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Broadside entitled 'Narrow Escape of a Gentleman from Murder'


Narrow Escape of a Gen-
tleman from MURDER.

A strange and comical account of Three Gentlemen who
left Edinburgh, and sailed in the ECLIPSE Steam
                Packet for Belfast. and having large sums of money in
in their possession, they proposed to sleep in one room ;
when scarcely asleep, one of them imagined he saw a man,
and gave the alarm to the other two, and slipt out of bed
to seize him ; his companions taking him for the Robber,
laid hold of a chair and nearly deprived him of life, until
the landlord entered with a candle, and found him wel-
tering in his blood?Taken from yesterday's Ed',nburgh

A ludicrous incident,   which was nigh leading to a fatal
result, occurred at a respectable hotel in Belfast, on Saturday week.                                                                         Three Scottish gentlemen, whose names we forbear men-
tioning, having arrived in the ECLIPSE Steam Packet, put
up at the hotel.    They had a considerable sum of money in
their posession, and for their better security, they proposed
to sleep together in one room, and were accordingly accom-
modated with a threr-bedded one. Some time after they had
retired, while imagination was perhaps, conjuring up dire-
ful tales of blood-thirsty robbers and midnight assassinations,
one of the watchful trio suddenly exclaimed, 'I see a man !'
This annunciation was instantly followed by the gentleman
starting up, in order to   secure the door,   and prevent the
escape of the robber:   while,   cautiously slipping out from
the curtains, he was espied by one of his terror-struck com-
panions, who, thinking he was the robber,   quickly sprang
sprang forward,   seized a chair,   and attacked him with des-
perate fury.    The third individual also joined in the attack,
and the   consequence was likely to be   dreadful.    At this
moment, the noise having aroused the landlord and some of
his servants, they flew towards the bed-room,   and forced
the door.

A light being introduced, the reader may judge the aston-
ishment of the parties, when it was discovered that the sup-
posed BLOODY ROBBER was no other than their own
companion, who lay speechless , covered with wounds, and
weltering in his blood ! Surgical aid was immediately
procured, and the unfortunate Caledonian, who had been
dreadfully wounded, is now in a fair way of recovery.

Some idea may be formed of the violence inflicted on
him, when we mention that the chair, a strong mahogany
one, was literally dashed to pieces in the conflict.

Also, an Account of a DREADFUL RIOT which took
place at Maghera, in Ireland , on Thursday last, 12th June,
berween the Orangemen and Ribbandmen, with the num-
ber of the, killed and wounded on both sides.

(From a Belfast Paper.)

We are sorry to have to state, that on Thursday last, the
12th instant, at the fair of Maghera, Dorry, disturbances
originating in party spirit broke out to an alarming degree.

About six o'clock in the evening, an immense number of
Ribbandmen assembled int he town, and proceeded to attack
a house in which an Orange Lodge meets, and broke the
windows, &c. A small party of the 77th regiment, consist-
ing of an ensign, sergeant, and Eleven men, stationed at
Maghera, were called upon by the Rev. Mr Colthurst to
quell the Riot, but were obliged to retire to the barracks.
A second time were the soldiers called out, and a second
time forced to retire. The Orangemem at last, assisted by
a party of Yeomanry, drove the Ribbandmen out of town.

The Ribbandmen suffered severely ; nine were killed,
and between sixty and seventy wounded. One Orangeman
was killed, and several of that party severely wounded .

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Probable period of publication: 1820-1830   shelfmark: L.C.Fol.74(084)
Broadside entitled 'Narrow Escape of a Gentleman from Murder'
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