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Broadside regarding the murders of Sir John Hay, Andrew Gray and Janet Stewart


                                 A N   


O F    A

Horriod and Bloody Murder, com-
mitted in Kellso, by William Bol-
amgall, Shoe-Maker in Kellso.

Upon Sir John Hay, Quarter-master

to the Royal Gray's, and Andrew
Gray, his Father's Apprentce, and
Jannet Stewart their Servant Maid.

THE said William Bolamgall Shoe-maker in Kelso, Son to Andrew
Bolamgal, Dwelling in his Father's House, and as we are in-
formed, That Sir John Hay Quarter-master so the Royol Grays,
Lodging Misfortunatly there that Night, and going to Bed Peaceablely ;
without the least Quarrel betwixt them.    The Devil entering into the
Heart of the said William Bolamgal, Tempting him to committ these horrid
Murders upon three Innocent Persons without the least Provocation given
him from toy of them.

On Tuesday the 5th, of July instant, After the Famillie Was all asleep,
Save only the Servant Maid, and this Wicked Wretch, who had his
hellish Designs to Accomplish. He goes to the Bed of Andrew Gray, his
Father's Apprentice, with a Razor in his Hand, and instantly Cutt the
Throat of this Innocent young Man. And thereafter this Bloody Murder-
ing Wretch not bethinking himself of the Sin he had already committed,
of imbrueing his Hands in the Blood of his innocent Compainon, and the
Devil who had thus Prompt him to act the first Wickedness, Temps him to a
Second. And so falls upon the Innocent, Gentleman, Sir John Hay, and
Cuts his Throat likewise, and coming down Stairs, he meets Jannet Stewart
the Servant Maid, where he falls upon her and Cuts her Throat likewise.
And it's said would have Killed the whole Famillie, had not the LORD'S
Providence prevented him, by his coming to Kill another Maid, whose cry-
ing out Murder, allarmn'd the whole Town,and by this Means he was
prevented & Seiz'd, but having still the Razor in his Hand, attempted his own
Throat also. but it being perceived, was shewed up again, and a Souldier set
upon him to guard him. And the Revereud Mr. Ramsay Minister hearing of
the said fearfull Action, came to the Famillie and Exhorted them. But this
Wicked Wretch sell upon the Souldier Mr. Paterson, and Cut him in two
Places. So that this Murdering is now in Jed-burgh Prison.

EDINBURGH, Printed in the Year, 1720.

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Date of publication: 1720   shelfmark: Ry.III.c.36(051)
Broadside regarding the murders of Sir John Hay, Andrew Gray and Janet Stewart
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