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Broadside entitled 'Forty Whiteboys Sentenced to Death!!'



An Account of the Proceedings of the Special Commission at Cork
for the Trials of the Whiteboys, when nearly FORTY unfor-
tunate Human Beings received the awful sentence of Death; se-
veral of whom were ordered for Execution on Monday last 25th day
of Feb., 1822, and their bodies to be given for Dissection.

      CORK, FEBRUARY 18.

THIS day, at nine o'clock,the Judges M'-
Clelland and Moore, came into Court,
which from an early hour, was crowded to ex-
cess in all parts by persons of the highest re-

Fourteen men were put to the bar, charged
with having at Carriganisi, in this county, on
the 24th day of January assembled illegally in
company with some other persons, and hav-
ing fired a gun at the liege subjects of the
King. The Jury found the following ten pri-
soners guilty?D. Murphy, D. Reardon, Pa-
trick Lehane, Pat. Breen, T. Gogg n, Corne
lius Buckley, Cornelius Lucy, Jerem. Hurley,
Humphry Hincy, and J. Kellaher. Four were

The Court met again on Tuesday, when o-
ther fifteen men were brought before them,
charged with having assembled with arms on
the 25th of January last, near Macroom, and
with having fired on two of the Magistrates.
The Jury returned a verdict of Guilty against
twelve of the prisoners.                  

On Wednesday the Court continued its sit-
tings, when eight more were convicted under
the Whiteboy Act.

On Thursday J. Leary and G. Cotter were
found guilty of compelling T. Evans to deliver
up a sword. The wounded appearance of E-
vans excited expressions of horror and pity
from all present, and shewed the barbarity
with which he had been treated. He was
borne into Court, and supported whilst giving
his evidence. D. Cronin, E. Brien, were
found, guilty of unlawfully assembling on the
21st of Jan last, and firing on the Earl of Ban-
try and several Magistrates, at the head of a
civil and military force. Cronin was recom-
mended to mercy; being subject to fits.

On Friday, Cornelius Rylahan, John Ma-
hony, and Daniel Bryan, were found guilty of
aiding in the murder of Hugh Cologan, on the
31st of January last, when the Churchtown
barracks were burned by a party of the White-
boys, and two police officers murdered. Mr.
Justice Moore then proceeded to pass sentence
upon them, which he did with solemn effect,
and ordered them for execution on Monday
last(25th Feb.,) and their bodies to be dis.
sected and anatomised.

When the Jury who tried the last case were
deliberating on their verdicts the several pri-
soners who had been convicted during the Com-
mission, were brought to the bar, to be sen-
tenced, which painful duty was performed by
Baron M'Clelland, with an impressive solem-
nity which, it, is to be hoped,reached the hearts
of those to whom it. was immediately addressed
with as much effect as it did those of the au-
ditory. Towards the conclusion of his ad-
dress, the Learned Judge intimated that a se-
lection had been made of the cases of the pri-
soners, that some of there were to undergo at
an early day the ignominious end to which
their crimes had brought them, while the ex-
istence of the others would be prolonged to a
more distant day, and if in the interval tran-
quillity was restored, a perfect change effected
in the disposition and conduct of the peo-
ple, and a surrender of arms, mercy may be
extended to them; but if there were not these
demonstrations of returning peace and tran-
quiliity, their doom was certain The Baron
then proceeded to pass the awful sentence of
the law on the thirty-two persons who had
been capitally converted, intimating that the
recommendation of the Jury as to three of them
would be transmitted to the proper quarter.

The last lrish Papers we lament to say, fur-
nish more than the usual number of atrocities,
and among them is to be found one care of
such preeminent wickedness, such unmanly
and beastly barbarity, as proves that the sa-
vages of Munster have not only renouncod the
laws of their country and their God, but have
divested themselves of the frist instincts of the r
nature. They carried off nine of the wives,
belonging to the Soldiers of the Rifle Brigade
and violated the whole of their persons. The
wars of the Cherokees and Osages, of North
America, or the Malays or Dahomians of A-
frica, furnish no parallel for th s loathsome -
bomination, before which murders and house-
breakings rise into comparative innocence.?
Nothing could equal the feelings of the injured
and incensed soldiery; and but for the lauda-
ble persuasions of their offices, the retributive
consequences might have been dreadful.

John Muir, Printer. Glasgow.

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Date of publication: 1822   shelfmark: L.C.Fol.73(026)
Broadside entitled 'Forty Whiteboys Sentenced to Death!!'
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