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The Age of RIDDLES-
O R,
A true Lift of certain extraordinary ‘Pojitions, for¬
merly called Contradictions, but now diftinguifto'd
by no Name at all.
Faithfully extracted from feveral Modem DoElrines and Fraclices.
Qui color eft Albus, nunc eft contrarim Albo.
j A LL Government is Overturn’d by Obedience, and Eftablifli’d
* by being Refifted. Therefore
^ ^ II. The moft eminent Inftance of Loyalty, is to condemn
SubjedHon; and He is the greateft Rebel that Preaches againft Re¬
III. Thofeare a Prince’s beft Subje&s, and moft faithful Minifters,
who deny his Title to the Crown before his Face, andjy'gue againft
that Right which they are bound by their Offices and tffeir Oaths to
IV. The worft Caufe in the World ought to have the wTorft Mana¬
gers; and thofe are fxtteft to Cenfure other People’s Speeches, that can’t
read their own.
V. A Ch—-ch muft neceffiarily be in a fafe and flourifhing Condition
when Btfbops explode its Dodlrines, and Lawyers are forc’d to defend ’em.
VI. They that know nothing of the Laws of the Land, or Adt and
Plead in diredl oppofition to ’em, either are already At uy’s and
Sol-'—rs G—-rals, or ought to be made L—d Ch—f J——ces.
VII. Thofe are the moft proper Perfons to accufe others of High
Crimes and Mifdemeanors, who for their Speeches in that very Accula-
tion, ought themfelves to be hanged for High Treafon*
VIII. Ignorance, Rudenefs, Impudence, Dulneft, Blunders and
Nonfenfe, are undoubted Proofs of Wit, Learning and good Manners;
and the groffeft Slander, Lying and Injuftice; the bitt&reft Railing,
Rage, and Malic^, are the trueft Signs of Chriftian Charity, Temper
and Moderation*/
IX. When a Man is Condemn’d and Punifh’d as a Criminal, his
Friends ought to teftify their Concern by Bonfires and Illuminations.
X. Tis the Bufinefs of the Sons of Arch-bifhops to Impeach the
Church ; of Bifhops to Vote a Clergyman Guilty of High Crimes and
Mifdemeanors, for Preaching thofe Do&rines which Chrift and his
Apoftles, and they themfelves have Preach’d: Of Scotch Peers to fave
a Church of Ez/g/^d-Divine from Ruin ; of Presbyterians to pulldown
Meeting-Houfes; of Governoursto difeourage the Principles of Obe-
ditpees and of the Mob, to Rebel in defence of Loyalty.

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