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The prefent Lord Mayor of the City of LONDON*
HPon Friday the 29. of September Lft i (being the Anriivzrfary day
for the Election of a Lord Mayor for the City of London) all the
Aldermen below the Chair were put in nomination, for the choice
of two Perfons out of that number to be prefented to the L. Mayor
and Court of Aldermen. The Eledion Was declared upon the
View, to fall to Sir William Prichard, and S\r Thomas Gold. But .a Poll was
then demanded by Mr.Jenkj and others for Sir Henry Tulfe and Mr. Aldef man Cor*
nifh. Whereupon the Sheriffs and Common Serjeant, with the Mafters and
Wardens of feveral Companies went into the Mayors Court, and reported it to
the Lord Mayor and Court of Aldermen 5 and the Lord Mayor upon that R.e-.
port granted a Poll, and adjourned till Three Afternoon y when the Poll being
continued until the Evening, it was adjourned by his Lordfljips Order to Nine
of the Clock the Mmday morning following j ('the 2. of O&ober, Saturday being
the day appointed for prefenting of the new ele&ed Sheriffs to the Barons of
the Exchequer. J ,
: The Poll continued all Monday in very good Order, and with greait Calm-
rids, to the fatisfadion ofall Parties concerned. It was taken infix Bpoks, and
a^Supcrvifbr (as Well on the behalf of S’v? William Prichard and Sir Henry Tulfe^
as for Sir Thomas Gold and Mr.Alderman C'ornijh) to every Book. From Monday
the Lord Mayor adjourned the Poll again till Two the next day § and that Even¬
ing the Books were clofed. But before the doling of them, Mr.jfe»^r and others
demanded a Scrutiny upon the Poll. The Lord Mayor told him that he had
nothing to objeft againftit, but however, that as he had not'hitherto done
any thing without the Advice and Concurrence of his Brethren^ fo he would
take their Opinion along with him alfo in this particular. Mr. jfe#4r, &c. de^
fired the fame thing again the next Morning : at which time the Books were caft
up. Whereupon the Common Serjeant reported the Numbers to be thus.
Sir William Prichard 22% 3. Sir Henry Tulfe 236. Sir Thomas Gold 2 289. Mr.Alder¬
man Cornifi 2258.
The Lord Mayor after this, granted the Scrutiny, and appointed that thofe
who had infpeQed the Poll on each fide fhould make the fame, who were
Sir William Dodfon , Sir Edmond Wifeman, Captain Griffith, Captain Geme,
Mr. John CraddocL, and Mr. Thomas Amy for Sir William Prichard : ajjd Sir Thot
mas Player, Mr. John Ellis, Mr. Gilbert Nelfon, Mr. Jacomb, 1s/lr. Francis
Jenfs, Mr. Jo,Hayes, and Mr.Len.Robinfon (as an Affifiant to Sir Thomas Player)
were for Sir Thomas Gold and Mr.Alderman Corniflj.
The Lord Mayor, upon the appointing of this Infpe&ion, iffued out a Pre¬
cept to the Mafters and Wardens of the feveral Companies, commanding them
to return Alphabetical Lifts of their refpecfive Liveries.
Upon Friday October 6,. Tlie Sheriffs, Common Serjeant, and Infpe£fors,met
at Guild-hall in the Orphans Coutt, where they agreed to take Tranfcripts of the
feveral Names in the Poll-Book^, to be pofted under the Heads of the feveral
Companies, which was finiftiedaccordingly upon the Tuefday ioWowing. The
Books and Papers being fealedup every night, and put into a Box, during the
time of theScrutiny, by confent of both Parties.
| On Tkurfday morning QHober 12. The Sheriffs gave the Infpe&ors of each
fide the Tranfcript-Lijls of the Poll, and likewife ordered them Copies of the
Alphabetical-Lifts of the Companies, that they might be in readinefs to bring in
all their Obje<Sions upon the Tuefday following : After which time, no further
Pbje&ions were to be admitted.
OnTuefday (the 17.) The Shenffs3 Common Serjeant, andInfpeffprs riiiet in
•. ■ • fit the
Up on the Election of the Right Honourable

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