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Broadside entitled 'S.Byrne &c.'



A Full, True and Particular account, from the Scotsman Newspaper of this morning, and other authentic sources, of the great, alarming, and fatal Riots in Glasgow, between the Scotch and Irish, in consequence of the Death of Mackay the Boxer, attended with the Murder of three men, and of a foot solder, and the partial destruction of the Roman Catholic Chapel: and also of a Regiment of Solders having joined in the tumult, which was only quelled at last by the Dragoons, after some hundred persons had been apprehended. Here you have also a true account of the verdict by the Coroner's inquest. held on the body of poor Mackay, against Simon Byrne and all who were present aiding and abetting at the fight.

March of Barbarity. ? It will be seen by a paragraph inserted in another part of this paper, that the grand display of ruffianism for the championship of England, excited an unusual sensation among the lower orders in Glasgow.

A gentleman who was present states that from the head of the Gallogate to the Candleriggs, there was a greater crowd awaiting the arrival of the London Mail and English coaches on Saturday afternoon, that was seen at any of the most momentous periods during the time of the late war.

The brawls that followed the intelligence respecting the result of the fight caused the apprehension of upwards of 200 persons, and led to the death of an unfortunate young man. ?Scotsman

Glasgow. ? This city, especially the lower parts of it, has been the scene of continual riot and fighting for two days past, and the Police Office was more crowded with offenders on Sunday than ever it has been in the memory of the oldest servant of the establishment. Early in the morning there were many regular pugilistic contests in the Green, and notwithstanding the difficulty of apprehending delinquents in such as situation, the officers succeeded in securing a number of the ringleaders. This most unseemly conduct is to be attributed altogether to the extraordinary excitement created amongst a certain class, in consequence of the boxing match betwixt Byrne and Mc'Kay (the latter of whom belongs to this city), as cried throughout the streets. But it is likely, if the report of McKay's death be true, that such a punishment may await some of those more particularly concerned in that affair as will put a check to such atrociously disgraceful and brutalising exhibitions in future. If Scotland has lost his champion, the only one she ever had in the ring, it is to be hoped a long time may elapse ere she shall have the honour of another. ? Glasgow Herald.

Another person who has arrived in this City of Glasgow, states that the riots there have been of the most serious and alarming description.

The disturbances in the High Street and Saltmarket were attended with very fatal results, ? no less than four men, ? one of them a foot soldier, having lost their lives. When the dead body of the soldier was carried to the Barracks, the whole of his Regiment turned out into the street, adding frightfully to the previous disorder.

The Dragoons, on the requisition of the Lord Provost, were now employed to quell the riot of the citizens and the tumult of the foot soldiers, and to apprehend the persons composing the mobs, and the murderers. A great number of persons were in consequence taken into custody, and lodged in the jail and other places of security.

Before the tumult was effectually quelled, however, and while the exasperation continued, the mob had repaired to Great Clyde Street, and there broke the windows of the Roman Catholic Chapel, and otherwise destroyed that building.


A coroner's inquest was held on Saturday in the Watt's Arms, on the body of Mackay, when the Jury returned a verdict of "Manslaughter" against Simon Byrne in particular, and generally against all persons aiding, abetting and encouraging the contest, leaving it, of course, to those who may hereafter think proper to prosecute, to select such persons as, upon oath, may be proved to have taken part in the affray. The Coroner afterwards issued his warrant for the interment of the deceased, who was buried in Hanslope church-yard, in a most respectable manner, in the presence of a large assemblage of the inhabitants of the village, who seemed deeply to sympathise in his fate.

Melancholy Accident ? A gentleman, who left Glasgow yesterday at noon, has favoured us with the details of a most melancholy accident, which happened on Monday, in the Clyde of Helensburgh. Three gentlemen hired two sailors and a small boat, to go out on a fishing excursion, and, whether from misfortune or mismanagement must ever remain unknown, the boat overset, and the whole five men perished.

We have been favoured with the names of the unfortunate gentlemen, but as tow of them held high stations in literature and the third was a very respectable manufacturer, we consider that it would be imprudent to publish them, and thereby cause their friends great uneasiness, before we are quite sure that there names are accurately stated. ? Scotsman.

Forbes and Owen, Printers, 118, High-street, first stair within the Close.


A full, true, and particular Report, as it appears in the Sun London Newspaper, received by this day's London Mail, of the Proceedings at the Northfolk Assizes, against Simon Byrne, the Boxer, for killing Sandy Mackay, in the great fight between these two Champions, together with the finding of the Grand Jury, not only against Simon Byrne, but against George Cooper, of the City of Edinburgh, Reuben Martin, Thomas Cribb, and Thomas Reynolds, as Aiders and Abettors.

Norfolk Circuit, - Buckingham, July 20.

Mr Justice Littledale and Mr Justice J. Parke having arrived in this town yesterday afternoon, proceeded to open the commission with the established ceremonies; and this morning, after attending divine service, the former learned Judge took his seat in the Crown Court, the latter in the Nisi Prius.

The town is thronged with people of all ranks from the neighbouring villages, who are all anxiety to hear the trial of Byrne, who is charged with the death of McKay, in a late prize fight, near this place.

It is rumoured that Cribb and the other parties said to be implicated in the affair, will surrender to take their trial in the event of the grand Jury returning a true bill against them.

The Calendar contains a case of much novelty - three young men, -- in husbandry, are charged with having feloniously administered Spanish flies (cantharides) in beer to a young woman (sister to one of the prisoners) at a country feast, by which she died. It is not suggested that they had any intention of injuring the girl, but that the drug was given under the influence of a vulgar notion which prevails respecting to it.

The Grand Jury have returned true bills against Simon Byrne, Reuben Martin, Thomas Cribb, Thomas Reynolds, and George Cooper, for the manslaughter of M'Kay, in the late prize-fight at Hanslope. They take their trial in the morning.

A full, true and particular account of the most shocking and lamentable Murder of a Girl 16 years of age, by her own Parents, by suffocating her between two feather beds, because she had been bitten by a mad dog; ? and also an account of the proposals made in England to Execute Dobie and Thomson at Gilmerton, for their cruel and unprovoked Murder of Margaret Paterson.

Hydrophobia ? Horrible Case ? As melancholy a case of this description as had yet presented itself, lately occurred in the neighbourhood of Kilnelag, in the county of Galway.

A young girl, between sixteen and seventeen years of age, whilst in the act of milking a cow, was bit by a rabid dog The poor girl, perceiving the dog approaching the cow, thought to prevent it by striking it with the tin vessel she intended for the milk; the dog, however, bit the cow, and subsequently bit the poor girl. In a very short time symptoms of hydrophobia were observed. And to such a degree was she affected that her parents put an end to her sufferings by placing her between two feather beds and press down the upper one, suffocated her. In four days from the time she was bit she was a lifeless corpse.

This is the second time we have seen it stated in the provincial journals that sufferers from hydrophobia have been suffocated by their relatives. This is dreadful; and it should be impressed upon the minds of the country people that, in doing so, they are guilty of murder. ? There are many cases of disease which they mistake for hydrophobia, and take away the life of a fellow creature who would, if subjected to proper medical treatment or perhaps without, be restored to sound health when the paroxysm had passed. ? Irish paper.

The Gilmerton Carters. ? The practice of hanging in chains has long been discontinued in Scotland; otherwise it might have been used in such as case as the above with much propriety. To execute criminals on the spot where the crime was perpetuated, is not as rare; it was practised in the case of an unprovoked murder not many years ago. Why it was not ordered in regard to the present murder, which was equally unprovoked and infinitely more revolting, does not appear. If life be taken away at all, surely every circumstance which can give solemnity and power to the example ought to be sedulously studied. ? Spectator

Forbes and Owen, Printers, 110, High Street,

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Probable date published: 1830   shelfmark: Ry.III.a.2(100)
Broadside entitled 'S.Byrne &c.'
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