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Broadside entitled 'Rumour of Burking in Leith'




Burking in Leith.

A Full, True, and Interesting Account of
the Serious Rumours at present afloat of
Two Fish-Women being missed in Leith
within a few days past, and of their bodies
having been found hidden in a barrel,?
as also of the apprehension of the suspect-
ed individual.

A subject which, if true, is in some de-
gree paralell to the atrocious deeds of the
notorious Burke and Hare, at present forms
the all-engrossing subject of conversation a-
mong all classes of society in the town of
Leith and its neigbhourhood.

The transaction having but lately occurred,
and it being impossible for us during the in-
vestigation of such cases, (even judging from
its features so currently reported), to give
any thing like a correct statement thereof,
we trust we shall not be liable to any serious
imputation of incorroctness in communicat-
ing to the public, the following detached,
and in many respects contradictory acounts
so current among the inhabitants of the
town where transaction is said to have taken

It appears that two poor women who were
in the constant habit of earning their sub-
sistence   by the   laborious   and   industrious
occupation of gathering shell-fish, and dis-
posing of them to the inhabitants of the sur-
rounding country, were understood to have
been up very early one morning in the latter
end of last week, to go to the Black Rocks,
for the purpose of pursuing their nsual avo-
cations, and not returning again, iheir ab-
sence created a general surmise among their
acquaintances as to their fate.    In the course
of their conjectures, it is said it was assert-
ed, that the place they were last seen at that
morning, was at or near to a Mr A----n's re-
siding near the shore.    In consequence of
this, it is said, that he was strongly suspect-
ed of some unfair conduct towards the missed
individuals, and a great mob assembled near
his house, threatening him with instant de-
struction,   when the police interfered,   and
conveyed him to the office, where, it is said,
he still remains, as some say, for protection,
others for investigation.

Other accounts say, that the bodies were
discovered from the smell, hidden in a large
barrel or hogshead.

It is also rumoured, that the individual
implicated in this transaction, had been for-
merly known, or suspected to have had a
hand in something of the same nature be-

For the truth of any of the above reports,
we cannot attempt to vouch, but such are
the rumours in general afloat among the
people ;?though it appears to us most likely
the upshot of the affair will turn out to be,
that the unfortunate individuals were sur-
rounded by the sea, and perished in a wa-
tery grave.

Edinburgh, Printed for George Craig,
Price One Penny.

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Probable date published: 1831   shelfmark: L.C.Fol.74(119)
Broadside entitled 'Rumour of Burking in Leith'
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