Scottish Theatre Programmes

Venue Browse Results

Your search returned 321 plays

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Show:     Overture "Rosamunde" (Schubert), Warsaw Bros., Up-to-date pisctures, Rhoda Paul, Peter Bermingham, The Bensons, Mlle Eldee, The Great Lafayette
Company:     Empire Palace Theatre
Venue:     Empire Theatre (Edinburgh)
Year:     1911
Shelfmark:     See note
This performance has musical content
Show:     Mister Cinders
Company:     Julian Wylie
Venue:     Empire Theatre (Edinburgh)
Year:     1928
Shelfmark:     See note
This performance has musical content
Show:     Show boat
Company:     Theatre Royal Drury Lane / United Producing Corporation
Venue:     Empire Theatre (Edinburgh)
Year:     1928
Shelfmark:     See note
This performance has musical content
Show:     White camellia
Company:     Welchman - Steel Co.
Venue:     Empire Theatre (Edinburgh)
Year:     1928
Shelfmark:     See note
Notes:     Two copies; second copy with p. [3]-[6] only.
This performance has musical content
Show:     Oh Letty!
Company:     Laddie Cliff
Venue:     Empire Theatre (Edinburgh)
Year:     1928
Shelfmark:     See note
This performance has musical content
Show:     That's a good girl
Company:     Moss' Empires / Jack Buchanan / United Producing Corporation
Venue:     Empire Theatre (Edinburgh)
Year:     1929
Shelfmark:     See note
This performance has musical content
Show:     Good news
Company:     Herbert Clayton / Jack Waller
Venue:     Empire Theatre (Edinburgh)
Year:     1929
Shelfmark:     See note
This performance has musical content
Show:     Truth game
Company:     Ivor Novello / Barry O'Brien
Venue:     Empire Theatre (Edinburgh)
Year:     1929
Shelfmark:     See note
Notes:     Two newspaper reviews loosely inserted.
This performance has musical content
Show:     Symphony in two flats
Company:     Ivor Novello
Venue:     Empire Theatre (Edinburgh)
Year:     1929
Shelfmark:     See note
Notes:     List of scenes loosely inserted.
Show:     Here comes the bride
Company:     Julian Wylie
Venue:     Empire Theatre (Edinburgh)
Year:     1929
Shelfmark:     See note
This performance has musical content
Show:     Funny face
Company:     Macdonald & Young
Venue:     Empire Theatre (Edinburgh)
Year:     1929
Shelfmark:     See note
This performance has musical content
Show:     Beau Geste
Company:     Maurice Cowan
Venue:     Empire Theatre (Edinburgh)
Year:     1929
Shelfmark:     See note
Show:     The dancing years
Company:     Tom Arnold
Venue:     Empire Theatre (Edinburgh)
Year:     193?
Shelfmark:     NH.2584
This performance has musical content
Show:     Journey's end
Company:     Clifford Hamilton / Maurice Browne
Venue:     Empire Theatre (Edinburgh)
Year:     1930
Shelfmark:     See note
Notes:     Programme for the run commencing 20th Oct
This performance has musical content
Show:     Journey's end
Company:     Maurice Browne / Clifford Hamilton
Venue:     Empire Theatre (Edinburgh)
Year:     1930
Shelfmark:     See note
Notes:     Programme for the run commencing 17th Feb.
This performance has musical content
Show:     Symphony in two flats
Company:     Ivor Novello
Venue:     Empire Theatre (Edinburgh)
Year:     1930
Shelfmark:     See note
Notes:     Newspaper review loosely inserted.
Show:     House that Jack built
Company:     Tom Arnold
Venue:     Empire Theatre (Edinburgh)
Year:     1930
Shelfmark:     See note
This performance has musical content
Show:     Co-optimists
Company:     Laddie Cliff
Venue:     Empire Theatre (Edinburgh)
Year:     1930
Shelfmark:     See note
This performance has musical content
Show:     Desert song
Company:     Theatre Royal Drury Lane
Venue:     Empire Theatre (Edinburgh)
Year:     1930
Shelfmark:     See note
This performance has musical content
Show:     World famous Pavlova - Polish wedding (Krupinski), Invitation to the dance Weber), Autumn leaves (Chopin), Divertissements (various)
Company:     Pavlova / Pierre Vladimiroff and full corps de ballet
Venue:     Empire Theatre (Edinburgh)
Year:     1930
Shelfmark:     See note
This performance has musical content
Show:     Silver wings
Company:     Herbert Clayton / Jack Waller / Moss' Empires
Venue:     Empire Theatre (Edinburgh)
Year:     1930
Shelfmark:     See note
This performance has musical content
Show:     Stand up and sing
Company:     Jack Buchanan
Venue:     Empire Theatre (Edinburgh)
Year:     1931
Shelfmark:     See note
This performance has musical content
Show:     Mr Faint-heart
Company:     Basil Foster / Tom Miller
Venue:     Empire Theatre (Edinburgh)
Year:     1931
Shelfmark:     See note
This performance has musical content
Show:     Nina Rosa
Company:     Lee Ephraim
Venue:     Empire Theatre (Edinburgh)
Year:     1931
Shelfmark:     See note
This performance has musical content
Show:     Millionaire kid
Company:     Laddie Cliff
Venue:     Empire Theatre (Edinburgh)
Year:     1931
Shelfmark:     See note
This performance has musical content
Show:     Walk this way
Company:     Archie Pitt
Venue:     Empire Theatre (Edinburgh)
Year:     1931
Shelfmark:     See note
This performance has musical content
Show:     Ware case
Company:     Gerald du Maurier
Venue:     Empire Theatre (Edinburgh)
Year:     1931
Shelfmark:     See note
This performance has musical content
Show:     Co-optimists
Company:     Laddie Cliff
Venue:     Empire Theatre (Edinburgh)
Year:     1931 - 1932
Shelfmark:     See note
This performance has musical content
Show:     London wall
Company:     Frank Gregory
Venue:     Empire Theatre (Edinburgh)
Year:     1931
Shelfmark:     See note
Show:     Late night final
Company:     Alec L Rea
Venue:     Empire Theatre (Edinburgh)
Year:     1931
Shelfmark:     See note
Notes:     Publicity material in the form of a newspaper loosely inserted.
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