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An Abllract of the Prefent State
Proteftants in France.
"W" “W IS Majeftiehaving earneftly reconimen-
1 il1tn,| ded the calamitous condition of the
French Proteftants, to the charity of his
Subjed:s i it will be reafonable that fome
account (hould be given of the Perfecution and Se¬
verities ufed towards thole unhappy people, which
have driven them from their eftatesand country,
and cauled them in fo great numbers tofeek for
refuge among ftrangers.
The aiorefaid preftures are of two forts; one
from the iniquity of the Laws, the other from the
violence of Men,
As to the firft , Whereas the Proteftants of
France, as a reward for their eminent fervices
to the Government and Crown; were fuppor-
fed by the memorable Edift of Nantes bearing date
April 1/98. ratified thro the fucceffion of feverai
Kings, and in particular by him who now reigns;
yet of late without any pretence of forfeiture, or
ill demerit on their part, they have bin lubjedted
to many feverities directly contrary to the concef
lions of the faid Edi£t s and indeed that humanity
which is due to all men, even from heathen
ftrangers, and profelTed enemies.
An inftance whereof will be firji3thz EdidtofFeb.
28. idgo. whereby, in imitation of the Egyptian
Ebaraoh with the Ifraelites, it is ordered, that Ero-
teflant womenJhall not be delivered in Child-birth, but
by midwives and Surgeons who are Papijls; and they
are commanded to Baptise the Children new born,
who are thenceforth efteemed to be members
of the Church of Rome, and if when they come
to age they (hall profefs the Proteftant religion,
will be liable to be punifht as Apoftats, and their
Parents obnoxious for perverting them., The Edid: of June 17.1681. whereby it is or~
derd that the Children of Protejlants Jlgall be admit¬
ted to abjure the T^eligion of their parents, as foon as
theyJhm attain the age offevenyears: And it is then
put into the choice of the children whither they
will continue with them , and be there maintaind
with largf allowances fueh as the Papift magiftrate
fhal! appoint; or have the like provifion made at
the charge of the Parents ellewhere. Py which of¬
fer of licence the children are not only encouragd
to difobedience and debauchery ^ but rendred the
Matters, nay Perfecutors of their Parents.
3^. TheEdidtof Novemb. 19. 1680. which or¬
dains that when anyProtejlantJhall happen to be fic\,
bejhall fuffer himfelfto be vifited by the Papift ofti*.
^ cers and Priefts j who at their coming remove
ifrom him his friends, relations and attendants,
^ and among themfelves interrogate him according
3 to their pleafure ; and his anfwers are ufually in-
^ terpreted to be a reconciliation of himfelf to Po-
*pery, and an abjuring of the Proteftant Religion .♦
So that if he die, the family are efteemd the chil-
* "Dn -hoU fnthpr ii nrl-fAV»r»/4_ in thot
teftant religion, he is to be treated as a relapjed
4^. TheEdidks of July 9. Sr 31.1681, which re-
ftrain the Proteftants from having Schoolmafters to
teach their children who are of their religion , more
then barely to write and read: and only one is al¬
lowed in a whole City : and befides this they only
may teach who are licenc'd by Papift officers: where¬
by alfo xkieitVniverftties are fuppreft: which was the
very courfe formerly taken by Julian the Apoftate
for the extirpating of Chriftianity And was the
method of the Ammonites, to put out the right
ties of the Ifraelites, as a reproch upon them.
7/K. The Edidts of Novemb.6.1679. Jun.i i.Aug.
17.16&0. and June 28. 1681- which order the tum-
ing of Proteftants out of civil and military employ¬
ments,and the difabliug tradefmen from peeping /hops
or exercifing their Profeffions. Which is in eftedt to
command them and their families to ftealor be
6ly. TheEdicftof Nov. 19. 1680. which Grants
to all Prdteftants who change their religion, a refpit
for three years of paying their debts, laying a prohl*
bitionupon their creditors to bring any aUion a-
gainft them ; Which as it is a violent temtation
to ill men to change their Religion, fo it abfolut*
ly ruins the credit of others , who are no longer
trufted, the Creditor being infecure of being
yly. The Edidt of June 1680. which orders that
no JubjeU of France of what quality, condition, age or
fex fbever, now making profeftion of the Ppman re¬
ligion', may everforfape it to go over to the JRpformd,
for what caufe , reafon,pretence, .or conjideration
foever: And whofoever Jhall aU to the contrary Jhall
be condemnd to mape Amende honourable,
petiial banijhment, and confifcation of goods. Lipe-
wife all Minijlers of the Ppformd religion are forbid
to receive any Profelyte coming to them from Popery,
or fuffer in their Churches or ajfemblies any fuch,under
penalty that the Minijier Jhall be deprivd from ever
exercifing hisfunUion, and of the fupprejfion of the
place or Church for evtr after. Upon which pre¬
tence, and others as unreafonable, ( for how is it
poflible for any congregation to provide that no
^rfon formerly of another perlwafion, ftiould
come among them :) an almoft infinite number of
Churches have bin dcmoUjtid. They are the words
bf the Provincial Afiembly of the Province of Pa¬
ris, held in the months of March and May 1681,
alleg’d as a teftimony of the piety of the King.
So that at this prefent, the Proteftants are fain to
-go in many places 30. or 40. miles, to get their
children baptized, or perform any public adt of,
religious worfhip. And if it happen in cafe of car¬
rying children to be baptiz’d, that the Papift mid-
wife hath don that office before, then the Parent :
-Lc.flrr.iTted-^osLiVir.rilpO'trwK i and -rkFtrphanfiy.tncr a

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