Crawford French Revolutionary and Napoleonic Tracts Collection


Crawford French Revolutionary and Napoleonic Tracts Collection


A collection of around 20,000 pamphlets, journals and books, including polemical and theoretical tracts, official proclamations and decrees, published in Paris and the provinces. The writings of virtually every figure important to the Revolutionary movement are present in the collection. A notable feature is the holdings of revolutionary journals and newspapers of the period, including complete sets of Marat's 'L'ami du peuple' and the royalist riposte 'L'ami du roi', and complete runs of the 'Bulletin' of the Tribunal criminel and of its successor the Tribunal revolutionnaire. Also present are Robespierre's personal copies of all issues of his 'Le Defenseur de la Constitution' (1 June - 10 August 1792), and 'Lettres à ses commettans' (August 1792 - March 1793), as well as a complete set of Desmoulins' 'Le vieux cordelier'. The collection also contains a large amount of Napoleonic era material and even a few items relating to the 1871 Paris Commune.


Around 20% of the collection (Crawford.FR.1-1299) has been catalogued and has the shelfmark 'Crawford.FR.'. The rest of the collection is uncatalogued.


Deposited in 1988; with further additions made in 2015.




French history, language and literature

French Revolution


Napoleonic Wars