Scottish Theatre Programmes

Venue Browse Results

Your search returned 321 plays

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Show:     King Kong: a jazz musical
Company:     Leslie A. MacDonnell
Venue:     Empire Theatre (Edinburgh)
Year:     1965?
Shelfmark:     SJ4.2048
Notes:     Programme for the show
This performance has musical content
Show:     La Femme Bergere
Company:     Cyril Dowler
Venue:     Empire Theatre (Edinburgh)
Year:     1958
Shelfmark:     SJ4.2048
This performance has musical content
Show:     Lac-des-cygnes; Amoras; Endymion; Dances from Prince Igor
Company:     Empire Theatre
Venue:     Empire Theatre (Edinburgh)
Year:     1941
Shelfmark:     SJ4.2048
Notes:     Programme
This performance has musical content
Show:     Las Vegas After Dark
Company:     Paul Raymond presents for and on behalf of Nassau Productions limited.
Venue:     Empire Theatre (Edinburgh)
Year:     1957
Shelfmark:     SJ4.2048
This performance has musical content
Show:     Late night final
Company:     Alec L Rea
Venue:     Empire Theatre (Edinburgh)
Year:     1931
Shelfmark:     See note
Notes:     Publicity material in the form of a newspaper loosely inserted.
Show:     Let's face it
Company:     Jack Waller & Tom Arnold
Venue:     Empire Theatre (Edinburgh)
Year:     194?
Shelfmark:     SJ4.2048
Notes:     Programme
This performance has musical content
Show:     Let's Have A Party
Company:     Derek Roy
Venue:     Empire Theatre (Edinburgh)
Year:     1953
Shelfmark:     SJ4.2048
This performance has musical content
Show:     Lilac domino
Company:     Empire Theatre
Venue:     Empire Theatre (Edinburgh)
Year:     1959
Shelfmark:     See note
This performance has musical content
Show:     Lohengrin
Company:     Covent Garden Opera
Venue:     Empire Theatre (Edinburgh)
Year:     1950
Shelfmark:     See note
This performance has musical content
Show:     London wall
Company:     Frank Gregory
Venue:     Empire Theatre (Edinburgh)
Year:     1931
Shelfmark:     See note
Show:     London's festival ballet
Company:     Julian Brausnweig / Festival Ballet
Venue:     Empire Theatre (Edinburgh)
Year:     1955
Shelfmark:     See note
Notes:     Sheet programme for Monday Oct 31st and Tuesday Nov 1st loosely inserted.
This performance has musical content
Show:     Love from a stranger
Company:     Wilson Barrett & Esmond Knight Ltd.
Venue:     Empire Theatre (Edinburgh)
Year:     1939
Shelfmark:     SJ4.2048
Notes:     postcard
Show:     Love from a stranger
Company:     Wilson Barrett and Esmond Knight Ltd.
Venue:     Empire Theatre (Edinburgh)
Year:     1939
Shelfmark:     SJ4.2048
Notes:     Programme
This performance has musical content
Show:     Love on the dole
Company:     Vernon-Lever Productions
Venue:     Empire Theatre (Edinburgh)
Year:     1935
Shelfmark:     See note
This performance has musical content
Show:     Madhatters of 1946
Company:     Empire Theatre Edinburgh
Venue:     Empire Theatre (Edinburgh)
Year:     1946
Shelfmark:     SJ4.2048
This performance has musical content
Show:     Mammoth circus
Company:     Louis Barber
Venue:     Empire Theatre (Edinburgh)
Year:     1947
Shelfmark:     See note
This performance has musical content
Show:     Mayfair Merry-Go-Round
Company:     Leslie A. Macdonnell
Venue:     Empire Theatre (Edinburgh)
Year:     1946
Shelfmark:     SJ4.2048
This performance has musical content
Show:     Meet the Navy
Company:     The Royal Canadian Navy
Venue:     Empire Theatre (Edinburgh)
Year:     1944
Shelfmark:     SJ4.2048
Notes:     Programme
This performance has musical content
Show:     Meet the wife
Company:     Michael Hamilton
Venue:     Empire Theatre (Edinburgh)
Year:     1939
Shelfmark:     SJ4.2048
Notes:     Programme
Show:     Midshipmaid
Company:     Basil Foster / Tom Miller
Venue:     Empire Theatre (Edinburgh)
Year:     1932
Shelfmark:     See note
This performance has musical content
Show:     Millionaire kid
Company:     Laddie Cliff
Venue:     Empire Theatre (Edinburgh)
Year:     1931
Shelfmark:     See note
This performance has musical content
Show:     Miracle
Company:     Archie Parnell / Alfred Zeitlin / Charles B. Cochran
Venue:     Empire Theatre (Edinburgh)
Year:     1932
Shelfmark:     See note
This performance has musical content
Show:     Mister Cinders
Company:     Julian Wylie
Venue:     Empire Theatre (Edinburgh)
Year:     1928
Shelfmark:     See note
This performance has musical content
Show:     More Radcliffe Revels
Company:     Ace Theatrical Enterprises Ltd.
Venue:     Empire Theatre (Edinburgh)
Year:     1948
Shelfmark:     SJ4.2048
Notes:     Programme for week commencing Monday, Feb. 9th, 1948
This performance has musical content
Show:     Moulin Rouge Striptease Show
Company:     Paul Raymond presents for and on behalf of Folies Parisienne Limited.
Venue:     Empire Theatre (Edinburgh)
Year:     1957
Shelfmark:     SJ4.2048
This performance has musical content
Show:     Mr Faint-heart
Company:     Basil Foster / Tom Miller
Venue:     Empire Theatre (Edinburgh)
Year:     1931
Shelfmark:     See note
This performance has musical content
Show:     Nina Rosa
Company:     Lee Ephraim
Venue:     Empire Theatre (Edinburgh)
Year:     1931
Shelfmark:     See note
This performance has musical content
Show:     No no nanette
Company:     Bernard Delfont (by arrangement with Jack Waller)
Venue:     Empire Theatre (Edinburgh)
Year:     1943
Shelfmark:     See note
This performance has musical content
Show:     No orchids for Miss Blandish
Company:     Charles L. Tucker's Enterprises Limited
Venue:     Empire Theatre (Edinburgh)
Year:     1943
Shelfmark:     SJ4.2048
Notes:     Programme
This performance has musical content
Show:     No, no, Nanette
Company:     Bernard Delfont
Venue:     Empire Theatre (Edinburgh)
Year:     1944
Shelfmark:     SJ4.2048
Notes:     Programme
This performance has musical content
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