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L I S T of the LORDS Spiritual and Temporal:
A True
As alfb a LIST of the Knights and Commiffioners of Shires, Citizens and Burgeffes, chofen to ferve in the Parliament
■ o£ Great‘’Britain, fummoned to meet at IVeJtminficr the Twenty fifth of November, 1710. according to the Returns made
into the Office of the Clerk of the Crown in Her Majefty’s High Court of Chancery.
Note : Thofe which have this Mark * before them, were not Members of the lafi Parliament.
A Lift of the PEERS.
ej* Note: Thofe marked
thin * are under dge.
D U K E S, &c.
LAureoce Hyde, E. of Ro
cheftcr. Lord Prejident of
me Council.
John Holies, D. of Newcaftle,
Lord Privy Seat.
, The. Howard, ,D. of Norfolk,
. Earl-Marjbal, and Heredita¬
ry-Mtfrjhal of England,
j John Shgifieid, Duke of Buck¬
ingham and Normauby.Lar^
Steward of the §hieen's Hou-
, Jhold.
t Charles Talbot, D. of Shrewf-
. bury. Lord Chamberlain of
, the keen’s Houjhold.
v Charles ileymour, Duke of So-
Charles Fitz.-Rcy, Duke of
Cleveland Southampton.
Charles Lenos,D.(»/Richmond.
. Charles Fitz-Roy, Duke of
. James Butler, D. of Ormond.
* Henry bomerlet, D. 0/ Beaufort.
... George ihtz-Roy}Duke o/'Nor-
Charles Beauclair, Duke of
St. Albans.
< Charles Fawlet, D. ofRohon.
, Meinhardt Schonberg , Duke
. Thomas Osoorne, D. o/* Leeds,
v. Wjiofheliey Ruflel, D. of Bed¬
William Cavendilh, Duke of
, John Churchill, Duh of Marl¬
John Manners, D. 0^ Rutland.
( John Mo‘Vagu, D. 0/ Montagu.
George Augultus, pri. ce Electo¬
ral,of Hanover, D. of Cam.
, Janies Hamilton, Duke of Ha¬
James Douglas, D. of Queens
berry, a^d D. of L/over.
, John Murray, D. of Atfick
. Henry de Grey, Duke of Rent.
Rober. Bertie, o/Lind-
ley, Lord Great Chamberlain
of England.
Evelyn Fierpont, A/, of Do:-
William Johnfton, Marcjuifs of
. .Aanancale.
* lames Stanley, Earl 0/Derby.
- • rheopliilus Waitings, Earl of
Thomas Herbert, Earl of Pem¬
broke and Montgomery.
Henry Clinton, £.0/Lincoln.
, Henry Howard, £. of Suffolk
and Binc’on, Deputy Earl-
Marjbal of England.
: Lionel Cranfeild Sackville,
E. of Dorfet and Middklex.
'•james Ctcilj, E. 0/Salisbury.
John Cecill, Earl of Exeter.
Scroop Egerton, £. of Bridge-,
John Sidney, £. 0/Leicefter.
George Compton,£«r/ 0^ Nor¬
•Edward-Henry Rich, Earl of
Warwick and Holland,
Bilil Fielding-fi^r/ of Denbigh.
Pawlet St. John, £. of Boling-
Thomas Fane, E.of Weftmer-
Charles Montague, E. of Man-
Henry-Bowes Howard, Earl of
Berk (hire.
Richard Savage, £*r/Rivers.
Charles Mordaunt, E. of Peter¬
borough and Monmouth.
Thomas Grey, £. of Stamford.
Charles Finch,£.0/ Winchelfea.
Philip Stanhope, £. of Chelter-
Thomas Tufton, E.of Thanet.
Charles Spencer, £. of Sunder¬
Nicholas Leake,£. o/Scarfdale.
Edward Montague,£. of Sand¬
Edw. Hyde, £. of Clarendon.
• William Capelf, E. of Eflex.
George Brudenell, £. of Car¬
Arthur Annefley, E.of Angle-
* William-Henry Granville,
■Earl of Bathe.
Charles Howard, Earl of Car-
Thomas Bruce,E. of Ailesbury.
•Richard Boyle, £ ©/Burling¬
Anrhony-Afhley Cooper, E. of
Edward-Henry Lee,£. ©/Lich¬
Thomas Leonard, E. of Suflex.
Charles-Bodvile Roberts, £. of
William Pafton, Earl of Yar¬
James Berkeley, £.0/Berkeley.
i.aniel Finch,E.o/lSottingham.
Baptift Noel, £. of Gainsbo
Robert Darcy, E. of Holdcr-
Other Windfor, £.0/ Plimouth.
•James Ratcliff, Earl of Der¬
went water.
Henry Stafford Howard, Earl
of Stafford.
Hem y Bentinck, Earl of Port¬
Arthur Herbert, Earl of Tor-
Richard Lomley, Earl of Scar¬
George Booth, Earl of War¬
Richard Newport, E. of Brad¬
Frederick Zuledein, Earl of
Arnold Tooft vanKeppel, Earl
of Albemarle.
•Thomas Coventrye, £. of Co-
Edward Rufiell, £. of Orford.
Edward Villiers, £. of Jeiley.
Henry d’Auverquerque, Earl
of Grantham.
John Campbell, £. of Green¬
wich, {and D. of Argyle )
Thomas Wharton,£. of Whar¬
John Powlet, E^r/Powlet.
Sidney Godolphin, Earl of Go-
Hugh Cholmley, £. of Cbolm-
George Keith, E. Marefchal.
John Erskine, Earl of Mar.
Alexander Montgomery, E. of
Eglingt' n.
Alexander Home, £. of Home.
Plumas Hay, £. of Kinuul.
Hugh Campbell, £.of Lowdon.
David Carnegie,£. o/Norrhesk.
George Hamilton, £.«fOrkney.
Archibald Primrole, £. of Role-
Archibald Campbel, E. o/lflay.
Price Devereux, VIfcount He¬
Henry Brown, Vifcount Mon-
Laurence Fienes, Vifcount Say
and Sele.
Troma s Bellafy fe , Vifcount
Charles Townlhend, Vifcount
Thomas T h ynne,Vifcou?it W ey-
William Hatton, Vifcount Hat¬
* falbot Yelvert-on, Vifcount
Longue vile,
• Richard Lowther, Vifcount
Villiam Levingfton, Vifcount
William Legg, L. Dartmouth,
one of Her Mfejiy's Princi¬
pal Secretaries of State.
Jeorge Nevill, Lord Aberga-
a mes Touchet, Lord Audley.
John Well, Lord De la War.
Robert Shirley, Lord Ferrers,
lharles Mildmay, Lord Fitz-
*Edward Ward,£, Dudley and
Edward Stourton, £,. Stourton.
Aiciaard Verney, L. Willough¬
by of Broke.
Hugh Willoughby, Eor^ Wil¬
loughby of Parham.
William Paget, Lord Paget.-
Thomas Howard, Z». Howard
of Effingham,
William North, Lord North
and Lord Gray of Rollefton.
James Bruges, Lord Chandos.
William Ferdinand Cary, Lord
Robert Petre, Lord Petre..
Thomas Arundel, Lordhxun-'
del of Wardour.
Rowland Dormer, L. Dormer,;
Henry Roper, Lord Tenham.
•Foulk Grevill, Lord Brook.
•Nevil Lovelace, L. Lovelace.
Banefter Maynard,L.Maynard.
Charles Howard,Lor^f Howard
of Efcrick.
Charles Mohun, Lord Mohun.
Thomas Wentworth, L. Raby.
Edward Leigh, Lord Leigh.
William Byron, Lo^ Byron.
John Vaugnan,LoiW Vaughan.
William Widdrington, Urd
John Colepeper, L. Colepeper.
Lewis Watfon,/.Rockingham.
Robert Sutton.Loi-i/Lexington.
Marmadtike Langdale, Lord
William Berkeley,L. Berkeley
of Stratton.
Charles Cornwallis, L. Corn¬
Nathanael Crew, Lord Cr?w,
and Lord Bijhop of Durham.
•John Arundel, Lord Arundel
of Trerice.
William Craven, Lord Craven.
Hugh Clifford, Loyd Clifford
of Chudleigh.
Peregrine Osborne,L. Osborne.
John Carteret, Lord Carteret.
Charles Bennet,Z.orrf Oflulfton,
William Stawell, L. Stawell.
Francis North, Lord Guilford.
James Waldegrave, L. Walde-
John Aflibumham, Lord Afh-
William Farmer, L.Leimpfter.
Charles Butler, Lord Butler of
Henry Herbert, Lord Herbert
Maurice Thompfbn, L. Haver-
John Sommers, L. Sommers.
Chriftopher Vane, L. Barnard.
Charles Mountague,/..Halifax
(Heneage Finch, L. Guernfey.
*John-Levefon Gower, Lord
Francis SeymourConway.Z.tfnf
John Hervey, Lord Hervey.
William Cowper, £. Cowper.
Thomas Pelham, LstW Pelham,
J. Elphinlton, L. Balmerinoch.
Walter Stuart, Lord Blantyre.
Dr. Thomas Tennifbn, Lora
sfrchblfbop of Canterbury
Dr. John Sharp, Lord Archbi-
Jhop of York.
Dr. Henry Compton, Lord Bi¬
jhop of London.
Dr. Nathanael Crew, Lort/JS/-
fhop of Durham, and Lord
Sir Jonathan Trelawny Bar.
Lord Bijbop of Winchefter.
Dr.William Lloyd, Lord Bijbop
of Worcefter.
Dr. Thomas Spratt, Lord Bi¬
jbop of Rochelfer.
Dr. Gilbert Burnet, Lord Bi^
Jhop of Saturn.
Dr. Humphrey Humphreys,,
Lord Bipop of Hereford.
Dr. John Hough, Lord Bijbop
of Litchfield and Coventry.
Dr. John Moore, Lord Bijhop
of Ely.
Dr. Richard Cumberland, Lord
Bijbop oj Peterborough.
Dr. Edward Fowler, Lord Bi¬
jbop of Gloucelter. 7*
Dr. William Talbot, Lord Bi¬
jbop of Oxford.
Dr. John Evans, Lord Bijbop
. oj Bangor,
Dr. William Nicolfon, Lord
Bijbop of Carhlle.
Dr. George Hooper, Lord Bi¬
jhop qf Bath and Wells.
Dr. William Wake, Lord Bi¬
jbop of Lincoln.
Dr. John Tyler, Lord Bijbop
of Llandaff.
Dr. Offspring Blackall, Lord
Bijhop of Exeter.
Sir William Dawes Bar. Lord
Bijhop of Chelter.
Dr. Charles Tnmoell, Lord Bi¬
jhop of Norutich.
Dr. William Fleetwood, Lord
Bijbop of St. Alaph.
Dr. Thomas Maningham, Lord
Bijhop tf Chichelter.
Dr. Joan Robinfon, Lord 3i
Jhop of Briftol.
Dr. Philip bifle. Lord Bijhop
of St. Davids.
Houfe of COMMONS.
Rf. Hon. Lord Edward Ruffe)!.
Sir Will- Goff wick Kt.& Bar.
Town of Bedford.
•John Carer £fy;
William Farrer £/yj
Sir John Stonehoule Bar.
*Rt. Hon. Henry Sr. John Ejqj
one of Her Majejifs Princi¬
pal Secretaries of State.
Borough of New-Windfor.
Richard Topham £/y$
•William Paul £/yj
Borough ©/Reading.
Owen Buckingham Efji
•John Dalby Efej\
Borough of Wallingford,
•Simon Harcourt Ejifo
Thomas Renda £/y;
Borough of Apmgdon.
Sir Simon Harcourt Kt. now
Lord Keeper of the Great Seal.
liBurfts, 14.
•Rf. Hon. John Lord Vifcount
Sir Edmund Denton Bar.
Town of Buckingham.
Sir Richard Temple Bar.
* Thomas Chapman Efyj
Borough o/Chipping-Wicomb.
*Sir Thomas Lee Bit.
Charles Godfrey Efji
Borough of Ailesbury.
•Simon Harcourt Efq\
•John Ellington EJq-y
Borough of Aemondelham.
•John Drake £/y;
Francis Duncombe Efq\
Borough of Wendover.
Sir Roger Hill Kt.
Henry Grey Efq-y
Borough of Great-Marlow.
Sir James Etheredge Kt.
James Chafe £& >
•oeorge Bi uere Efq\ 5 u'Kt
Camhjlheelilre, 6,
John Bromley Efq-.
•John jenyns Ef/i
Univerjity of Cambridge.
The Hon. Dixey Windfor Ejq$
•Thomas paske L.L. D.
Town of Cambridge.
John Hynde Cotton EJyj
Samuel Shepheard Jum Efq;
Cbefltfre, 4.
*Sir George Warburron Bar.
•Charles Cholmondeley Efq-t
City of Chefter.
Sir Henry Btmbury Bar.
Peter Shakerley Efq-,
Cointoau, 44.
George Granville Efq-,
John Trevanion Kjq-,
Borough o/punhivid, alias
Rt.Hon. Henry Lord'Hyde.
Francis Scobcll Efq-,
Borough of Leskard.
William Bridges Efq',
•Philip Ralhleigh Efq',
Borough of Left withiel.
•John Hill Ejq-,
Hugh Fottefcue Efq-,
Borough 0/'Truro.
Hugh Bofcawen Efq-,
Henry Vincent Efq-,
Borough of Bodmin.
The Hon. Ruffe! Robartes Efq-,
The Hon. Francis Robartes Ejq
Borough of Helfton.
George Granville Efq-,
Sidney Godolphin Efq-,
Borough of Saltafh.
Sir Chomley Peering Bar.
Alexander Pendarves Efq-,
Borough of Gamelford.
•Bernard Granville Efq-,
•Jafper Ratcliffe Efq-,
Borough of Portpigham, alias
Rf. Hon. Sir Charles Hedges Kt.
Arthur Maynwaring Ejq-,
Borough of Grampound.
Bt. Hon. Thomas Coke Efq,
James Graggs Efq-,
Borough of Eaftlow.
Sir Henry Seymour Bar.
Thomas Smith Efq-,
Borough of Penryn.
Samuel Treftifis Ejq-,
Alexander Penriaives Efq',
Borough of Tregony.
The Rt. Hon. Francis Lord VIf
count Ryalton.
John Prevanion Ejq',
Borough of Boifmey.
Hon. Francis Robartes Efq',
John Manley EJfi
Borough iff St. Ives.
*J >hn Hopkins Ejq-,
John Praed Efq-,
Borough o/Foway.
*Rt. H. Gto. Hiye, L. Duplin.
Heniy Vincent Jim. Efq-,
Borough of St. Germans.
Edward Eliot Efq',
•John Knighr EJq-,
Borough of St. Michael.
•Abraham Blackmore £/grj
•Richard BellalisiEjq-,
Borough ©/Newport.
Sir Nicholas Morice Bar.
George Cou-re lay E[q-,
Borough of St. Mawes.
R. H. Sir Richard Onllow Bar.
John Tredenham El'q-,
Borough of Kellington.
Sir William Cory con Bar.
Samuel Rolle Ejq-,
CumberldnD, 6.
James Lowther EJ'q-,
Gilfrid La\\fon Ejq-,
City of Carlule.
Thomas Stanwix Efq-,
Sir James Mountaguc K?.
Borough of Cockermouth.
Nicholis Lrdimere
James Stanhope Ejq-,
JDerbpftiii'c, 4.
John Curzon Efq-,
•Godfrey Clarke Efq-,
Town of Derby.
•Sir Richard Leving IQ.&Bar.
•John Harpur Efq-,
- IDehontJitre, 16.
Sir William Pole Bar,
•John Rolle Efq-,:
City of Exeter.
*Sir Coppkttone Warwicke
Bamfyld Bar.
•John Snell Efq-,
Borough oj Totnels.
Francis Gwyn Efq-,
• Thomas Coulfon Efq-,
Borough of PHmouth.
Charles Trelawny Ejq-,
Sir George Byng Kt.
Town o/Oakehampton.
John Dibble Ejq-,
Chriftopher Harris Efq',
Bgrough gf Barnltapte.
Nicholas Hooper Efq-, one of Her
Majejiy's Serjeants at Law.
Richard Ackland Ejq-,
Borough of Plympton,
Richard Edgcombe EJq-,
George Treby Efq-,
Borough of Honiton.
Sir William Drake Kt. & Bar.
•James Sheppard Efq\ ? n R
Sir Walter Yonge Bar, & U’L<-
Borough of Taviftock.
Sir John Cope fun. Kt.
Henry Manaton EJqi
Borough of Amburton.
Roger Tuckfield Efq-,
Richard Lloyd Efq-,
Borough of Clifton Dartmouth
Nathaniel Herne Efqi
Frederick Herne Ejq-,
Borough of Boralfton.
Sir Peter King Kt. Recorder of
the City of London.
•Lawrence Carter Efq-,
Borough of Tiverton
Thomas Bere Efqi -y
Richard Mervin Efq-, >D. Ret.
•John Worth Efq-, J
?Do?fcrQ)ire, so.
Thomas Strangeways Efqi
Thomas Chaffin Efq-,
Town of Pooie.
Thomas Ridge Ejq-,
*Sz> Willi am Phippard Kt.
Borough of Dorchelter.
*Sir Nath. Napier K. & Bar.
•Binjamin Gifford £/fj
Borough of Lyme-Regis.
•Henry Healey £//}
“"John Burridge fun. Efqi
Borough of Weymouth.
The Hon. Maurice Afhley Efq-,
Anthony Henley Ef}',
Borough of Melcomb-Regis.
ames Littleton Efq-,
• William Betts EJqi
Tho. Strangeways fun. Efq',
William Coventry Efq-,
Borough of Shaiton, if lias
Edward Nicholas Ejjq-,
•Edward SeymouP£/g,j
Borough of Wareham.
Rt. Hon. Thomas Erie Efq-,
George Pitt Efq-,
Borough of Corfe-Caftte.
John Bankes Efq-,
Richard Fownes Ejq-,
IDucham, 4.
Sir Robert Eden Bar.
• William Lanbton Ejq-,
City ©/ Durham.
Thomas Conyers Ejq-,
*Sir Henry Bclafyle Kt.
etfer, s.
Sir Richard Child Bir.
Thcmas Middleton Efq-,
Borough of Colchelter.
Sir Ifaac Rebow Kt.
Sir Thomas Webfter Bar.
Borough 0/Malden.
•John Comyns EJ'q-, Serjeant
at Law.
Thomas Richmond Efq;
zh of Bridport.
Borough Harwich.
Kendrick Edisbury Efq-,
Thomas Frankland Efq-,
fStourefterflDlTe, 8.
•John Berkley Efq-,
Matthew Ducie Moreton Ejq-,
City of Gloucefter.
Thomas Webb Efq-,
•John Blanch Efq-,
Borough of Cirencefter.
Allen Bathurlt Efq-,
Charles Coxe E/y;
Borough of Tewkesbury.
• Will. Upton,
H-nry Ircton Efq-,
^erefojbflptrt, 8.
Rt. How. James Lord Vifcount
John Prife Efq-,
City of Hereford.
The How. James Brydges Efq-,
Thomas Foley Efq-,
Borough of Lempfter.
Edward Harley Efq-,
•Edward Bangham Efq-,
Borough of Weobly.
John Birch Ejq-, Serj. at Law.
•Henry Cornwall Ejq-,
^£rtfo?bB)ire> 5.
Ralph Freman fun. Ejq-,
Thomas Halfey Efq-,
Borough of St. Albans.
•William G imftone Efq-,
John Gape Efq-,
Borough of Hertfprd.
•Charles Cselar EJq-,
•Richard GulltonE/yj
^>tmrinsDonfiblre, 4,
John Prooey Ejq-, dec.
John Pocklingron Efq-,
Borough of Huntingdon.
Edward Wort ley Ejq-,
Francis Page Efq-,
Kent, 10.
Sir Chomley Deering Bar.
•P«.rcival Harr Ejq-,
City of Canterbury.
•John Hardrefs Efq-,
•Henry Efqi
City of Kochefter,
S/rJohn Leake Kt.
•William Cage Ejq-,
Borough o/Maidltone.
Sir Thomas Colepepyr Bar.
Sir Robert Marfham Bar,
Borough of Queenboroueh.
• King Efq-,
•James Herbert EJqi
ILanraQjlre, 14.
The Hon. Charles Stanley Efty-,
Richard Shuttleworth Efq-,
Borough of Prefton in Amoun-
Henry Fleetwood Efqi .
*Sir Henry Hoghton Bar.
Borough of Lancafter.
Robert Heyfham Efq-,
William Heyfham Efq-,
Borough of Newton,
Thomas Legh Efqi
John Ward, of Capefthorn,E/y;
Borough of Wigan.
Sir Roger Bradfhaigh Bar.
Henry Bradfhaigh Efq-,
Borough of Clithero.
Chriltopher Parker.E/yj
Edward Harvey Ejqi
Borough oj Levcrpoole.
Sir Thomas Johnfon Kt.
•John Cleveland Kfqi
JUfcefterfyire, 4.
Rt, How. John Lor^ Marquis oj
Jeffery Palmer Efq-,
Town of Leicefter.
Sir George Beaumont Bar.
James Winftanley Ejq-,
lUnroInfyfte, x».
Rt. Hon. Peregrine Lord Wil¬
loughby of Eresby.
•Lewis Dymoke Efq-,
City of Lincoln.
•Richard Grantham Efq-,
Thomas Lifter Efq-,
Borough of Bolton.
Richard Wynn Efq;
How. Peregrine Bertie Epq-,
Borough of Great Grimsby.
Arthur Moore Efq-,
•Robert Vmer EJq-,
Town of Stamford.
Use Hon. Charles Cecill Efq-,
The Hon. Charles Bertie Ejq-,
Borough oj Grantham.
Rt. Hon. John Lord MarquiJ's
of Granby.
Sir William Ellys Bar.
C^tDDlefej, 8.
•How. James Bertie Efqi
Tlugh Smithfon Efq-,
City oj Weftminfteri,
Thomas Medlicott Efq-,
* Thomas Croft Efq-,
City of London.
SrrWilliam Withers Ait &Ald>
mSir Richard Hoare Kt.&Ald,
Sir George Newland Kt.
•John Cafs Ejq-,
C9onmomf)(t)fre, 3.
John Morgan Efq-,
Rt. Hon. Thomas Lord Vifcount
Borough o/Monmouth.
Clayton Milborne Ejq-,
*S/r John Woodhoufe Bar.
*$ir Jacob Aftley Kt. &Bar.
City of Norwich.
•Robert Bene £/y;
•Richard Berney Efq-,
Town of l.yn-Regis.
Sir Charles Turner Kt.
Robert Walpole Efq-,
Town of Great-Yarmouth.
Richard Ferrier Efq-,
•George England Efq-,
Borough of Thetiord.
Sir Thomas Hanmer Bar.
•Dudley North Efq-,
Borough of Caltlerifing.
How. William Feilding Efq-,
Robert Walpole Efq-,
|l2o?tfcanipronQ)tre, 9.
•Str Juftinian Iftiam Bar.
Thomas Cartwright Efq-,
City of Peterborough.
*Hon. John Firz-Williams E/g';
•Charles Parker Efq-,
Town of Northampton.
* William Wykcs Efq-,
The How.George Monta gu Efq-,
Town of Brackley. ]
Hon. William Egerton Ejq-,
Hon. Cha. Eger ton Efq-, c
Borough of Higham-Ferrars.
Hon. Thomas Wentworth Ejq-,
lfio?rbumbetlant), 8.
1 Rt. Hon. Algernoon £. o/Hert-
! ford.
Thomas Forfter Jun. Efq-,
Town of Newcaftle upon Tyne-i
*iir William Blacker Bar.
•William Wrightfon EJq-,
Borough of Morpeth.
'Sir Richard Sandtord Bar.
* Rt.Hon. Chriltopher Lord Vif¬
count Cattle-Comer.
Town of Berwick upon Tweed.
*Hon. Wnliam Kerr Ejq\
Jonathan Hutchinfon Efq’,
J^orttnabamthfre, 8.
*Rt. How. Scroop L Vifc.Howe.
William Levinzlify,
Town of Nottingham.
John Flunitrce Efq-,
•Robert Sicheverell Efq-,
Borough of Eaft-Retlord.
Thomas \Vhite Efq-,
* Thomas Weftby Ejq-,
Town of Newark upon Trent.
Sir Thomas Willoughby Bar.
•Richard New digate-'Ej^;
{Dron, 9.
Sir Robert lenkinfon Bar.
•Fiai cis Ckrke Ejq-,
Univerjity of Ox on.
Sir William Whitlocke Kt.
William Bromley Ejq-, SPEA¬
City of Oxon.
Sir John Walter Bar.
Thomas Rowney Efq-,
Borough of New-Woodftock.
Sir Thomas Wheate Bar.
William Cadogan Efq\
Borough of Banbury.
The Hon. Charles North Efq-,
fRurianbCblre, z.
•How. John N^ell Efq-,
*Rt. Hon. Daniel Lord Finch.
&aloF} ix.
•John Kynalton Efqi
•Robert Lloyd Ejq-,
Town of Salop.
•Edward Creiiet EJq', ?
•Richard Mytton EJq', i
Borough of Bruges, alias --
* Richard Crciwell Jun. Efq-,
~ Whitmore Adton Efqi
Borough oj Ludlow. ,
Sir Thoraas Powys Kt. Her
Majfjlfs Serjeant at Law.
Adton Baldwin Efq-,
Borough of Great Wenlock.
•George Weld Efqi
Sir Wuliam Foreiter Kt.
ToWn of Bifhop’s-Caftle.
•Robert Raymond Efq-, Her
Majcjiy’s Solicitor-General.
Richard Harnage Efq-,
&omerrett&{re, 18.
*Sir Tho.nas Wroth Bar.
Sir William Wyndham Bar.
City of Briftol.
•Edward Coifton Sen. EJq-,
•Jofeph Earle Efq-,
City of Bath.
Samuel Trocman Ejq,
^Jolin Coddrington Efq-,
City oj Wells.
•Maurice Berkeley Ejq-,
Edward Coifton Jun. Efq-,
Borough of Taunton.
Sir Francis Warrc Bar.
Henry Portman Eft-,
Borough oj' Briugwater.
Nathaniel Palmer Ej'q-,
George Dodington EJ'q-,
Borough of Minehead.
Sir John Trevelyan Bar.
Sir Jacob Banks Ki.
Borough of Ilchefter.
Samuel Mafham Ejq-,
Edward Phelipps Efq-,
Borough of Milburn-Port.
Sir Thomas Travell Kt.
•Janies Medlycott Ej'q-,
feombampron, z6f
George Pitt Efq-,
Sir Simeon Stewart Bar.
City oj Winchefter.
George Rodney Bridges Efq-,
•Thomas Lewis Efq-,
Town of Southampton.
Adam Cardonnell Efq-,
•Richard Fleming Efq-,
Town of Portfmouth.
Sir Charles Wager Kt.
Sir John Jennings Kt.
Borough of Yarmouth.
Henry Holmes Efq-,
Sir Gilbert Dolben Bar.
Borough of Petersheld.
Leonard Billon Efq-,
Norton Pawlett Efqi
Borough of Newport, alias
John Webb Efq-,
William Stephens Efq-,
Borough of Stock bridge.
*R.H. James E. of Barnmore.
•Geo’ge Dafhwojd Ejq-,
Borough of Newtown.
James Worfley,©fPyJewcll,£/y;
Henry Worleley, of Compton,
Borough of Chrift-Church.
William Ettricke Efq-,
•Peter Mews Efq-,
Borough of Lymington.
The Rt. H. /.^.William Powlet.
Paul Burrard Ejq-,
Borough of Whitchurdh.
•Frederick Tilney Eljq-,
•Thomas Vernon E/^;
Borougn ©/Andover.
The Rt. Hon. John Smith E/q,
Wiiham Guidott Fjq-,
5>raffo?bft)fre, 10.
The Hon. Henry Pagett Efq-,
•William Ward Jun. Ejq-,
City of Litchfield.
•Richard Dyot Efq-,
John Cotes Efq-,'
Borough of Stafford.
Walter Chetwynd Efq-,
Thomas Foley Efq-,
Borough of Newcaftle under
•Rowland Cotton Efq-,
•William Burllem Ejq-,
Borough of Tamworth.
Jofeph Girdler Efq-, Serjeant at
•Samuel Bracebridge Efq-,
d>UffbUt, 15.
Sir Thomas Hanmer Bar.
Sir Robert Davers Bar.
Borough of Iplwich.
Sir William Barker Bar,
William Churchill Efq-,
Borough of Danwich.
•George Downing Efq-,
•Richard RichardlbnE/jj Ser¬
jeant at Law.
Borough of Orford.
*Sir Edward i urner Kt.
Clement Corrance Ejq-,
Borough of Aldborough.
Sir Henry Johnfon Kt.
William Jonnfon Efq-,
Borough of Sudoury.
•John Me id Efq;
•Robert Echlin Efq;
Borough of Eye.
Sir Jofeph Jekyil Kt. Chief
JuJiice of Che tier.
•Thomas Maynard Efq;
Borough of Sc. Edmondsbury.
Jofeph Weld Efq; Serj. at Law.
Aubrie Porter Efq;
§kurrep, 14.
*Sir Francis Vincent Bar.
*Hon. Heneage Finch Efq-,
Borough of Southwark.
nr Charles Coxe Kt.
John Cholmley Ejq-,
Borough of Blechingly.
George LveJyn Ejqi
Thomas Onflow Ejq-,
Borough of Ryegate.
Sir John radons Kt.
•John Ward Efq;
Borough of Guilford.
Denzill Onflow Efc[-,
•Robert Wroth Ej'q;
Borough of Gatton.
•William Newland Efq-,
Paul Docminique Efq;
Borough of Hafkmere.
*Sir John Clerke Bar.
Theophilus Oglethorpe Efq-,
•j&tfffejr, 20. 5
Charles Evcrsieild Efq-,
*Sir George Pai kei Bar.
City of Chichefter.
Sir Richard Farington Bar.
*Sir John Miller Bar.
Borough of Horfham.
Charles Lversfield Efq-,
John Wicker Efq-,
Borough of Midhurft.
Lawrence Alcock Ejq-,
•Robci t Orme Efq-,
Borough of Lewes.
Thomas Pelham EJq-,
Peter Gott Ejq;
Borough of New Shorehanj.
Gregory Page Efq-,
•Nathanael Gould Efq-,
Borough of Bramber.
Rt. Hon. Thomas Lord Vifcotmt
•Hon,Andrews Windfor Ejqi
Borough of Steyning.
Harry Goring Ejq-,
•William Wallis£/g,j
Borough of Eaft-Grinfted.
John Conyers Efq-,
•Leonard Gale Efq-, ^
Borough 0/Arundel.
Rt. Hon. Richard Lord Lumley.
lit. Hon. Henry E. of Tho-
«Barto(cbQ)fre, 6,
*Rt. Hon. James Lord Compton.
Sir John Mordaunt Bar.
City of Coventry.
*Hon. Robert Craven Efq-, dec.
* Thomas Gery Efq-,
Borough of Warwick.
Hon. Francis Grevile Efq-, dec.
Hon. Dodington Grevile Efq;
ungUmocianD© 4.
James Grahme Efq;
Daniel Wilfon EJq;
Borough of Apulby.
Edward Duncomb Ejq;
* Thom is Lutwyche Ejqi
Sir Richard How Bar.
Robert Hyde Ejq-,
City of New Sarum.
Charles Fox Efq-,
Robert £/£;
Borough of Wilton;
Charles Mompcflbn Efqi
•John London Efq-,
Borough of Downeton.
Sir Charles Duncombe Kt.
John Eyre Efq-,
Borough of Hindon.
Edmund Lambert Efq-,
•George Morly Efq-, / ^
Edmund I .ambert Efq-, \
Reynold Calthorpe Ejq-, 3
Borough of Heytesbury.
Edward Aflie Efq;
William Afhe Jun. Ejqi
Borough of Weftbury.
The Hon. Henry Bertie Efq;
Francis Annefley Efq;
Borough of Caine,
James Johnibn Efq-,
•William Hedges Efq
George Duckett Efq
Edw. Bayntun Ejq
Borough of Devizes.
*STr Francis Child Kt.
* Thomas Webb Ejq-,
Serj. at Law. 3D. R
Joliah Difton Efq-,
Paul Methuen i/y;
Mi C
r> J
Borough of Chippenham.
Sir James Long Bar.
•Joleph Afh Efq-, ,
Borough of Malmesbury.
Thomas Farrington Ejq;
Jofeph Addifon Efq-,
Borough oj CrickUdc.
Edmund Dunch Efq;
•Samuel Robinfon Ejq;
Borough of Great-Bedwin.
Rt. Hon. Charles Lard Bruce.
Sir Edward Seymour Bar.
Borough of Lurgerfhall.
John Webb Efq-,
* Thomas Pearce Efq;
Borough of Old Sarum.
•Thomas Pitt Efq-,
•William Hirvey Jun. Efq-,
Borough of Wootton Ballet,
*.lt. Hm. Henry St. John Efq;
one of Her Majejiyt Principal
Secretaries of State.
•Richard Goddard Efqi
Borough of Marleborough.
Rt. Hon. Gnarles Lord Bruce.
Hon. Robert Bruce Ejq;
(Kfiojceftertyfre, 9.
Sir John Packington Bar.
•Samuel Pytts Ej'q;
City of Worcefter.
Samuel Swnt E/f;
Thomas Wylde kfq-.
Borough of Droitwich.
Edward Foley Efq;
Edward Jeffreycs Ejq-,
Borough of Eveinam.
Sir Edward Goodere Bar.
John Rudge £/<yj
Borough oj' Bewdley.
• Anthony Lechmere EJq-,
£o?&fi#re, 30.
Rt. Hon. Henry Lord Vifcount
*Sir Arthur Kay Bar.
City oj Tork.
Sir William Robinlbn Bar.
Hm. Robert Benibn Ej'q;
Town of Kingfton upon Hull.
Sir William St. Quin tin Bar.
;Villiam Maifter Efq-,
Borough of Knaresborough.
Robert Byerley EJq-,
Chraftopiaer Stockdale
Borough of Scarborougu.
William Thompfon Ejq-,
John Hungeiibrd Efq-,
Borough of Rippon.
John Aiilaoie Ejq-,
John Sharpe Ejq;
Borougn of Richmond.
•John Yorke Efq;
Hon. Henry Mordaunt Efq-,
Borough o/Heydon.
William Pulteney Jun. Efq-
Hugh CholmeLy Ejq;
Borough of Boroughbrigg.
Sir Bryan Srapylton Bar.
Craven Peyton Ejq-,
Borough of ivialton.
William Palmes EJ)}-,
Will. Strickland Ejq;
Borough of Thirsk.
Sir Thomas Frankland Bar.
•Ralph Bell Ejq-,.
Borough of Aldborough.
Robert Monckton Ej'q;
William Jeflbp Efq-,
Borough of Beverly.
Sir Charles Hotham Bar.
Sir Michael Warton Kt.
Borough of Northallerton.
Roger Gale £/y;
•Robert Raikes Efq;
Borough of Pon tetrad.
S/r John Bland Bar.
•Robert Frank Efqi
BARONS of the
Cinque-Ports, (16.)
Port of Haftings.
* Sir William Alhburnham
•Jofeph Martin Efq-,
Port of Dover.
Matthew Ayfmor EJq-,
Philip Papiflon EJq-,
Port of Sandwich.
Sir Henry Furnefe Kt. gr Bar.
Jofias Burchett Efq;
Port of Hyeth.
Rt. Hon. Richard Lord Vifcoum
Hon. John Fane Efq;
Port oj New Kumney.
Walter Whitfeild Efq-,
Robert Furnefe Ejq';
Town of Rye.
Sir John Norris Kt.
Phillips Gibbon Efqi
Town of Wincnelfea.
Sir Francis Da(hwood Bar.
Thomas Briftow EJq-,
Town of Seaford.
William Lowndes E/f;
* Thomas Chowne Efqi
WALES, (24.)
Ulnalefep, a.
Rt. Hon. Richard Lord ViJ-
coawf Bulkeley.
Borough of Beaumaris.
Hon. Henry Bertie Efq-,
26{econ, a.
srp Edward Williams Kt.
Town of Brecon.
Edward Jeffreys Efqi
Cardigan, a.
•Sir Humphrey Mick worth Kt,
Town of Cardigan.
•John Meynck Efq-,
QCarmatrben, a.
*Sir Thomas Powell Bar.
Town oj Carmarthen.
Richard Vaughan Efq-,
Carnarban, 2.
Sir John Wynne Bat.
Town of Carnarvan.
William Griffith Ejq-,
IDenbfsfri z.
Sir Richard Myddelton Bar.
Town of Denbigh.
•John Roberts Ejq;
ifUnr, 2.
Sir Roger Moftyn Bar.
Town of Flint.
Sir John Conway Bar.
®lanio&an, 2.
Rt. Hm. Sir Thoraas Manfell, #^
Margam, Bi»r.
Town of Cardiffe.
•Sir Edward Stradling Bar.
fipetioaetb, >•
Richard Vaughin Eflji
^onrsomerp, a.
Edward Vaughan <Ef<ft
Town if iviomgomcry,
John Pugh JEfq;
lJ3cmbiohe, 3.
•John Barlow Efp;
Town of Pembroke.
Sir Arthur Owen Bar.
Town of Ha verterd- Weft.
John Laugharne Ejq;
iftatmo?, a.
Thomas Harley E/j;
Townf New-Radnor.
Ihe Rt-HonlRoben Harley Efqi
Shire of Aberdeen.
Sir Alexander -Gumming Jut\
Shire f Air.
•John Montgomery Efq;
Burgh oj I.viug, gpc.
•Charles Oliphanc EJq;
Shire of Argyk.
Sir James Campbell
Shire of Bamff.
Alexander Abercromby Efq;
Burgh of BamfF, CTc.
•Alexander Reid Ejqi
Shire of Be*'- WJ ck.
George Baillie Efq-,
Shire oj' L,*, ..neft.
*Sir James Dunbar Kt.
Burgh of Dingual,
•Robert Monro Ej'q-,
Shire of Cromartie.
*Sir Kenneth Mackenzie AY.
Shire of Dumbarton.
John Campbell, of Mainoir/
Burgh of Dumbarton, $c.
* Thomas Smith Ej'q;
Shire of Dumr'reis.
William Giieifon, o/Lag, Efq;
Shire of Edinburgh.
George Lockhart , of Cam-
wach, Ej'q-,
City f Edinburgh.
Sir Patrick Johnftoun Kc.
Shirs of Elgin.
Alexander Grant Efq;
Shire of Fuc.
*Sir Alexander Areskine, Lyon
' King of Anns, Bar.
Burg to of Inneikeching,
Henry Cunningham Jun Ejqi
Burgh ef Pittenwecm, grc.
Sir John Anftrurher Ear.
Burgh of Ki kealdic, (Te.-
•James Ofwald Ejq;
Shire of Forfar.
John Carnegie Ejq;
Burgh Montrofe, gft.
•James Scott Efqi
Burgh Duuuce, &c<
•George Teaman Ejq-,
Shire of Hadingcon.
John Cockburn, of Ormiftoat^’
P$li .
Shire of Invernefs.
•Alexander Mackenzie, «/Fra-
ferdak, Efq-,
Shire of Kincardin.
•Sir Alexander Ramfay, of
Balmain, Bar.
Shire of Kinroft.
* Mungo Grahme, f Gorthy#
Ejqi „ . ,
Stewartry of Kirkendbright.
John Steuarc, of Steuarttield,
Burgh of Kirkendbright, &c.
•Jonn Hutton Efqi
Burgh of New-uaaoway,
William Cockraro, of Kilma-i
ronnock, Efq-,
Shire oj Lanerk.
•S/i* James Hamilton, of Role-
hall, Bur.
Shire of Linlithgow.
John Houfton Jun. of Hon*
fton, Efq;
Shire 'oj Nairn.
Burgh of Nairn, &c.
•George Mackenzie Ejq-,
Shire of Orkney and Lciiond.
Sir Alexander Douglafs Bar.
Shire of Pebies.
•Alexander Murray Efq-,
Shire of Perth.
*The Rt. Hon. James L rd i
Murray of Doually .
Shire of Renfrev,
*Sir Robert Pollock bar.
Shire.of Rofs.
Lieut. Gen. Charles Rofi.
Shire of Roxburgh.
Sir Gilbert Eliott, of Scobs,
Burgh of Jedburgh,
Sir David Dafrympk, oj Hails,
Shire of Selkirk.
John Pringle,©/ Haining, Efqi
Burgh of Selkirk, &c.
Hon. Col. George Douglas.
Shire of Stirling.
.•Sir Hugh Paterfon, of Baa*
nockburn, Kt. & Bar.
Shire ef Sutherland.
Sir WHlixm Gordon Bar.
Shire of Wigtoun.
*Colonel Vauft.
Lords Spiritual ?
and Temporal
^ and A?th?rit>r J of Peace» co,Iefted out of all the Books which have been writ on that Subjeft : Shewing alfo the Duty of Conftables, and all other Parilh-Officers. 3d
xtions upon Ancient and Modern Learning. To which is now added, a Defence thereof; in Anfwer to the Objeftions of Sir William Temple and others. With Obfervations upon the Tale of
Ed. By W. Nelfen, Barrifter at Law. Printed for C. Harper,
a Tub. By W. Wotton, D.D. 3d Ed. Printed for T. Goodwin.
Pfinted by John Nutt in the Savoy 3 for Charles Harper at the F!ower~de~Luce3 and Timothy Goodwin at the Queens-Head, againit St. Duncans Church in Fleetfireet. 1710.
(Vries 2 d.)

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