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hey were ; but they found in the Chimney the more simpudent and audacious; and that
cnuGh Paper-Alihes,\ and Chewed part thereof Traiterous, Seditious arid Scapdalous Papers,
n. Court; and that the Chimney was, very hot. Books and Libels ( through' impunity ), are
but no f ire there ; which was like.wi;(e..-%orn;. 'jgreatly .'.thukiply’d; and increas’d, which has
jy the Watchman and leveral others. 7 made it now iridifpenlably necellary for Their
Mr; Stephens, the Meffenger of the Prels, de- Maiefties Honour and Safety, and the preietva-
pofed, That he had often found this Mr. Can** tion of the Peace and Tranquility of thefe King*
ring to be a very huly man,, ancf difaffe6fed to* dotns^ to* exert the Publick Juftice of the Na^
the Governmerlt; and had taken' a private Prefs tionV and to put the Laws in execution againft
of his, and many Seditious Papers; for which fuch Offenders, until fush TraJyterous and In-
be had been formerly in Cuftody feveral times, corrigible fnftruments (hall be made fenfible of
Tp all which Evidence the ifrilbners were their Crimesi And yet even in*the Gale of the
demanded what they could fay for themfelves. Prifoners at the Bar, the rigour of the Law is
They both denied all, and con fed: they had no not et tended to the Height, the Offence being
occafion that Night to be abroad ; but having in it felf no lefs than High-Treafon ;. yet theln-
accidencly met at the Half-Moon Tavern about diffment is for a Mifdemeanour only, hoping
Eight or Nine onfS4turday Night, frrirn thence this might be a‘ Caution to othersTor thefuture;
they took a walk into the Fields towards iiW- led: they fall under a more fevere and
rey, and coming back, were taken ; but could Condemnation, ’
not prove they had any dccafiou, nor where
they were till thaf time. f '
They alfoinfifted, that it was hard to prove
jhey were the Men that Mr. Brown and the
And the Jury having confidered of the Evi¬
dence , found both the Prjfbners guilty of the
Offences mentioned in the Indictment.
And the Court having confuited of the
Watchman met, nor thefe the fame Papers Judgment, Mr. Recorder pronounc’d it thus
[Bat were then found. f oto tlSfePrifoiters at the Far, fird: declaring the
To which the Witneffes anfwered, .That nature of their Crime, and the fatal Coafe-
Mr. Brown did know Mr. Canning after he was (juences of what they cfefign<3 by it. v ,
taken , and that they had mark’d the Papers, That the tourc had conddered of their Oft
ind were Certain they werie the fame Perfbns fence; and fikewife of their Inability to pay a
ind Papers. # ^ Fine proportionable to it; and therefore re-^
I And the Watchman affirmed that he found fblv’d to inflid: upon them a Punifhment, part
ipt any Paper lit the ^orporal.^ arid part Pecu-ntary,arid did impofe
hironers,, and jud after they had paff him, upon theATi the Fine of ^oo Marks apiece , and
te found ftveral. Arid he arid Mf• Brown fur- f to ftaiid in the Pillory t wkhout Temple-Bar
her proves. That no Perfon was feen by them one day; and at.the May-pole in the Strand a
to that time and place , but the Prifbriers fecond day ; and at C haring'Crofs a third day:
»rily ; and that from the time they firft faw and to lie in Cuftody till their Fines were paid;
hem, they did not lofe the fight of them until and they fhould find Sureties for their good be-
hey went into Coleman-All), in which they did
pprehend them. ,
And theCourt having heard thePrifbnersDe^
ence with great patience,Mr.Recorder fummxt
jp the Evidence to the Jury ; And further trild
hem, That thefe Nations had been wondfcr-
bfly aelivered from Popery and Arbitrary Go* ,
/eminent; arid that ever ffee the' Eftablifh-
tient of Their Prefent Majefiies upon tho
rhrone, the Haild of Divine Providence had
jVidently appear’d in the Prefer vat ion ofTifieir
Petfbfis and Covernmeat,'notwith(landing the :
Power and Treachery both of Their Open and
Their Secret Enemies. And that the Lenity
md Patience of the Government towards Of¬
fenders of this kind had been highly manifeft ;
n hopes by fair and gentle means to contiliare
hem to the Preferit Government, and to win
hem to a quiet and-dutiful deportment to-
vafds it. Yet notwithftanding It was very
iViderit, that thefe arid oth^r Evil-difpos’d Per¬
rons, did take incouragemeric thereby to grow
haviour for a Twelvemonth.
A D V E R T I S E M £ N T S.
> A Short latrodo^ioii to Enghfk Orthography; or the Method
of True Spelling. Publifhed for the Common Good, and efp6-
cially for the ufe of a Private Grammer and Writing-School ia
Wbite-Crefs- Street. By Richard Mather, SchoOlmafter. 12®.
Printed for Thp. Gockerill at the Three Legs in the Poultrey.
The Charge of the Right Honourable Earl of Warrington, to
-the Grand Juty- at the Quarter-Seffions held for the County of
' Chefier. Qn the 1 ith of OFtobcr, i6<?2.
mm Printed for Ric. Baldwin.' »
Thefe are to give notice to all Perfms for the benefit of the Publich^
That W.Elmy/Pra/f^ir of Phyfick, andO^Qf tor,of knovmIntegrity^
Kandi above a c Years Prffttce , liveth at Blue Bali Whaley
Bone-Court, at the lower end of Bartholomew-Lane, 'by the Royal-
Exchange. yvho thofi fafely and exyeditioufly cures Deafnefs, and
Noife in the Ears, in any; of what jige foever, ( if curable )' and]
at fir(l (ighf by infpettion refolves the Patient, if fo or not, a$ mojf
eminent Perfins of Quality in this City can tejlifie. I have Remediet
ready prepared for the prefervation o[ the Hearing in thofe who through^
feme great def etts in the Sounding Membrane, and other Impediments in\
. the Auditory Paffages are not perfectly cilrable ,,which Remedies pre-
ferves them from ever growing worfe , and improves their Hearing
Old Age. Th'at you may not mi flake and go to a falfe Pretender , myt
Houfe is at the Blue-Ball, as aforefaid, you may feejt as,you come
to the Court. |
I PS)/D O N: jPrmtedfgr RithsriJitfimn, jisarthe Qxfw.i Jrnn/w

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