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II ' AN.
A Cf|l®l
For a New
election of piasnftrates
^ In the TOWN of
E D E N B U R G H.
. u,j „ ^ '' V.- V: - .1*;'., ; v - u . .1* - -- K • i ; 1- ’ J
Licenfed April i a. 1689. James Frafer*
E D E JV mm a H, 689.
I "TH E which Day, the Meeting of the Eftates of the
Kingdom of ted, taking to their Confide-
ration, the great Invafions that have been made of
- late Years, upon the Priviledges of the Royal Bur¬
rows, particularly thefe of in the Eleftiop of their
Magiftrates, by Recommendations and Nominations made
by the late King, in an Arbitrary and Defpotick way, con-'
trafy to the Laws and Liberties of the Kingdom ; fo that the
prefeht Magiftrates and Council of the faid Burgh, are not
their true Magiftrates and Council, by them freely Elected,
but plainly fuch as have been ( at leaft by Pfogrels ) im-
pofed by the aforelaid Court-Methods and Praftices *• and
the Meeting of the EftatesV confidering, That the Conftitu-
tions. Liberties and Priviledges of the laid Burghj being lb
far violated and'perverted, the only natural and juft way Yp
Reftore the lame, is to allow and authorize the Incorporation
it felf, and whole Members thereof, to whom the laid LL
bertiesand Priviledgeswere originally granted, to make a
new Choice and Election of Magiftrates and ordinary Coun¬
cil ; Therefore the laid Eftates, Do hereby Authorize and
Require,' Sir Jamer Roc be id vinfrJLneas Mdeod, prefent Town-
Clerks of Edinburgh, to conveen the whole Burgefles, who
has born, and does bear Burgage-Duty, and are lyable to

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