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To Many*
Let the ftricker Deer go Weep* "Shades.
x. guety. TXTHether the Author of the late printed Queries hath not
V V done Counfcllor Forbes great Prejudice in point of his Ele&ion*
fey his extravagant Zeal, and deteftable Rancour.
2. Query. Whether many People both of the Church and Diffenting Party
Who were refolved before thofe Queries came: out to Vote for the Counfellor, did
not Change their Minds and Vote for the Alderman; being adiamed of the Queries*
and afraid that the "World might imagine th&n Influenced thereby;
3. Query. Whether the faid Author hath not done Violence to his Majefty and
his good Subjefts oi Ireland, by endeavouring at this Time when we are threatned
With a War Abroad, to break the good Underftanding happily fettled amongft us
at Home, to fow the Seed of Difcord, to revive the mifefable diftinftions of Parties,
and to deftroy that Unanimity fo often of late, and fo gracioufly recommended from
the Throne. „
4. Query. Whether the faid Querift by birring up the Embers of Difcord al-
moft Extintt among his Majefty’s good Proteftant Subjefrs, and endeavouring to
blow them into a Flame, may not be juftly ^fteem-d a Boutifeu or Firebrand of Sedi¬
tion, and be fufpefred to be rather a jefuite than'a Teacher of Peace.and Charity td
Chriftans. Pray Anfwer this good Bather C——n.
5. Query. Whether the thinking Judicious, and honed Men of the Diflenting
Party, do not abhor fuch Pra&iees, and defpife the Author of them.
6. Qnjery. Whether the great Majority for the Alderman on the prefent Ele£tion,v
does not in fome Meafure arife from the Indifcretion of a few Men of like Capacities*’
Judgment and Moderation, with the Author of the Queries.
/ 1 V- . / . . ',.A' •• ; : ■ ’ . .• '• . *"• . 7 . ,
7• Query. Whether Counfellor Forbes did not lay his own great Judgment afidef
and depend too much on fome pretended Friends, to the Lofs of many Votes.
Firfl, when he pubiickly declar’d his Refolution, to new model the Conftitution of the
City ; and Secondly, when before the Corporation of Glovers alfembled together,.he
fuffered himfelf to fpeak Meanly of the Judgment and Capacity, not only of his
Competitor, but likewife of Mr>Burton, our prefent worthy Reprefentative.
8. Query. Whether it was riot a little Imprudent in a certain Mini tier of the
Church of England, inOppofition to the whole Body of his Brethern, to Aft and
Vote, againd the Intered of that Church, to which in Point of worldly Good he is
much Indebted.
9. But Query, Whether it will notbe edeem’d gteat Goodnefs in the Bifhops
gnd the Duty of every good Chridian, to forgive the poor Man, on Account of his
Underdanding, for where little is, little can be expefted.
it). Query. Whether it may riot he expefted by the Friends of the Alderman*
Fjlotwithftanding that he hath been told by the ablefl Lawyers in the Kingdom, that
lie, and not only He, but a great part of the Houfe of Commons, who did him
the honour to Vote for him, have their jud and good Aftions againft the Author
of the faid Queries, that for Peace fak^ he will let him alone, [that he will over*
look the Evil done, and leave it to his^own Confcience (if any he hath) to Correft
him. / , ’ . ;
. — jy $ l, / .jV> Printed in the Yea* 1727. ' ^

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