has musical content
Show:     Variety, Overture, Stern & Josette, Cleef & Moroney, Douglas Byng, Fred Brezin, Scott & Whalley, Chow Ding, Joe Laurel, Felix Mendelssohn and his Hawaiian Serenaders
Company:     Empire Theatre Edinburgh
Venue:     Empire Theatre (Edinburgh)
Year:     1945
Shelfmark:     SJ4.2048
This performance has musical content
Show:     Variety, Overture, The Four Clarkson Rosebuds, Frank Preston, Clarkson Rose, O'Doyle Brothers and Jean, Jack Ledair, Henry Hall and his Orchestra.
Company:     Empire Theatre Edinburgh
Venue:     Empire Theatre (Edinburgh)
Year:     1946
Shelfmark:     SJ4.2048
This performance has musical content
Show:     Variety, Overture, The Three Bonitas, Sonny Farrar, Sirdani, Billy Scott-Coomber, Bert Wright, ... Jack Payne presents ... "Can I do you now, sir?"
Company:     Empire Theatre Edinburgh
Venue:     Empire Theatre (Edinburgh)
Year:     1945
Shelfmark:     SJ4.2048
This performance has musical content
Show:     Walk this way
Company:     Archie Pitt
Venue:     Empire Theatre (Edinburgh)
Year:     1931
Shelfmark:     See note
This performance has musical content
Show:     Ware case
Company:     Gerald du Maurier
Venue:     Empire Theatre (Edinburgh)
Year:     1931
Shelfmark:     See note
This performance has musical content
Show:     West London's greatest theatre season
Company:     Wilson Barrett & Esmond Knight
Venue:     Empire Theatre (Edinburgh)
Year:     1939
Shelfmark:     SJ4.2048
Notes:     Programme
Show:     White camellia
Company:     Welchman - Steel Co.
Venue:     Empire Theatre (Edinburgh)
Year:     1928
Shelfmark:     See note
Notes:     Two copies; second copy with p. [3]-[6] only.
This performance has musical content
Show:     White Heather
Company:     Moss' Empires Ltd.
Venue:     Empire Theatre (Edinburgh)
Year:     1959
Shelfmark:     SJ4.2048
This performance has musical content
Show:     White Heather
Company:     Empire Theatre Edinburgh
Venue:     Empire Theatre (Edinburgh)
Year:     1959
Shelfmark:     SJ4.2048
This performance has musical content
Show:     White Heather
Company:     Empire Theatre Edinburgh
Venue:     Empire Theatre (Edinburgh)
Year:     1959
Shelfmark:     See note
This performance has musical content
Show:     Wild violets
Company:     Leslie A. Macdonnell
Venue:     Empire Theatre (Edinburgh)
Year:     1961
Shelfmark:     See note
This performance has musical content
Show:     Wings
Company:     Ralph Reader Ltd.
Venue:     Empire Theatre (Edinburgh)
Year:     1947
Shelfmark:     SJ4.2048
This performance has musical content
Show:     World famous Pavlova - Polish wedding (Krupinski), Invitation to the dance Weber), Autumn leaves (Chopin), Divertissements (various)
Company:     Pavlova / Pierre Vladimiroff and full corps de ballet
Venue:     Empire Theatre (Edinburgh)
Year:     1930
Shelfmark:     See note
This performance has musical content
Show:     You won't stop laughing
Company:     Empire Theatre
Venue:     Empire Theatre (Edinburgh)
Year:     1959
Shelfmark:     See note
This performance has musical content
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