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[u | N Order to an exafl: Defcri|jtion^ remember tb confine your felF
within one Parilh at aTinte * And, firft, take Care to menti¬
on what other PariShes ly cohtiguous to that Parifh on the 5;
J& E. dr W. or Whether it is bounded any\ihere, with the Sea-coaft.
2. Be careful to mention every Gentleman’s Houfe within the Pa¬
rifh; (beginning from onc: End* and advancing foreward to the other)
Tell 'its D/flancc and true Bearing from the mext adjacent Houfe or Two;
Or froma Houfe of principal Note* thoc at Ifome Diftance. Item, The
Diftancc and true bearing of a principal Houfe from the next Village or
City, not exceeding, however, the firft Eight or Sixteen Points of the
>1 Compafs* Item) Whether, and on What Side of a River or large:
y Burn a Houfe ftand, &c. and how clofc upon it v)C Do the fame With
Refpeft to the Churchy and the Village which is commonly near the
^ i^^^C3htircL ^ . 5 v .X ;:
j. When there is a City of Village in the Bounds, tell what are its
Privileges* what publick Buildings are in it, fuch as Church, Tolbopth;
Hofpital, $£cm Item, On what River br large Burn, and on what Side
of the River it ftands j and efpccially its true Diftance, and Bearing from
One, or Two, or Three of the Neighbouring Cities, or any capital Ci*
/ ty,‘tho’ fardiftant. . : ' ' ’ V: ' , ' ^
4. Be^exaft to notice, which Way the Current of each River of
Brook tunS\i where it comes from, - what Town or Towns it goes to ;
and whatjl greater . River it falls Jinto, and, where. Jtm, What re-
^arkafilt^urSitsCourfe'‘it:S#pensto take; f aUb, its Bridges, and
1 - of whaf of Arches theydnjijTft 1 |prf^durfo o£ Ri^
vers ought to Be carefully given.
5. Tell if there is any Loch in the Bounds : ^ *n5 ^ lii
Breadth and Leivgth ; What Fifti it or rhe River proc-t
is any Thing clfe r emarkable in or abou t them. Item] Forget not to riic^
ti0n where thcrc is any confiderable Wood,xMofs or Moor,
6. Fail not to take notice of the Field of any ancient Battle. Itewt1
Any ancient MoE^ients, and natural Rarities, provided they be Real
and not Fabulous, ^Any ancient Tradition may likewife be noticed, if
not ridiculous.
7« Where is any^lmarkable Hill, or Chain of Hills, mention them I
Alfo, Take Notice of tl|fe Courfe of the King’s High-way, and the Places
thro which it paffeth; VAnd where two Shires Happen to touch each
other, be careful to defexibe the Boundaries exaftly.
8. In giving Diftances, let the Miles be the comtnon computed Miles
of the ;Placc; and where the Diftances arc fmall, you may fay, A large
or Jhort Mile-, or where thef g|re ftill fmaller, fay, about ~ or l of d Mile. "
9^ Omit nothing (^tho’not tr|fentioned here) that can any Way contribute to
the Knowledge of the prefent Geographical Face of our Country.
io» Example, I, The Parijb —in the Shire of’ i—hath to the A;. the
Parifl) of to the S. ahdS.E^thePorifh of— .\\,The Church is 4 Miles from
the Town of— to the North. 'JII* The Houfe of- is N. from the Church I V
M, IV, The Hoafe of— ’—is snMfcj the W. of Houfe— , and 4 M.E. of the
City——It ftands clofe on the S. StHTof the River” —-which falls into the Sea at
the Town of- ftanding on the NStie of ipy&c. Place no Diftancc, &(. £«
fuch as confift with your own Knowledge.

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