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To the TORIES:
Or a few Sober Qyeries concerning them.
By an Honeft TRIMMER.
Iv'V'JT THetherthe Tories debauching the Sacrament to fuch baft and low ends, as to
procure Licenfes for Aie-houfes, be any part of our Religion eftablifhed by
II. Whether ^Tories by forcing the Diflenters to come to Church, do make, them any
jot the more for the Church of England than they were before ? and if not,
III*. Whether any man ever faw fuch a deal of fooling for nothing ? and yet,
IIII. Whether Diflenters ought not in Prudence ( to prevent their own and the Nations ru-
ine ) rather play the fool with their Neighbours, and Conform, hnd truft God-with their Souls,
than fuch K s with their Rights, Liberties and Elfates," as gape after them. W
V. Whether the Tories are not more mad with Diffenters for coming to Church, than they
were for their going to Conventicles ? and therefore,
VI. The Diflenters cannot go to Church out of Piety, yet whether they ought not to go
out of fpight ? \ ^ ^ -
VII. Whether the Jews at Dnkes.-place^ and the Papifts all the Land over, are of the Religi¬
on eftablifhed by Law, or it for them, for not one man of them fuffers for their Diffenting ?
and then,
VIII. Whether it be not a notable T'orj-Proteftant-Religion eftablifhed by.Law, that can
be fo kind to Jaws and Papifts, and io curft only to Diffenting-Proteftants ? .
IX. Whether any thing but a Tory Underftanding could ever have thought that the only ex¬
pedient to keep out Popery was to fall upon and mine Proteftants, and the beft way to fecu re
the Proteftant Religion to make fare of a Popifh Prince ?
X. Whether the tender-hearted (that cry out, God forbid that the D. of T\ fhould
fuffer becaufe he differs in his Religion ) are not the Engines that 10 barbaroufly Profecute Dii-
fenting-Proteftants,J becaufe they differ only in Religion ?
XI. Whether while the Prohibiting Adi is in force, and our Church takes the Communion
in Claret, weare of the Religion eftablifhed by Law ?
XU. Whether poor Vaxfon.Dujfee be not rather to be pittyed as a Fool than Punifhed as a
Knave, for his fo unfeafonable going to Mafs, juft as the Mafs was coming to him. >
XilL Whether the feyere.ufage of that Fop ought not to be a .Warning to all hisTantive
Brethren not to go before their Betters, nor like ill entered^ Whelps to yelp and, open before
their time? - ' *
XIIII. Whether Roger Leftrange did well con over his Politicks inTnarling fo horribly againft
the Trimmers ?
XV. Whether it be not enough to make a prudent man fpew, to hear Hodge and his To¬
ries tattle gravely of Policy and Religion ?
XVI. Whether any Tory in England be of any other Religion than the Tories in Ireland.
XVII. Whether any man ever trufted one Tory that did not betray him ? and therefore,
XVIII. Whether ail true Euglifh-men 4o not now fee (God be thanked) that Tories and Trac¬
tors are terms Synonimous, and that the Divel is as foon to be trnftedas they ?
XIX. Whether ever any Tory defired any truft from bhe People, for any other end than, that
by Betraying them he might make up his Market, and purehale to himieif feme, place of Pre¬
ferment? , . ,
XX . Whether a Tory talks fence of any other thing but of Drink and a Whore ? and if not,.
XXL Whether he were not better to keep to his own Tallent the Whore and the Bottle,,
than to make fuch a bawling about Religion and Government, which he underftands not ?
XXII. Whether it be not more than an equal Wager thatour TonVjareplum at a ftand,
and at fuch an utter lofs, that the wifeft amongft them cannot tell what ftep to take ne^t ? and
iffo, • ; Ifll
XXIII. Whether the Government, will not be finely brought to Bed. and handed down to>
Pofterity under a brave Reputation,, that {hail yield it felf tip to the conduct of fitch Bruits ?
LON DO 2V, Printed for Francis Smith Sen. at the Elephant and Cafile in Cornhily 16S L

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