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SrOw is it the time to come to the Apollogy for Jefuits, that is* it
is the time to leave (peaking of them, for he favours them moft
which fays leaft of them.
, Yet that it might not be forgotten, that this Order of men have
been good for (bmething , thefe following difcoveries and inventions^
wall demonftrate as plainly as the ncrfe upon a mans face ; to convince
Gregory the Greaty and St. Bede, two old men as would believe nothing
but what they faw, the Jefuits had a pair of Spectacles of their own mar
king, Confecrated, and by the benefit of them, thefe two Old Saints did
difcern, ( as they fay ) diftinStly the Souls of their friends, when they
were difcharged of their bodies, and fbmetimes the Souls of fuch men as
they knew by fight. BelUrmme in the Book of Purgatory affirms * that a
friend of his, a Prieft borrowed the Spectacles, which were fb truly made*
that he got a fight of hell, and faw Origen, ( which defefved fb well of the
Ghriftian Worlds burning in hell: an ordinary lighted man, might look
into the bottom of this plot, if he could be befriended, which Could hi
hatch by none but the devils in hell, and aCted by none but their repre-
fentatives, the Jefuits upon Earth.
For thofe as will not believe their eyes, or for thofe things as cannot be
feen, they have a Jefuitical Tool, which is to be fitted and applyed $€*'
the ear; it was by the help of ioitiefuch inflrument that Robert Aqui¬
nas y took Chrifts long Oration he made, as he hung upon the Crofs ;
and undoubtedly he alfo had the like aflifiancej which dedicated -that
Sermon which Chriftmade in praife of his Father fofeph : otherwife hour
could thefe hear, that which none but themlelves ever heard. To fay more,
to fay lefsof thefe Intelligence inftruments, they would be very fervicabld
at this time, that we might know what private fenced the Jefuits put lip*
on their laft Speeches, which contain’d as palpable lyes; as Father Ireland^
who at his Execution denied he was at London in Auguft, and brought E*
vidence to aver it, when then and fince it has appeared notorioufiy falfe,
but I'rejbam the Gun po\vder Traitor did the fame, and more they may do
by the Canons of their Church, if there be a hecefllty for it.
’Tis not unlikely thefe Jefuits fliould be SpeQ:acle*mafeers or anything,
being, Jack of all trades, or as the Jefuits Catechifm in Englifh bas k, a le*
fuitis every man, of which that Book will afford fbme iaftances. Nor
Can any man though he had dec lamed againft the Jefuits till ail the (and in

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