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The Perfons who Committed the Barbarous and
Inhumane Murtber upon the Body of
Who were Tryed, Caftand Condemned, at the Seffiowt*
Honfe in the OU-Btyty 2 ati the iM. of the aforelaid Inftant.
Being a True Account of the moft material Paflages that
happened during the laid TR TAL S.
'Together i With the Particulars of the TR-YAL^
Sufpefted as the principal Contriver of the laid Murther, See.
THE Seffion of Oyer and Terminer^
which began on Fryday thz 24^/? of
this Inftant February, and contimiH-
ed till the i$th of the fame5 Being Adjourn-
edto the z$th, in order to the Tryal of the
Murtherers of Thamas Thytrtt, Efquire j the
Bills being found againft them at Hkkfs*
HaJly they were this Morning brought t©
the Qld-BayUy from the County-Goal of
JTevpgate, where they have continued ever
ftnee the izth paft y when a while after the
Court was fat* they were called to the Bar
and Arraigned j Upon which the Jury
C Half Englifi), and Half Forraigners )’
being luipanelcd, were Sworn* and their In¬
dictment Read \ the purport of which were
as followed!: m : That George Boroskie,
Chriftopher lolni Stern,A£bor$>
Aiders, and Abetters> and Charles John Con?*
ningfmark, as Principal Contriver of the fsid
Tht Pr if oners at the Bar,had (by tkeln-
fiigation of the Devil, ont of their malice
afore-thought} FcllomenJIy and Mdici- \
ettfy Conjpired the Death of Thoin^s-1
Thynn* Efq'y Artd that they on the 1 atb
of Februaryj^ the 34thXe4r of Bis Ma-
jeft, in the Parifi of St. Martins-in-the-
Fields* with a certain Gun Charged with
Powder and Bullet, fhot hint in his Co achy
giving Unto him fever al wounds, of which
he Ungmjtungi lived until the i^th. and
: then dyed of the fame, 8cc, ,:j ’
After the Indictment was Read, the
i Prifoners pleaded Not Guilty, the Count
. Comnngfmark, having made Exceptions a-
gainft Nineteen or Twenty of the Jury ~
die CcHinfel for the King, who where Sii;
Francis Withens, Sir Fraiicis WwwngtQft,
Mr. and others, opened the hein-
oufneB of the Fa<ft, upon which, the Wit-
ueftes for the King were called and Sworn^'
the firft bring one WHUatn Ole, Servant t#'
-Squire Thynn, who Depofed upon Qath,"
That on Sunday the 12th* e/Feb. his Mafiter.
Coming from a Perfon of Quality, and upon
his return at he was coming into the Pall-Mall^
three Perfons rid by this Coach fide a whiler and „
then one of them riding before, cryed, 0; Hsilt pr
Stop, whichfrutttofwitfr [aid, but a Mufqife*,

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