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Copy of a Letter
* . To his GRACE
The Lord Archbifhop ot Qanterbury,
Subfcrrbed by Eight Archbifliaps and Bifliops of that King¬
dom, as follows : Vi%.
Edenburgh, 1^8 2. ^J 1
Mdy it pleafe yom Grace^i - - —ri^ «^
"W* 'W" I S Royal Highnbfs having parted from this
■ » place on Monday laft, being called by the King
to attend his Majefty at Newmarket, We (hould
'“r prove very defrSive in Duty and Gratitude,
if upon this occafion we flrould forget to acknowledge to
your Grace, how much this poor Church, and our Order*
do owe to his Princely Care and Goodnels *, that his Ma-
jefty, and the worthy Bifliops of England, may from you
receive a juft account thereof.* •.
Since the coming of his Royal Highnels to this King¬
dom, we find our cafe much changed for the better, and
our Church and Order ( which through the cunning and
power of our Adverfaries, were expofed to extream ha¬
zard and contempt ) fonfibly relieved, and refcued *
which next to the watchful Providence of God ( that
mercifully fuperintends his Church, ) we can afcribe to
nothing fo much as. to hk Royal Highnefs gracious own¬
ing, and vigilent proteftton of us:

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