Ballantyne Collection


Ballantyne Collection


A selection of 35 volumes of mainly literary works, a number of which are association copies and all are in fine condition. The collection includes an edition of Hesiod's 'Opera Omnia', printed by Bodoni at Parma in 1785, formerly in the library of the Palazzo Pesaro Orfei, Venice. The books were in the private collection of Charles KN Ballantyne (1903-1985), of Sandbed House, Yarrow, Selkirk, a former secretary of the New Club in Edinburgh. Ballantyne pursued many scholarly interests, particularly in the works of authors such as Sir Walter Scott, Marc André Raffalovich, John Gray and Aubrey Beardsley. He was also responsible for the acquisition of many of the paintings now held in the New Club.


The books have been catalogued individually and have the shelfmark 'Ballantyne.'.


The collection was bequeathed by Charles Ballantyne and received by the Library in 1986.

Related collections

From the 1950s onwards Ballantyne donated manuscripts to the Library, including a small collection of correspondence in 1967; more literary papers, including his correspondence with Marc André Raffalovich have also been acquired by the Library, a further collection of letters, press-cuttings and catalogues was presented in 2012. The manuscripts are held at Acc.4329, Acc.4606, Acc.4630, Acc.7516, Acc.13342, MS.5406(i) and MSS.16491-16492.




Art and artists

Italian language and literature

Scottish history and literature