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The State of the Cafe:
O R,
The Cafe of the State.
Be wife now therefore^ 0 ye Kjngs; be inflrtiffed ye Judges of the Earth. Pfal. 2. 10.
IF the Court will buy, and the will fell, and the People mufl: find
Money to make good the bargain ; moreover, if a Standing Army mufl: be
kept on foot to keep thfe Ghoft of Old England from arifing to demand het Jufl:
Rights and Liberties; Then it is high time for the Clergy of the Church to preach
Patience and Pafllve Obedience, till the Great Day of judgment, wherein all things
will be fet to rights.
C H A P. I, Or, A Quefiiort to the oldefl man in England.
«S/V, Do you remember any King’s Reign, wherein the People did not complain of
Incroachmentsupon their Rights and Liberties?
CHAP. II. Or, A Quejiion to theyoungef man in England.
Sit, Don’t you remember the time when the People were content to live peace¬
ably in the enjoyment of their Liberty and Property, tho the Regal Adminiftration
was vefted in a Committee of Nine men ?
C H A P. Ill* Or, A Quefiion to any man in England.
«S/>, Would not you be as well pleafed to enjoy your Life, Liberty and Eftate, if
the Supreme Adminiftration were lodg’d in Ninety and Nine, as when it was only
in a Committee of Nine ?
But not. to multiply Doubts, here follows
The Conclufion, or
An Anfwer to all Queftions at once.
True Religion and good Government are certainly the greateft bleffings'that
Mankind can wifh or enjoy : yet he who fhall wifely and warily confider the Quixo-
tick Windmilnefs of the Brain, and the intricate Wildernefs which is in the Heart
of man, will not greatly be furprized, when he fhall happily difcovef, that as (on
the one hand) unintelligible Myftery arid needlefs Ceremony make up the whole
Trangumnefs of Superftition ; fo (on the other hand) nicely-plac’d Mollifications,
and well-rais’d Expectations are the Herculean Pillars that fuftain the awkwardly in¬
triguing Whimwhamnefs of a Court.
V I K 1 S.
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Advertifement. The fecond Volume will be publifhed as (boti asthe
Army is disbanded.
Printed for A. Baldwin in Warwkklane, 1698.

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