Charlotte Smith Collection


Charlotte Smith Collection


The collection comprises more than 300 antiquarian maps of Scotland and environs. They range in date from 1548 to the 1880s and include many of the most important maps of Scotland and Edinburgh through that time. They also include maps of Scotland within the wider geographic context, both the British Isles and the North Sea. The maps are in exceptionally fine condition. Many are variant states of maps in the Library’s collections. It is a good example of a 21st century private collection, contrasting interestingly with the older collections in the Library, such as Newman or Marischal.

Highlights include 'Carte nuovelle d'Ecosse' by Paul de Feuille, 1706 and subsequent editions published by Ratelband, Pierre Aveline’s bird's eye view of Edinburgh 'Edinbourg, ville de l’Archevache de St Andre', around 1680, and three separate states of 'L'Ecosse suivant les nouvelles observations' by van der Aa from 1700. The collection also includes examples of maps of Scotland by Jansson, Ortelius and Mercator.


The maps have been catalogued individually and have the shelfmark 'Smith.'.


The collection was purchased directly from the collector, Mr John Smith, by the Library in 2017. It is named after his daughter Charlotte.

Related collections

Many of the maps of Scotland compare with those in the Marischal collection, see Marischal Collection.




Maps, atlases and mapmaking