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^Nathaniel Thompfon. *
Of ^William Yaine.
tjobn Farm ell.
KingSrBench Bar in Guild-Hall *
On the 20th of this Inftant Jum, 1682.
For Trefpafs and Misbehaviours, in.Writing, Printing, and Publifh^
ing Letters, importing. That Sir Edrnund Bury Godfrey mxmhtrtd
himfelf. Alfo feveral Icandalous Reflections upon the Government^
and arraigning the Juftice of the Nafi9n. With all the material
Circumftances that attended their Trial, wherein they were all
Three found guilty.
Guild~Hall3 fine 20, .
P" g ^His l^eing the firft fitting of thisTerm at the Kings Bench Barfed
the City of LarMn^ and the Liberties thereof, after feveral
Trials the long expe<fted Trial of Narhamel Tkonyfon^ William
fame , arid foha Farveell, according to the Adjournment
of the laft Tearm came to an Blue. Firft the Jury were fworn, viriz,^
Teter HubUnd Fore-man, Mr. £///*, Mr. Farry^ Mr. Brocks, Mr. Bifeild^
Mr. Lee3 Mr. FYhitwood , Mr. Sambroo^ WtUiam facob, John Denew,
Mr. Body, and Mr. Howard, z\\- fijb&aiitiai-Gitizens,'Md-Men of Worthy
whereupon Mt. Thompfon, Counfellour at Law, ope;ned the heinoufneft of
the FacJ, infjfting that Ndth. Thomfon had Printed and Pabljfhod Two Let-*
ters, the firft d ireCted to Mr. Miles Trautxe, about his EvkhBe in relath
on to the Death of Sir Edmund-bury Godfrey, the other to the
Ghoft, both dated in Aiarcb kft 5 In which he not only went about to make
the People believe that Sir Edmund-Bury Godfry murthered himfelf, but
,a]fb arraigned the Joftice of the Nation, the Papers being produced in Court,
Sir Philij? Floyd, Sir John Nicols) and Efcp$ Bridgman we're called, whode-
ppffed, that Thompfm had owned the Printing of them, and that Far well
declared he brought him the bne3 and Paine the other, befbre the Council.
After the general Paragraphs were read in his Intelligence^ wherein he
feeraed to juftifie the fbrmer Letters, and that he could bring a confidera-
ble number; of Wicndles to prove that S\t Edmund-bury Godfrey killed him-
fejf, or to that purpofej whereupon Serjeant Mainard, Counfel for the
Kirtg^ppened the Caufe more at large, laying open the nature of the fnaficj*
ous pefign^ which he fa id Was to infinuate; into the People a belief, that
that worthy perfon billed hhnfelf, and thereby to take oft the Odium frotnj
;the Papifts, whofe Interefr thofe men ftrove to advance, who ^totild dare to
arraign the Juft ice of the Nation. After which Ehompfon, Paine, and Farwetl
were called to bring in their Witneffes, but fhe latret only made hisperfdna?
appearance, bf 'mg brought up in the Cuftody of iTipftaff, and Gotinfef in thd
behalf of ThoinpfoVt endeavoured to make his1 Defence, 'henot appearing.
jn,Court. After t&Council Tor, the'Ring had giveo-the Charge, Mr.Saundsrs
declared,that WillmmVaine bad been drawn intd the unfortunate Aiftion,and
that he did abfolutdy difown it in its particular Gitcuan'Ce’s,tfiaking ma -
uy_Apologies fpr hiis-.Clienc.i but withal declaring, thaf i!Fr>he thbugjht hrrh
wilfuily Guilty offo Notprious a Crimejhe would notjhave appeared in hi^
Caufe j after him Mr, rr/n?/^7g-pleading for Thmpfori, and then EUzCurtis.,
Mr. Brown the Corftable, and >othefs had fworn that they gave in their Evi¬
dence at the Tryal/offeM Retryf and IltWd 9nd thatihe Record of their
Gonyi&ion was Read, and their Execution fworn to by Capt* Riehardfirij
• Farwelt

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