Bookindings Collection (Special and Commissioned Bindings)


Bookindings Collection (Special and Commissioned Bindings)


This collection consists mainly of prize-winning entries to the Elizabeth Soutar Bookbinding Competition, run by the Library since 1993. The competition aims to encourage the practice and development of both creative and craft binding skills which display individual expression and originality. It was sponsored by Mrs Elizabeth A Clark (formerly Soutar) of Moray from 1993 until her death in 2008, and has been continued with support from the Magnus and Janet Soutar Fund set up in memory of her parents. There are now over 100 volumes in the collection. It also includes 20th-century craft bindings acquired by the Library before 1993 and bindings commissioned by the Library to commemorate special events, such as the 300th anniversary of the inauguration of the Advocates Library in 1989.


The books have been catalogued individually and have the shelfmark 'Sp.B.'.


Most of the books have been donated. A condition of entry of Elizabeth Soutar Bookbinding Competition is that the various category winners donate their bindings to this collection. Additions continue to be made to the collection after each competition.

Online resources

Elizabeth Soutar Bookbinding Competition



