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Broadside entitled 'Fearful Accident!'


Fearful Accident!

Four Lives Lost.

A Full and Particular Account of a most dreadful
circumstance which happened on Tuesday the 18th
February instant, in consequence of the escape,
from Wombwell's Menagerie, of the celebrated
Lion, Wallace, and a large Tigress, by which me-
lancholy accident, Four Human Beings were de-
stroyed !!!

A melancholy accident occurred at Wombwell's Menagerie, in con-
sequence of the lion, Wallace, and a large tigress escaping from the
caravan at Worksworth, on Tuesday night last, on the way to New-
haven fair. It appears that the drivers were putting the vans into
the yard of the White Lion Inn, when a carriage, laden with timber,
came in contact with the one in which the celebrated lion Wallace,
who contended with and defeated the dogs at Warwick, and a very
large tigress, were kept, and staved in the whole side of the vehicle.
Every pains possible were taken to prevent the beasts obtaining their
liberty, by repairing the van as well as circumstances would permit,
and by closing the gates of the yard ; but in the course of the night,
the beasts, being by nature restless, by some means removed one of
the broken pannels, and succeeded in making their escape by the
back yard into the fields, where the tigress attacked a number of
sheep, and killed three. The lion, finding himself at liberty, was by
no means idle, but falling in with some cows belonging to Mr Wil-
son, killed one, and severely wounded two others. The bleating of
sheep, the lowing of the cows, and the roaring of the lion, aroused
the keepers and several of the inhabitants, when instant pursuit was
made by the whole body in order to kill, or, if possible, to retake
them. They first discovered the lion about three or four fields dis-
tant, seeding on the cow which had fallen a victim to his unresisti-
ble fury. They immediately fronted him as well as their fears
would admit, and several shots were fired, though contrary to the
orders of the keeper, by which the lion was severely wounded.
The infuriated animal suddenly rushed upon a man who was at
some distance from him, and before assistance could be rendered,
he unfortunately killed him. He then dashed into a cow-shed,
where, by the well-known voice of the keepers, and their able ma-
nagement, he was secured, and lodged in a place of safety without
further mischief. The party then went in pursuit of the tigress,
which had taken another direction, and had fallen in with some
persons going to work at the brickfields.

The animal attacked a woman with a child in her arms, and a
boy of about 11 years of age, all of whom were killed before assis-
tance arrived. On the party coming up they were horror-struck at
the spectacle. Every exertion was made to secure the animal, but
it was not before she was so dangerously wounded as not to be ex-
pected to recover, that that object could be effected. On the fol-
lowing day an inquest was held, when, after a patient investigation,
a verdict of Accidental Death was returned, deodand £10 on the
beasts. Too much praise cannot be given to Mr Wombwell on the
promptness he displayed on hearing the melancholy accident. He
expressed the utmost concern, ordered the funerals of the sufferers
to take place at his expense, and promised to make good all damages
arising from the melancholy event.?Northampton Herald.

The following paragraph, which is of a different character from
the above, we copy from this day's Observer, as being rather a
ludicrous circumstance:?

STRANGE BED-FELLOW.?On the morning of Saturday week, an
old woman, residing in a house on the Castle Hill, was unspeaka-
bly surprised, on awakening from her night's rest, to find a strange
animal lying at her back,with one of its paws laid over her shoulder.
Screaming with affright, she left her bed, and seizing a towel, she
beat it with all her might, when, with one bound, it sprung to the
farthest corner of the room, and at length took refuge in another
bed which stood in the same apartment. When the poor woman
had a little recovered from her alarm, and had dissipated the idea
that it was a visitor from the nether regions, she remembered that
a collection of wild beasts were at present exhibiting on the
Mound, and began to suspect that her visitor belonged to the num-
ber. She immediately went and called upon Mr Wombwell, when
it was discovered that one of the kangaroos had made its escape
during the night, and going up to the Castle Hill, had found this
poor woman's door open, and, upon examination, finding that it might be as com-
pletely accommodated beside her as in its own den in the menageric, betook itself
to rest, which, however, was broken in upon in the morning in the manner we have
mentioned. The kangaroo was returned to Mr Wombwell, who handsomely re-
munerated the woman for its night's lodgings. [MENZIES, Printer.

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Probable date of publication: 1835   shelfmark: F.3.a.13(115)
Broadside entitled 'Fearful Accident!'
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