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Objections, to the Clauje for prohibiting
the Ufe of Breji Summers Lintels, &c
in Brick Buildings ^ Anfwerd.
X HA’I the Shops may want Light.
Firft, There are very few Shops, but what at prefent have twice the
Light they want * as plainly appears, by the Boards *that generally
are hung round them, like a deep Vallen of a Bed* to keep the Light
Secondly^ It is plain, That they will receive by Arches*, within a
Trifle, as much Light as they do by uflng Frames of Timber : For the
Peers of the Arches need not be above Two Bricks and Half in Front,
which, in Walls only of two Bricks thick,, will have no Confequence
at all.
Thirdly, But to Anfwer all that can poflibly be objected on the Account
of Light. If |there may be fuppofed Shops for lome particular Buli-
nefs, that require more Light than Arches will admit: There is a
plain, eafle, (and not at all coftly} Expedient. Which is, to place
Pillars of Stone inftead of Peers of Brick. And an Architrave of
Stone over them inftcad of a Breft Summer of Timber. The extraor¬
dinary Expence of this is a Trifle not worth naming} and takes up but
Few Inches more than a Support of Wood.
Objection ii.
That Bond Timbers are necejfary to the Work.
Fir ft. Bond Timbers are nootherways neceflary t6 the Work, than a$
they mal$e it practicable to the Workman to do bad Work. By the
help of thefe, a Bricklayer will venture to run up a Houfe with fuch
bad Mbrtaf, and the Bricks fb ill jointed and bonded, that it would
iiome down about his own Ears before he got tip to the fecond Story,
if the Carpenter did not tie it together with his Timbers. Which in a
few Years after rot in the Wall, and fo cripple the Houfe that ’tis a
Miracle it ftands at all.
Secondly^ But fuppofe a Cafe, where fomeTie of this kind may be
uleml. The Expedient is. Iron. A thin Strap of Iron, which will lyc
in the Joint of a Brick, will hold five times more than is wanted from
itj and the Charge very little, if any thing, more than Wood.

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