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M|A J E S T:Y' ; | jjl||j
To the high Sheriffes of the Counties of \ orkcj LincoInCj Stafford, Derby, Che-
fter, Lanc^fter, Nottingham ,W-eftmorland,Cumberland,Nordtumberland
and tbe BijhopricJjjof- Durham^&c.!
Her cas by tit ers Patents und^rf Our great Seale of England^ We have gran¬
ted unto Sir Qeorge Wentworth thjs Office of Receiver of Our Revencw, arifing
by the forfeitures of Popiih Recufants, in the Northerne Counties, thereby au¬
thorizing himjto receive* and take up in Our name, and to Our ufe all the Rents
and forfeitures due and payable to Us, for or ip relpeei of Recufancy, or Convi&ibn of any
perlbn or pcrfpiis whatfoeveilor by force of any; Adi: or Afts of Parliament made againft Recu-
fants notwithstanding j .whim, as we are infornied, you have not onely taken upon you to dif*
chargeRecufants within that County,from paying their Rents and forfeitures into Our Re¬
ceipt at 21?r%, to our laid Receiver, or Kis Deputy, but pretend they have no power to receive
the fame. thereby making Our Grant ofno effep : Which having taken into Our Princely eon-
flderation, and forcfeeing that by this meanes Our Revenew will not onely be impaired^ but if
timely redreffe be not applied3*may be in danger to be deftroyed and loft 5 We have tho ught
good, and by theft prefehts require and commahd you, that from henceforth you forbeare, upT
on any pretence whatfoever, j to receive the Paid! Forfeitures or Compofitions for Recufancy, or
to hinder the faid Sir George'px his Deputies in receiving or colledting the fame3according to his
faid Granft untill Our pleaitre therein be further mack knowne.
. - Given At Our Cvurt at 'Yvtfc&cfuinto die Maiiii X
B Y THE KI N G I : - ■
A> . ' 1 ' , A /
A Prod amation for putting the Laws againft Popifh Recufants in due execution*
H E Kings mcift! excellent Majefty, having been formerly moved by his Parliament,
for putting the liaws in execution jagainft Papifts, whereto He hath from time to
time full gi venutiRgracious Anfw4r%expteffiog his willingnefte therunto t But now--
finding, that nolfiich proceedings againft them have been yet had, as might anfwer
His Majefties expectation His Majefty therefore, out of His Princely and pious care, as well
for maintaining the true Prpteftant Religionieftablifhed in this Kingdom,as for ftippreflingby
lawfull wayes, all increafe and growth of Popery j Hath thought' fit to publifti His Royall
Ple’afiare therein: Wherefore* His Majefty doth hereby ftraitly charge and command, all and
every His Judges and Juftices of Aflize, Sheriffs,] uft ices of Peace,and other His Officers and Mft
. nifters wnatfoe\ er, Whomic doth any way concern, That they, and every, of them, according to
the duties of the r feverall Offices and Places,do forthwith, and. without further delay, put in
due and e£fe5:ua]l execution the Lawes and Statutes of this Realm, provided and made againft
Popifli RecufantsT,* and that without favour or connivence j As they tender, His Maiefties iuft
*and Royall Commands, the good of this Church'and Kingdome, and will anfwer for neglefl; of
their duties herein. ft ■ ; | | • I . if ,
Die MartiSj 20. Mali, -1642.
IT is this day Orderedhy theLords and Commons in Parliament ajfemhled^That the
Magazines ofthe feverall Counties in England and W dies,pall be forthwith put
into the power of the Lord Lievtenantj ofthe faid Counties, repeuively, (being
Juch asthe Parliament doth confide in) for the Service, and fafety of His Majefly and
his Kingdom.
■ Ordered by the Lords in Parliament, That this Order fh.all be Printed and Pubiifhed*
Loh • £ ''L l£ r, T nrl9
LQNDONVnntcd for I;T. i 6 a 2,

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