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The PROCEEDINGS againji the
Upon His TRYAL for .
At the Seffiops-Houfe in the Old-Taily, on the i^th.
of this initant for Gonfpiringagainft the- Life of the IC / N Gto
Levy War and Rebellion,
-.1 • .. • •
As alio the Tryals of William Hone , the Joyner}
. o ^ohn Roufe. and William
For Conipiring the Death of the KIN G, &C; ■ ci;
AT the SeRions-Houfe in the Old-B&yty> william Horn having been yefterdsy Arraigned, atul
thereto rleadedt Not Guilty j was brought this Day upon his Tryal, who before he was pJf
.upon the Jury, defired to Retraft his former Plea of Not Guilty, and to Plead Guilty, as t0
theConfpiracy, but would not oivn his procuring Arms, as in the Indi&mept yvas JpecifiecH
which Plea the Court refufing to approve, unlefs he would diredly Plea.d Gui!ty,to {he whplef
ItKStftfmn^ r’tteJury was charged with him, And the Indiftment Read, Importing that he not weigh-
ingtris Duty and Atjegimce, buf as a falfe Tray tor, had Confpired the King to depole from his Crown
aad D»gjairy, and him ro Ailaffmate and Murder, to raife War and Rebellion, and to make a rmlerabU
of fJ*s Makefiles Subj^fts j and in order thereto, he had procured Arms; as Blunderbufies,
Mu qaets. Carbines, Piliols, and the like- The Indiftment Read, the King's Council proceeded’to
ppen the Namre of the and Relate the danger of the Confpiracy, and of what Fftajppnfequ^ilce it
would here proved, if it had1 taken Effcft; with many particulars Relating to what Evidence/ w» to be
given againft the Prifoner. After which, Mr. fatting was Sworn, who Depofed, that the Pfifoner com-
ing acquainted with him by the means of Mr. Goodenptigb, had at fuadry times declared, that he was teftf-
perca wirfi, to enter into the Confpiracy againfi ehe Life of the King; and that he was to^e.; one in the
intended Affaffination of His M ( jeiiy j And that particularly he was at a Conlult ( as he verily belieVed )
.whenthe killing the Captain and Lieutenant was lgped, or difpatched by thofe, meaning the King
& die Duke of Torf^ and that once being with him at the FUndtrs Coffee-Houfe, he declared. That It would
be never well, till the Black-Bird and Gold-finch were knock'd o’th’head, meaning die King and the Duke
ofra>£; And tbatina Confult where the Aflaflination of His Majefty in his return from
when Mr- weft being in Company, demanded how many Swans QUillS; Goofe Quills, and a pajr of Cfow
Quills, with Ink and Sand, were in readinefs ? meaning thereby, Blunderbufies, Muiqpets, PiRols,
Powder and Bullets, that he was to have; and that he was fully confenting to Imbarque himlelf in the
wicked Emcrprize; and that a debate was held, what day the King was to return j and that diverfeo-
piniousthereupen happened amongfi the Conipirators. / i
Mr, weft being next Sworn, gave Evidence, That the Prifoner came to his Chamber in the Temp It t
and acquainted him, that he came from Mr. Goodenough, and that he had by his perfwaiion, confented
robe one that was to Affafiinate the King. And that it was further agreed by the ConCpirators, that he
fbouldbe furnifhed with Twenty Pounds, or thereabouts, to provide him Horfe and Armes, and that
he did procure Arm; in order to the Defign ; wich many other particulars, Relating to the Wicked
Confpiracy.. This Evidence given, Sir, Nicholas Butler depofed, That the Prifoner had Related, or
CoofdEd Matter in Relation to the Wicked Confpiracy, &c.After which, the Evidence being him,
medup, the Jury without departing the Cou^t, g^ye their VcrdiS, that he was guilty, , of HighrTreafont
as in the Indi&ment it was layed.
Hone’ being Convifted as aforefaid, the Lord Rufat was Arraigned, who, thereupon defired longer
time to prepare for his Tryal j but that n°c being allowed, he accepted againft the Jurors, as not be¬
ing pree-holders within the City of London% and thereupon defired Council to be affigned him, to de¬
bate it as matter of Law j which was granted, and Mr. Polxpheen, Mr. Hu/r, and Mr. Ward} were
afligned} whofe opinions, after many Arguments between them and the King’s Council, were over¬
ruled by the Court ; and thereupon the Jury was called, of which the Prifoncr Challeng’d about
Thirty peremptory, but Twelve being .Sworn, the Indiftmcht vyas Read, the fubftance of which being
to this EfteA. That he, william Ruffel, Efq; ( for fo was he (filed ) together with/aaw.Duke of
Monmouth, Ford LordGttfj’, Sir Thomas Armstrong} Fergufon. &c. had Confpired to Icavy War and
Rebellion in the Kingdom of England, to compafs the death of His Majefly, and to make a miferable
Slaughter amongfi: the Subjefts of our Lord the King, and to this Indi&menr he having pleaded not
uiky, Mr. Norri) opened the matter of Faft, and was feconded by Mr. Attomy General, who at large
kclared the hainoufnefTe of the Crime, which in Evidence was to be given againil the Noble Lord,
'rifoner af the Bar, which was alfolnfiftcd upon by Mr. Solicittr General. After which, Colonel Rum-
was Sworn, who depofed. That the Duke of Monmouth, the Lord Rujfel, Sir Ihofnas Armftrong,
-id divers others, being at one Mf. Shepherds a Vintners, in the Parifh of Sc. Nicholas- BafaarV} he wfs
A fent

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