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nomination for one of the four Citizens & fevve in ’
ikccnfuir/g'parliament , which his Lord (hip re fu- s
(cd, and made it his rcqueft , That the Hall would
^reve naming him ; and that the late members be¬
ing worthy good Ehglilh men, and true Prbrfe-
flants, recommended them to their refpeft and no-
Then thb Court proceeded to their Eleiflion
(the Hall crying out they would have no other in
nomination but ,the four fete members) but fome
perforts delirtng that others might be in nominati¬
on, that I'o the Ele&iOn mighf appear more free,
accordingly leverat Aldermen were put up wfith
them » but the Election fell unanimoufly upon the
four late Members. Whereupon the Sheriffs imme¬
diately proceedeJ to the declaration of their opi¬
nion , That the. Ejection fell upon tHe four late
Members, viz Sir Knight, Aider-
man, Thomas Tilkjngton E(q, Alderman, Sir Tho»
mas PlayerKnight, Chamberlain , and William
Lotiy Efq»n ifcni
The Elea ion being thus over, the Hall prefent*
ed a Paper to the Sheriffs, purporting an Addrefs
to the four Members \ which being read and ap¬
prov’d of byE general aflTent, was as followetfe.
To the Honoured Sir Robert Clayton,
Knight, Thomas Pilkjvgtoi*> Alderman,
Sir 1 homos' pUyer Knight, and William
Efqy late (and now chofen) Mem-
. bers of Parliament for this Honourable
City oT London.
WE the Citizens of this City in Common Hall
ajjembled, having experienced the great and
?e am fold fervices of you our ‘jRjprefentatwcs in the
two lafl Parliaments, by your tnofi faithful amt
unwearied endeavours to fearch into, and difeovtr
the depth of the horrid and belli jit Popijli Plot/, To
preferve his Afajejlies Royal Perfon, the Proieftant
Religion, and the well eflabltjhed Government of
this, Realm ) To fecure the meeting and fitting of
frequent 'Parliaments, To ajfert our undoubted
Rights of Petitioning, tsPnd to punijh fuch who'
Would have betrayed thofe Rights To promote the \
happy and lonjr-wijhed for‘Onion amongft all his Ada i
jefiles Protefiant fubjetts •, To repeal the 3 y th of
Elizabeth, and the Corporation Aft s esdrid ej-
pecially for what progrefs has been made towards
the Exclufion of all Popifh Succeffors, and parti
tularly of J A M E S DUKE of YORK,
Whom the Commons of England f in the Two lafl
'Parliaments have declar’d ( dndwe are greatly fin¬
able is J the principal caufeof all the ruin and mi-
fery impending'thefe Kingdoms in general, and this
City in particular. For all which, and other your
conflant and faithful management of our affairs in
Parliament, We offer and return to you our moft
hearty Thanhs , being confidently ajfur'd that you
will not conf ent to the granting any Adoney-fapply until
you haw ejfc finally fecur'd us again fl POPERY
and AR131 TR A R Y POWERS Reviving
( by Divme ajfifiance ) in purfinance of the fame
ends to fiand by yoh with oitr Lives and fortunes*
Thenjthe Cothmon-Hall offered another Paper,
direfted to the Sheriffs, purporting their Thanks
to the feveral Noble Peers for their late Petition
and Advice to His Majefty, which was as followeth.
To the Worfhtpful slings by Bethel and
Henry Comifi, Efquires, Sheriffs of the
City ot London and Aiiddlefex,
WE the Citizens of the faid City in (femmon-
Hall Affembled, having read-, and diligent¬
ly perus'd the late Petition and Advice of feveral
Noble Peers of this Realm to His Adajefly, whofe
Counfels we humbly conceive are (in.this unhappy
juhflure) highly fcafonable, and greatly tending to
the fafety of thefe Kingdoms. Therefore we do
ma\e it our mofi hearty requtfi, that you (in the
Name of this Qsmmon-Hall) will return to the Right
Honourable the Earl of Lffex, and (by him)to the
reft of thofe Noble Peers, the grateful acknowledg¬
ments of this es4. (fembly.
Which being Read, and approved <# by a gene¬
ral Acclamation, the Sheriffs promifed to give
their Lordfliips the Thanks of the Common Hall*
in purfuanceof their Requeft.
After which, it being intimated to Sir Robert
Clayton, that it was ixpefted he fhoutd fay iome-
thing to tHe Common-Hall: He arofe out of His
place, afid Sir Thomas Player, with Aldertnan Pil'
kingtoH being prefent, and Ipoke as followeth, viz.
Gentlemen, '
Am certain every one of tis on whom you have
this day cafi and continued fo great# Tritfi, are
very fenfible of the honour you have done ns : / can
liktwife affure you for every one of rtsf without any1
hazard, That as we have fifed our utmofi endeavours'
according to the be ft of our reafons and judgment, for
’the attaining of all thofe good ends defired by yeti \
fo by the- bleffing of God we. will continue the famfi.
And 1 make no doubt, if every one of us who are re*
folved to continue Troiefiants, will make it our bufi-
hefs to be reconciled to one another, our good God,
Who hath hitherto fo miraculoufly appeared for us,
wifi give his bleffing to the wor}^ of this day, and the
loyal and hearty endeavours of that great dAffem-
bly you are fending us unto \ and in his good time
find out a way for an happy deliverance, and the
diffipating all our fears. ' Which God of his mercy
grant. _ ■ ' ' < ' • ' j «
V, Which being ended and receiving a general
applaufe* ihe Court was difmifled.
LONDON, Pritfted for Efancis Stieitk at the Elephant and Cafile near the
Royal Exchange in Corfthil. \ 6 S iv
■'■A I4S0 /)

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