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Of the Grand-Juries for the City or Wejiminfter and County of Midd*‘, Jan, i68z.
Civitaj, Burgus &'
VilfoJVejlm* in Com’,
Ad Generalem Quarter idem SeJJiouem *Pacis tDom Regis tent1 apud Weftm * pro
liberta? tDeean% & Capitdi Ecclefis CoUegiaU beati Petri Weftm’ Civil'
Enrghi & ViUe Weftm5 in Com MidcT Stnfti Martini le grand London,
die Lune (fcilicet) oUavo die Januarii, anno Regni Uotnini Caroli fecund*
'Deigratia Anglic,Scotise,Francis,^ Hibernia Regis J?ideiT)efenfor\&c.%\.
KHis Court having (amongftother material thingsJ given in charge to the Grand-Jury
then fwprn the due Profecution of alfperfbnsdUTenting from the Government of the
Cimrch: received the Prcfentmcnts of the laid Grand-Jury, under their hands, written and
fubferibed as followeth: Ad Seffion* Pacts 8. Januarii, 1683.
â– EprefenThat all Popifh, Other Recufants, ought to be projecuted according to Law?
and that all Seditious Conventicles, Aflemblies and Meetings ought to be fupprefs’dy as
dangerous to the ‘Peace of the Kingdom^ Eis Majefeys Royd Authority, and the Proteftant Relir
gion as by Lava Ffiablifhed , And that Mr, Stephen Lobb, and Mr, John Humphreys, of the
Parijh of St, Martins in the Fields, and Mr. AKbp, of the Parifl) of St. Margarets, and all
otherptrfons who Preach or Teach at the aprefaidConventicles or Meetings) ought to be projecuted
as Seditious perfons, and fuck who {living in manifefi contempt of His Majefeys Government and
Laws') do pervert and entice the hearts and minds of His Majesty's good people from their duties to
God and the King.
("And thereupon this Court did tmmediarely order Indi&ments againfl: the particular per*
fons in the Prelcntment named, and many more Eminent Papifls and Protejlant THjfenters
within this Liberty , which being found by the Grand-Jury afore-named, the Court have
caufed Proclamation to be made thereupon, to render themfelves, or ffcand Convi&ed.)
We having at this time before us a certain Pamphlet, Entituled, A Defence of the Charter, and
Municipal flights of the City of London* written by Tho. Hunt, and printed by Rich. Baldwin:
roe do prefeut the fame as a T) anger0 us and Seditious Libel again 8 the King and Government*
and that the Author and printer ofthe fame ought to be punifbed accordingto Law.
Per Cur Hardely,
Will. Bridgeman,
Ni. Baxter,
N. Arnold,
John Cooke,
James Supple,
Giles champneys,
Spence rlli c km a n,
Wil. Grove,
Will. Stevens,
Jof. Tale0ate,
J. Leegir,
Ralph Sayer,
Hugh Squire,
Wil. Franc klyn.
W. Stone, and
Tho. Sutton*
The PRESENTMENT of the Grand-Jury for the County of Mtddlefex.
To the Right IVorJhipful Chalks Lee Knt- and the refe of His Maje&ys Jujiices of the Peace for
the County of Middlcfex, fitting at Hicks's-h*!! in the fetid County.
HE the Grand-Jury fummon’d and (Worn for thisprefent Seffionsof the Peace, do humbly prefent.
That it is our opinion, that all Papifts Conventicles or Meetings whatfoeveiy on pretence of
Religion, contrary to the Ad of Vniformity, are abfolutely againft the known wholfom Laws and Statute®
of this Realm, and tend to the Subverting the Monarchy, and Religion eftablifliedin Church and State,
the hazard of His Majefty’s moft Sacred Perfon,and the Ruine and Overthrow of His Majefty’s moft Loyal
and Dutiful Subje&s ; And that fuchSchiftn if promoted by the pretenders to Religion, either out of Pride,
Covetoufnefs, ©r to occafion or promote a Rebellion, or which ean be ,named worfe, in a good and fettled
Government, to compafs their wicked Defign j And that thofe that arVPromoters of fuch Schifin, arc or
were either Rebels, Atheifis, Papijls, Dentocraticks, Entbttfiafts, and are at prefest the ?efi of the Nation,
And we do humbly take notice, and applaud the Wifdom of that Houfe of Commons, who on the z^thl j
of February\n the 1 yh.yeat of His Ma jelly's Reign that now is, Where it was Refblved nemine eontradicen-J
te. That the humble Thanks of that Houfe Jhould be prefented to His Majefty, for His Refolution to maintain the i
of 'Uniformity. And in the next Vote, Rctolvcd, That it be prefented to the Kings Majefiy, as the humble
advice of that Houfe ^ That no Indulgence be grantedta the Diffenters from the Act of Uniformity.
which humble advice the faid Houfe of Commons humbly prefented to His Majefty, with their reafons, I
which we take to be undeniable, confidering that the fame wa<* the principal occafion of the late Rebellion,
and the Inconvencies that did attend the fame j and alfo how near the Fhanaticks came to a fee and Rebelli¬
on, fince the Dilcovery of the Popifh-Flot,
We alfo humbly prefent, That all thofe that are any ways concern’d in the Government, that do not 1
their utmoft endeavours to fupprefs fuch PapiBsfot Conventicles and Unlawful Ajfemblies, are Enemies to
His Majefty, and the Eftablifhed Government in Church and State.
And we do render our hearty thanks to thofe Gentlemen that fit on this Bench, that have effe&ually put 1
the Laws inexecution againft the Papifts, artdother the pretended Protejlant Dijfenters 5 and do efteem’
their meafures as the only way to render Peace and Happinefs to His Majefty, His Royal Succeflbrs, and
to His and Their Loyal and Obedient Subje&s,
And whereas there are fcveral perfons'that have been bred and educated according to the Do&rine of
the, Church of and profefs themfelves of the Church; feut in their Lives and Converfations, by
their Swearing, Debauchery; and open profanenefs, are become Scandals to their Religion 5 and that even]
in time of Divine Service they do frequent Taverns and other publiek Houfes, even to the Scandal of ourj
We do therefore humbly prefent, That due enquiry may be made after fuch perfons, and that they may
hfi TM'df'.Otffft airrnVf^in<T to 1-Cl\xr« ftiat* rvf,fnr4v\/!>ir\ne n*avfi>r»* tnl

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