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* T o T H E ,
C I T Y> j|
I» a Letter from a Loyal Country Gentleman,
to a Loyal Citizen.
S I Ky
■S you have always profeffed a friendfliip towards me, and
as I have always had caufe to believe you 3 both for the
truth and ingenuity of your Intelligence, during thefe
three years correfpondence that hath been between us,
and . the weight of your advice : You rauft : not take
it ill, that I lay hold of this opportunity to be out of your debt, both
by giving you account how Anairs ftand now in the Country, and to
inform you what fentiments We honeft well-meaning Gentlemen here,
have of your prefent conjun&ure.
In thefirft place give us leave to be proud that the Loyalty which
dived fir ft out of fight with you at London,, rofe jfirft with us in the
Country, witnefs the early Addrefles and Abhdfrencies prefented
, from all parts of us, in earneft of our Zeal for the Kings Prerogative,
SafetyGovernment, and the right of Succeffion 5 againft the Encroar
chers upon, and Traitors to his Royal Crown, Life, and Dignity. To
mention particulars would be impertinent* every Pamphlet having
worn them out: Butexcufe me if I grow fomething free in whatfhall
follow, by telling you what we haVe been, what we are, and what we
expert for our fur ther IpftruQ:ion, our prefent Confirmation, and fu¬
ture Security.
We have been for the four years laft paft almoft driven to the brink
of Rebellion, and hy fuclit fubtle Methods, fuch dangerous Perfuafions,
that nothing but the natural born and inbred Loyalty delivered usdowh
from our Ahceftors, could have avoided it. Our Zeal hath been im-
pofed upon, our Loyalty fophifticated andpoifoned with unnatural
and unreafonable fears, insinuated by the crafty fpecious, and hypocri¬
tical machinations of fuch as pretended to be the Patrons of our Lives,
Liberties, and Fortunes, when the bottom of their defign was nothing

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