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Broadside entitled 'Murder'


M U R D E R.

Full, True, and Particular Account of that most
Horrid Murder which was committed on New
year's Morning, in Dunbar Street. Canal Basin
Edinburgh, on the body of Mrs Calderhead
with a correct account of the apprehension of
the Murderers ; with an account of that awful
accident that happened on Saturday Morning,
in Milne's Court, Lawnmarket, when a woman
was burned to death.

Saturday being New Year's Day, it was usher-
ed in with all those scenes of mirth and jollity us-
ual upon such occasions in Scotland. But a time
of this kind rarely passes over, without some extra-
ordinary incident occurring to mar the happiness
and peace of some individual or family.

It is our painful duty to record an instance of
the fatal effects of people going from house to
house on New Year's Morning, when they ought
to have remained at home, and made themselves
happy with their family, and thereby shewing a
good example to the rising generation.

Murder is a crime of the greatest magnitude,
the bare recital of which, at all times, fills the mind
with horror. The circumstances attending the
commission of this Murder are of the most revolt-
ing description.

About four o'clock on New Year's Morning, a
most horrid and diabolical murder was perpetrated
in a house in Dunbar Street, near the Canal Basin,

Edinburgh__Mrs Calderhead, wife of Alexander

Calderhead, both of whom gained an honest livli-
by retailing potatoes through this town, and who
bore a very respectable character, entered a com-
pany in good health and high spirits, and was car-
ried out a. corpse. Two men, brothers, are in cus-
tody, on suspicion of being the Murderers. The
forehead of the unfortunate woman was cut and
bruised, and in the abdomen, from the lower part
upwards, there Was a wound through an extent of
about ten inches. Delicacy forbids us to be more
explicit. The unfortunate woman has left a fa-
mily of five children to deplore her untimely end.
The case is under investigation.


On Saturday Morning an old woman in Milne's
Court, Lawnmarket, was found in her house, liter-
ally burned to a cinder. How the melancholy
event took place is uncertain ; but the remains of
her body were discovered about 8 o'clock, on Sa-
turday morning, by some individual who had call
ed to see her.

John Campbell, Printer, Edinburgh.





A full,true, and particular Account of the most Horrid and Barbar-

Murder of   Mrs Calderhead, wife.of   Alexander Calderhead,

Potato Dealer,   Dunbar Street, in Fountainbridge, near the Canal

Basin, in the common stair leading to her house, between three and

four o'clock this morning, while she was engaged in innocently wel-

coming in the New Year :And also of the apprehension of two young.

men, brothers, who charged with the comission of this dreadful

crime,-being another awful warning, in addition to the terrible

piots some years ago, against the danger of keeping up the present

practice of beginning the New year.

    It is with the greatest pain that we announce to the public,that

notwith standing the generally peaceable manner in which the ushering

in of the New Year was conducted by the numerous and joyous parties

who,as is customary, pareded the street during the last night, the

year has commenced with theperpetration of a most horried and cruel

Murder, committed in the very midst of the festivities.

The forehead of the unfortunate woman was cut and bruised, and
there was a dreadful wound in the abdomen, reaching from the lower

part upwards,through an extent of about ten inches.

The victim of this dreadful crime was a Mrs Calderhead, wife of a
potato dealer, residing in Fountain Bridge, who, with his now mur-
dered wife, bad sat up to receive their New Year's visitors, and who

some time with them drinking.

When these men went away, about three o'clock in the morning,
Mrs Calderhead took the candle and shewed them down stairs.

In a short time afterwards, Mr Calderhead, on going to look for his
wife, found her at the foot of the stairs, a lifeless corpse !

The brothers, under these circumstances, have been apprehended on
suspicion. In the present stage of the matter, it would be improper

to mention their names.

The deceased was about forty years of age.


(From The Courant of this morning.)

Early on the morning of Saturday last, Mrs Calderhead, Dunbar
street; near Lochrin, came by her death under rather singular circum-

stances. In the morning,whena first-footing we believe she en-

countered two men on her own stair, between whom and herself there
had been some previous grudge. Words ensued, and were followed
by blows and kicks, and in the scuffle the unfortunate woman was
thrown down stairs to the flat below. Whether in the fall or from a ,
stab after she fell, it has not been exactly ascertained, bbt she received
a wound in the abdomen, which caused such a lots of blood that she
died in a short time. Two men, labourer at the canal,are in custody,
supected of being concerned in this outrage. The deceased was well

known in Edinburg; she usually accompanied her husband in
hawking potatoes in a cart through the streets. she has left five



Two Gentleman; (brothers.) and an old Lady, the keeper of
lodging house, were charged by a hackney coach preprietor with for
cibly taking possession of his coach, at the Palace Yard, on the even
ing of the 19th. cart.

One of the defenders stated that he ought to have been the com

plainer,-and that after the present case was investigated he would

prefer a charge against the complainer. He then went on to state
that on Sunday week he and his brother had dined in the New Town;
and in the evening they had engaged the coachman to drive them to
their lodgings at the foot of the Canongate. When they alighted the
complainer claimed 7s. 6d. as his hire ; but they (the defender
knowing the regular fare to be 2s. 3d. refused to pay the complainer
any thing, and wished to know the number of his coach, which he
prevented them from learning, by placing his back against the door.
They (the defenders) then mounted the dicky, with the intention
of detaining the coach. A scuffle then ensued, and one of them got
his cloke (which was entirely made of fur,) torn from the collar to the

The complainer denied the truth of the defenders' statement, and
.said that it could be proved by a man who had been on the dicky
with him at the time, but who was BOW it Dunkeld. He offered.
however, to pay the expense of bringing the man to Edinburgh. it
the case wero' continued for eight days. The complainer further
stated that he bad gone into the defenders' lodgings with the intention
of taking some article of furniture to pay his fare; but the landlaer.
becoming afraid .of her property, went OK and took the horses by the
head, and he was then' obliged to leave the house to took after his

The case was continued.

Forbes and Owen, Printers, 136, High Street

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Date of publication: 1831   shelfmark: Ry.III.a.2(104)
Broadside entitled 'Murder'
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