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The PROCEt TKGS againfi the
Upoii His TRY A-L for
■: ' ■ x m ■ , ,vv . k v. f ', r--,',.'- , . . ' J.
At the Sesfions-Houfe in the QldTSaily, on tKe lyb- ol
this Inftant July 3 for Confpiring againft the Life of the K/NG3 to Levy
As alfo the Tryals of William Hme, the Joyner,
/ John Kouje , and William
For Confpiring the Death of the KING ,
Jk T the Selfions-Houfe in the Old-Bayty^ William having been Yefterday
Arraigned, and thereto Pleaded Not Guilty^ was brought this Day upon
Lj^ his Tiryal, who before he was put upon the-Jury, delired to Retract his
former Plea* of Not Guilty, and to Plead Guilty, as to the Confpiracy, but
JL> would not own his procuring Armsas in the indi&ment was fpecified |
which Plea the,Court refilling to approve, unlels he would directly:Plead
Guilty to the whole Indi&ment, the Jury was pharged with him. And the Indictment
Read, Importing that he not weighing his Duty and Allegiance , but as aYaife Ik-ay tor,
hadConfpired the King to depOfe froin his Crown and Dignity,; and him to AlMinate
and Murder, to raife; War and'Rebellion, and to ifi&e-a miferable Slaughter of Bis Ma- ,
jellies Subjects *, and in order thereto, he had- prodfifed Arms, as Blunderbufles, hjuf-
quets. Carbines, Piflols, and the like. The Indidnfent Reads the . King’s Council pro¬
ceeded to open the NatiffTOftlitTiSS, fnd danger of the Confpiracy^ and of
what Fatal Confequence it would have proved, if it had taken Efieft: with many parti¬
culars Relating to what Evidence was to be given againft the Prifoner. After which,
Wc. Keeling was Swor n, who Depofed, that the Prifoner coming acquainted with him by,
theme^hsofMr.Gco^o^,ha'datfundry times declared, that he was tempered with,
to eater into the Confpiracy ag^inft the Life of the King .; and that- he was to be
one in the intended AlTahination of His Majefty; And that particularly hejwas at a Con-
fult (ashe verily believed) when the killing the Captain and Lieutenant wa; to be loped,
or difpatched by thofe, meaning the King and the Duke of York,, and that once, being
with him at the Flanders Cojfee-Houfe, he declared, That it would be never well,. tiU the
Black-Bird and Gold-finch were knock’d o’th head, meaning the King and the Duke of
York ) And that in a Confult where the Aflaflfmation of His Majefty in his return from
New'Mar'titi when Mr. Weft being in Company, demanded Low many Swans Quills*
Goofe Quills, and a pair of Crow Quills, with Ink and Sand, were in a readinels ? mean¬
ing thereby, BlunderbulTes, Mufquets , Piftols, Pbwder and Bullets , that he was to
have ;■ andrthat he was fully confenting to Imbarqde himielf in the wicked Enterprize *,
and that a debate was held, what day the King was to return j and that divers Opinions
thereupon happened amongft the Confpirators.
Mr. Weft being next Sworn,gaite Evidence, That the Prifoner came to his Chamber in
the Temfk, and acquainted him, that he came from Mr. Goodenongh, and that,he.had by his
perfwaiipn, confented to be one that was to AflaUinate the King; And that it was fur¬
ther agreed by the Confpirators, that he Ihould be furnilhed with Twenty Pounds ^ or
thcreabjj^^to provide him Horfe and Armsf and that he did procure Arms in order to
the De(|K3^ with many other particulars. Relating to the Wicked Gonlpifacy. This
Evidentgiven, Sir Nicholas Butler depofed, That the Prifoner had Related pr ConfeP
fed; Matter in Relation to the wicked Confpiracy, After which, the Evidence being
Jammed up, the Jury. without departing the Court, gave their Verdidt,that lie was guilty
of High-Treafonjas in the Indi&ment it was layed. x - . Vi>.
. Hone being.Convided as aforefaidL the Lord Rttjfel was Arraigned, Who thereupon de¬
lired longer time to prepare for his Tryal^ but that not being allowed, he excepted againlt
' the Jurors, as not being Free-holders within the City 6f London, and thereupon defifed
Council to be affigned him, to debate it as matter of Lavy •, which vrais granted, and Mr#
i Tol xphten^ Mr. Holt^ and Mr. Ward, were alfigned ; whofe opinions, after many Argu¬
ments between them andJ^e Kings Council, were over-ruled by the Court j and there-

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