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Broadside entitled 'Shocking and Disgraceful Murder'




Full, true and particular Account of the horrid
and cruel Murder of James Gough of the
Roval Artillery, who was barbarously stoned
to death by three men, on Sunday night;
Together with the apprehension of the

Taken from this Day's Observer, Aug. 14.

A dreadful Murder was committed near Ballin-
tyne, on Sunday night, the perpetrators of which
we expect will be shortly brought to answer for
the crime at the bar of justice.    The facts   as
they were stated to us; are?some countrymen
had been drinking at the canteen up to 8 o'clock,
at which time they were ordered to retire to
their   homes,   but one refused,   asserting   that
he would not be put out by any soldier."
This led to some altercation, and when the or-
derly non-commissioned officer told them he was
directed to make them quit, they still persisted
in refusing, which induced him to take the most
refractory fellow by the collar to send him out
of the room    This man struck the orderly, and
a scuffle ensued, when some of the guard, com-
posed of Lancers, came up and cleared the can-
teen.    When the countrymen were quitting the
barrack gate, some of them were heard to say,
that they would revenge themselves on the first;
soldier they would meet.    Shortly   after   this,
and before 9 o'clock, three artillery soldiers were
returning to barracks from a walk, when two of
them   being   about thirty yards of advance   of
their comrade, the country fellows saluted them
with " Goodnight, boys," which the soldiers re-
turned ; but they had only proceeded a short
distance,   when they heard a cry of " dont hurt
or   kill   the   man," they,   accordingly, returned
back to the assistance of their comrade, but too
late, for the brutal ruffians actually stoned him?
and he survived only a few hours.    Major Gal-
wey, Inspector of the Cons'ublary, and Magis-
trate of the couny, has apprehended several per-
sons who are strongly   suspected being of the
party, and through his exertions sanguine hopes are enter-
tained, that in it few days all the Murderers will be in cus-

An Inquest will be held on the body to-day, when much
important information is expected to be elicited. The crime
has caused great generation in that neighbourhood, and filled
the minds of all with horror and disgust.

The deceased was a young man named Gough, and bore
an excellent character in the company.


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Possible date of publication: 1832-1833   shelfmark: F.3.a.13(22)
Broadside entitled 'Shocking and Disgraceful Murder'
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