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Broadside entitled 'Discovery of a Most Shameful and Infamous Den'





This day is Published,   the   Full Particulars of the
Proceedings   which have been lately carried on in that
Infamous Den in St David's Street,   Edinburgh ;   with
the examination of Mr and Mrs Balfour, and 2 young
Ladies,    belonging   to    that   Splendid   Establishment,
charged with decoying female children from the School,
and enticing from their Parents, for the vile intentions,
of certain beastly Noblemen and Gentlemen who are in
the habit of frequenting that abominable house.

It is seldom our painful duty to have to record a
case so degrading as the one we are about to present
to the public. Humiliating as the case certainly is,
the publishing of it way be the means of putting parents
and guardians of youth on the alert?of guarding against
the machinations of such vile seducers?and let those
beasts in the shape of gentlemen who encourage such
abominable practices know, that ways and means may
be used to stigmatize their name and blast their reput-
tion?The following is taken from the Scotsman.

ATROCIOUS CASE?A man and woman of the name of Balfour
keepers of a brothel in St David Street?a dashing courtizan?and a
young female were on Friday brought to the bar of the Police Court,
on a charge of entising a girl of 14 years of age into their house, and
with cetaining her against her will,   from the afternoon of Tuesday
till the forenoon of Wednesday last.    It appeared from the evidence
that the younger prisoner (a girl adout 15 years of age ) was gener-
ally employed   as a decoy to entice young females into this den of
infamy; and that,   within   a very short period, a   large number had
become her victims, one of whom, as well as the child on whose ac-
count this charge was brought forward, was examined as a witness.
The details given by this child are af the most revolting and atrocious
it is possible to conceive.    The children   were   first decoyed to the
house on a pretext of paying a visit, treated with great kindness, and
showy trinkets and dresses promised to them.    On a repetition of one
or two such visits they were generally detained?and, as swo rn to by
the little girl who was destined to be the last victim--forcibly detain-
ed- This child stated that she was decoyed from school, but un-
fortunately there were no witnesses to corroborate her forcible de-
tention. The prisoners were accordingly dismissed, after a serious
admonition from Bailie Thomson, which along with the burst of
execration from the audiencs at their dismissal, is likely to ring in
their ears till the day of their death.


The Authorities for the   last   two or three days, have been engaged
in the investigation of a charge of a most brutal and revolting nature
brought against   a brothel   keeper, and which   has excited   a feeling
little short of that   experienced at   the   detection of Burke and his
associates .   A poor   little   girl aged 13, the daughter of a respectable
tradesman, stated that she had been enticed   into the   house alluded
to, and kept in close confinement for   two days, when she was toreed
into the company of a BRUTE, who   behaved   to her in a manner too
shocking to be related.    A great many witnesses, were examined, but
ulimately the Magistrate dismissed the case for want of proof.    It
was also stated that a regular practice   of decoying   young females
had been carried on   for some time, and the names or nicknames of
several gentlemen connected with this thriving establishment given.
We fearlessly tell the Public Authorities,   whose duty
It is to look after such matters,   not shrink from doing
their duty;   that the description of some   individuals
caused of promoting and   carrying   on the above base,
and unmanly crimes bave been stated, and that neither
wealth nor station should b sufficient to shield them,

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shelfmark: F.3.a.13(119)
Broadside entitled 'Discovery of a Most Shameful and Infamous Den'
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