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Lord C—-by Speech to the
<jMayor and Common-Coun-
ciU of Hereford.
Anno 1718.
J ^ yC R. Mayor, your Servant ^ Gentle-
Twi men> y°urs 5 ye all. I’ll
JL jjave you to know, by God, that I
am Lord Lieutenant, and Cuftos Rotulorum
of this County; Lord High Steward of thi\
City ; (and that for life too) and God damn
ye I’ll do what l pleafe both with you and
your City. 1 hear fame of you are for the
Pretender ; by God a Fellow whom his own
Mother hath.difown’d5 and lam inform’d,
that when a Lady of the ftri&eft Veftue and
beft Reputation would have depofed before
ye upon Oath, by God, that an impudent
a Rafcal faid this Fellow was the Rightful
Heir to the Crown, you refufed to take the
Depofition. God damn ye, I fpeak to you,
Mr. Mayor, and you, Mr^Ta/lor, that are
a Jacobite;, and a Fellow without a Soul,
\ God damn you. I am alfo informed that a
pack of Wretches (one of which was an Ex-
cifeman, and another of them a Fellow that
» eats the King’s Bread) met in the Market-
i ’oUfe on the Tenth of June, and drank
ae Pretender’s Health, and proclaimed him
King. I hear you had your Oaken-Boughs,
j and your, white Rofes too, God damn ye.
There are but three honed Men in the Town,
by God, which to their honour be it fpoken,
are Torn. Baileyi Dr. Lewis, and Mr. Birch.
( As for my felf, I have oppofed this Fellow,
* the Pretender’s Father 5 I have oppos’d the
Son, and tho’ King George be the bed Prince
that ever fit upon the Englijh Throne, God
I «hmn me but III oppofe him too, if he
fhould pretend to alter our Laws and Condi-
tution. Look ye, Gentlemen, I had a de*
i lign to have been your Friend, and not to
l liave fent you any more Soldiers, tthe lad
.were Very civil Gentlemen. But do you
hear? By God take care to Profecute this
this Rafcal of a Butcher, if you do, I’ll take
ca^re of a Jury 5 if not. I’ll fend you Soldi¬
ers that fhall ufe you as you ought to be
, uled ; I’ll fetch them from Hell but I will;
an d fo I wi(h you very heartily, Farewel.

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