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I^itbc Sovenaigni lord by the Grace of God
Ametk Ik Kalends of M<?y ir» the Tea« of our Lor dGod? 1683*
ItofaiaipiM. -ChaWiW AIias the naauy headed
v Moufteri the Rebellious Subjedand unprofitable Servant of our
Lord the King, Weak in Foi^er,. kit Strung in Will toftand in the
Opofition to my Lord and, Maker, Weak and infirm in Body, but in
good and perfeft Memory ofali my former Inornaities, and Senee of
my prefent Infirmities, Po with great' Relu€faney of Spirit moft unwih
ioglymdwitH anBvil MindbRendet and give into the hands of my Gra^
cious Soferaigh all the Spirit of Life and Soul Enfranehafements Priviled-
ges, Freedoms, and Immunities, with all the Gontents,Claufes,particulars
and Provifos, which he and jhis iKoble Anceftors haye from time to
time beftow’d upon me fince he fifft fafliion d me into a Body Politick,
And that Factious Body, whofe Mutinous Members have brought me to
this untimely End, I Commit to the Goals and Newgate, the Rope and
Hangman, from whence moft of them took their Original, and to which
*tis fitted: they Ihould Returni there Decently to be: difpatched into
tother World, not doubting but at the next Refurredtion of Soul and
Body, Meplfers and Charter, Ifball Receive the fame Body again by the
1, great Power and Indulgent Bounty of a Gracious King,who with me is able
to himfelf. Not a Vi%Gormpt-
able. Mutinous, Facfiofigi P yo/itr, Uiir- y yA*,, v
dient, Loyall, Conformable, Sincere and perfeif Body, and in all Points
, awre laning and Gloriohs, then tk former. Firkas Touching my
W ifi- tMyhilwiia, with whom I coupl’d in fear &; Allegience, till I went
a Whoreing after my qya. Invention, reaching other Citys by my F.y-
ahapde to Mutiny and Rebell 5 and tho'my Wife alfo turn’dProftb
^afeadnakting all Country? and Nations, Sedts §z Faftions into kr lew’d
Embraces,yet kcaufe Ihe was once my Lawful Wife, and. hath horn me
rtnany Children, I therefore give and bequeath fo her as Jong as fnelhall
Remain a Widdow, tk C^upation eC; thk whole Body Impolifiek
with eV.ery Individual Member thereto Qeeupy with aJl People,Nations
. and Commodities, even as I at preftnt iOccupy jtk feme* As aho all Pro*
fits, Gfes and Jnterefts Rifing out of any Sum or Sums of Mony,' ptq*
. vktedit be in anwhandsj but tk Bankers, with'ik third Out of ah my
Gocafe, Excepting Leafes upon the Convekifles, with a third for her *
Dower,; all my GoodS' excepted and always Referv’d, to megnd my *
'1 ‘ Hdrslor Tysr,m}£jGclden CkxS aad €uikr S S', my Golden'’Hanger,'
* Silver Head-cPeack^SafteSwJoubiet and Furfgown, all which my Will
is, fliall be annexed to theFreehold and Remains as! Heif loins to my Sutr
i|f:' ccffbrs *and Heirs for ever."v
I Let this Suffice fpr my Wifis Portion,, defining that fhe may mend her
- lew’d Lifgandbe moreDiligent for tk Future.mbringing up thefe our .
.V:,. - ■:f v ■ ' '' . Rebel-

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