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'Broadsides from the Crawford Collection' contains the following 2181 items:

Thumbnail for 'On Monday last, at a meeting of the Common-Council of this city, the right honourable the Lord Mayor was pleas'd to introduce the business of the day in the following words: Gentlemen, there is a bill depending in the House of Commons ... laying an inland duty on tobacco'

Broadsides from the Crawford Collection >

On Monday last, at a meeting of the Common-Council of this city, the right honourable the Lord Mayor was pleas'd to introduce the business of the day in the following words: Gentlemen, there is a bill depending in the House of Commons ... laying an inland duty on tobacco [144783744]

Author: City of London (England). Court of Common Council

Probable date printed: 1733

Thumbnail for 'Anonymous advertisement having been lately printed, industriously handed about, and fix'd up in several publick places, reflecting upon Mr. Culmer Cockerill, the present senior bailiff of Scarborough'

Broadsides from the Crawford Collection >

Anonymous advertisement having been lately printed, industriously handed about, and fix'd up in several publick places, reflecting upon Mr. Culmer Cockerill, the present senior bailiff of Scarborough [144783745]

Probable date printed: 1733

Thumbnail for 'Compleat list and names, of the female Yellow Society; with a true description of the olive beauties'

Broadsides from the Crawford Collection >

Compleat list and names, of the female Yellow Society; with a true description of the olive beauties [144783746]

Author: Corporation of Yellows (Capel Street, Dublin, Ireland)

Probable date printed: 1733

Thumbnail for 'Mr. Earbery's case'

Broadsides from the Crawford Collection >

Mr. Earbery's case [144783747]

Probable date printed: 1733

Thumbnail for 'His Majesty's most gracious speech to both Houses of Parliament, on Thursday the seventeenth day of January 1734'

Broadsides from the Crawford Collection >

His Majesty's most gracious speech to both Houses of Parliament, on Thursday the seventeenth day of January 1734 [144783748]

Author: George I, King of Great Britain, 1660-1727

Printer: Freebairn, Robert, -1747

Date printed: 1734

Thumbnail for 'Act of the Commission of the General Assembly for a fast. At Edinburgh, the 17th day of May 1734'

Broadsides from the Crawford Collection >

Act of the Commission of the General Assembly for a fast. At Edinburgh, the 17th day of May 1734 [144783749]

Author: Church of Scotland. General Assembly. Commission

Probable date printed: 1734

Thumbnail for 'Madam, what pain I have, and how uneasy I am at your flying me and baulking me, the gods only knows! But sure I am, my zeal and love is upon the stretch…'

Broadsides from the Crawford Collection >

Madam, what pain I have, and how uneasy I am at your flying me and baulking me, the gods only knows! But sure I am, my zeal and love is upon the stretch… [144783750]

Author: Rosebery, James Primrose, Earl of, approximately 1691-1755

Probable date printed: 1734

Thumbnail for 'Genuin [sic] declaration, and last dying speech of Peirce Tobin and Walter Kelly sailors'

Broadsides from the Crawford Collection >

Genuin [sic] declaration, and last dying speech of Peirce Tobin and Walter Kelly sailors [144783752]

Author: Tobin, Pierce, -1734

Author: Kelly, Walter, -1734

Printer: Dudlow, Tho.

Probable date printed: 1734

Thumbnail for 'Letter from a gentleman at London, to his friend at Edinburgh..'

Broadsides from the Crawford Collection >

Letter from a gentleman at London, to his friend at Edinburgh.. [144783753]

Author: Gentleman at London.

Probable date printed: 1735

Date created: 1735

Thumbnail for 'Act of the Commission of the General Assembly of the Church of Scotland for a fast'

Broadsides from the Crawford Collection >

Act of the Commission of the General Assembly of the Church of Scotland for a fast [144783754]

Author: Church of Scotland. General Assembly. Commission

Probable date printed: 1735

Date created: 1735

Thumbnail for 'To the Right Honourable, the Lord Chief Baron, and the rest of the barons of His Majesty's Court of Exchequer in Scotland, the petition of Anna-Concordia Strachan, relict of Mr. William Sanders, sometime professor of mathematicks at St. Andrews'

Broadsides from the Crawford Collection >

To the Right Honourable, the Lord Chief Baron, and the rest of the barons of His Majesty's Court of Exchequer in Scotland, the petition of Anna-Concordia Strachan, relict of Mr. William Sanders, sometime professor of mathematicks at St. Andrews [144783755]

Author: Strachan, Anna-Concordia

Probable date printed: 1735

Date created: 1735

Thumbnail for 'By the Court of Assistants of the Governors of the Work-House of the city of Dublin. Advertisement'

Broadsides from the Crawford Collection >

By the Court of Assistants of the Governors of the Work-House of the city of Dublin. Advertisement [144783756]

Author: Dublin (Ireland). Workhouse

Probable date printed: 1729

Thumbnail for 'His Majesty's most gracious speech to both Houses of Parliament, on Thursday the fifteenth day of January, 1735'

Broadsides from the Crawford Collection >

His Majesty's most gracious speech to both Houses of Parliament, on Thursday the fifteenth day of January, 1735 [144783757]

Author: George II, King of Great Britain, 1683-1760

Printer: Freebairn, Robert, -1747

Date printed: 1736

Thumbnail for 'True declaration, and last speech confession and dying words of Denis Watch alias Watson and John Dougherty'

Broadsides from the Crawford Collection >

True declaration, and last speech confession and dying words of Denis Watch alias Watson and John Dougherty [144783758]

Author: Watch, Denis, -1736

Author: Dougherty, John, -1736

Printer: Robinson, W., active 1736

Probable date printed: 1736

Thumbnail for 'Compleat list of the popes or, bishops of Rome from St. Peter to Clement. 12th. the present pope 1736'

Broadsides from the Crawford Collection >

Compleat list of the popes or, bishops of Rome from St. Peter to Clement. 12th. the present pope 1736 [144783759]

Printer: Thompson, Nathaniel, -1687

Date printed: 1736

Thumbnail for 'Memorial for Mr. Robert Freebairn'

Broadsides from the Crawford Collection >

Memorial for Mr. Robert Freebairn [144783760]

Probable date printed: 1737

Thumbnail for 'Copy of Lord Essex's written message to the Prince'

Broadsides from the Crawford Collection >

Copy of Lord Essex's written message to the Prince [144783761]

Author: Essex, William Capel, Earl of, 1697-1743

Probable date printed: 1737

Thumbnail for 'Georgius Rex. The professions you have lately made in your letters, of your particular regard to me, are so contradictory to your actions, that I cannot suffer myself to be imposed upon by them'

Broadsides from the Crawford Collection >

Georgius Rex. The professions you have lately made in your letters, of your particular regard to me, are so contradictory to your actions, that I cannot suffer myself to be imposed upon by them [144783763]

Author: George II, King of Great Britain, 1683-1760

Probable date printed: 1737

Thumbnail for 'Drapers seasonable advice to the clergy, gentlemen, free-holders, and free men of the city of Dublin'

Broadsides from the Crawford Collection >

Drapers seasonable advice to the clergy, gentlemen, free-holders, and free men of the city of Dublin [144783764]

Probable date printed: 1737

Thumbnail for 'P----s letter of advice to his fellow citizens'

Broadsides from the Crawford Collection >

P----s letter of advice to his fellow citizens [144783765]

Date printed: 1737

Thumbnail for 'Act for maintenance of the poor within the parishes to which they belong, and punishing idle and vagrant beggars'

Broadsides from the Crawford Collection >

Act for maintenance of the poor within the parishes to which they belong, and punishing idle and vagrant beggars [144783766]

Probable date printed: 1737

Thumbnail for 'Ireland's mourning flagg'

Broadsides from the Crawford Collection >

Ireland's mourning flagg [144783767]

Date printed: 1737

Thumbnail for 'Information for His Majesty's Advocate, against Thomas Linning prisoner in the Tolbooth of Edinburgh'

Broadsides from the Crawford Collection >

Information for His Majesty's Advocate, against Thomas Linning prisoner in the Tolbooth of Edinburgh [144783768]

Author: Grant, William (Advocate of Edinburgh)

Probable date printed: 1738

Thumbnail for 'Case of Rolston Humfrey, Esq'

Broadsides from the Crawford Collection >

Case of Rolston Humfrey, Esq [144783769]

Author: Humfrey, Rolston

Probable date printed: 1738

Thumbnail for 'Act of the Honble. The Magistrates and Justices of Peace, of the burgh of Aberdeen'

Broadsides from the Crawford Collection >

Act of the Honble. The Magistrates and Justices of Peace, of the burgh of Aberdeen [144783770]

Author: Aberdeen (Scotland). Magistrates

Author: Aberdeenshire (Scotland). Justices of the Peace

Probable date printed: 1739

Thumbnail for 'Act of the Commission of the General Assembly of the Church of Scotland, appointing a national fast'

Broadsides from the Crawford Collection >

Act of the Commission of the General Assembly of the Church of Scotland, appointing a national fast [144783771]

Author: Church of Scotland. General Assembly. Commission

Probable date printed: 1739

Thumbnail for 'Tryal and examination of Philip Farrel, Murtagh Gannan, Patrick Hallagan, Michael Grogan, Henry Cain, Hugh Kelly, Laurence Carty, James Hanalan, John Fox, ---------- Quin, William Hall, Nicholas Cusick, Richard Rotchford, John Rotchford, Marks Reily, Patrick Byrne, Christopher Conlan, Pierce Cafery, -------- Doogan'

Broadsides from the Crawford Collection >

Tryal and examination of Philip Farrel, Murtagh Gannan, Patrick Hallagan, Michael Grogan, Henry Cain, Hugh Kelly, Laurence Carty, James Hanalan, John Fox, ---------- Quin, William Hall, Nicholas Cusick, Richard Rotchford, John Rotchford, Marks Reily, Patrick Byrne, Christopher Conlan, Pierce Cafery, -------- Doogan [144783772]

Probable date printed: 1739-1740

Thumbnail for 'Following lands and tenements being part of the estate of Daniel Reddy Esqr; are to be sold by publick cant to the highest and best bidder at the Tholsel of the city of Dublin, on Monday the 25th of February inst. between the hours of ten and twelve in the forenoon of the said day, by the trustees appointed to put in execution an act, intituled (An act for the relief of the creditors of Daniel Reddy Esqr; and of Dudley Reddy his brother deceas'd, by sale of their real and personal estates for payment of their debts.)'

Broadsides from the Crawford Collection >

Following lands and tenements being part of the estate of Daniel Reddy Esqr; are to be sold by publick cant to the highest and best bidder at the Tholsel of the city of Dublin, on Monday the 25th of February inst. between the hours of ten and twelve in the forenoon of the said day, by the trustees appointed to put in execution an act, intituled (An act for the relief of the creditors of Daniel Reddy Esqr; and of Dudley Reddy his brother deceas'd, by sale of their real and personal estates for payment of their debts.) [144783773]

Printer: Goulding, Christopher, -1746

Probable date printed: 1739

Thumbnail for 'To His Grace William, Duke of Devonshire, Lord Lieutenant General, and General Governor of Ireland, the humble address of the Lords spiritual and temporal, in Parliament assembled'

Broadsides from the Crawford Collection >

To His Grace William, Duke of Devonshire, Lord Lieutenant General, and General Governor of Ireland, the humble address of the Lords spiritual and temporal, in Parliament assembled [144783774]

Printer: Grierson, George, -1753

Date printed: 1740

Thumbnail for 'Act of the Presbytery of Edinburgh, setting apart a day for humiliation, prayer and thanksgiving within their bounds'

Broadsides from the Crawford Collection >

Act of the Presbytery of Edinburgh, setting apart a day for humiliation, prayer and thanksgiving within their bounds [144783775]

Author: Church of Scotland. Presbytery of Edinburgh

Probable date printed: 1740

Date created: 1740

Thumbnail for 'Act of the Presbytery of Edinburgh, against the profanation of the Lord's day'

Broadsides from the Crawford Collection >

Act of the Presbytery of Edinburgh, against the profanation of the Lord's day [144783776]

Author: Church of Scotland. Presbytery of Edinburgh

Probable date printed: 1740

Date created: 1740

Thumbnail for 'Whole order and procession, of the 24 corporations together with a survey of the liberties and franchises of the city of Dublin, as they are to be ridden and perambulated the 11th of August 1740, by the Lord Mayor, aldermen, &c'

Broadsides from the Crawford Collection >

Whole order and procession, of the 24 corporations together with a survey of the liberties and franchises of the city of Dublin, as they are to be ridden and perambulated the 11th of August 1740, by the Lord Mayor, aldermen, &c [144783777]

Author: Nelson, Henry, active 1725-1734

Probable date printed: 1740

Thumbnail for 'Act of Council regulating the straw market'

Broadsides from the Crawford Collection >

Act of Council regulating the straw market [144783778]

Author: Edinburgh (Scotland). Town Council

Probable date printed: 1740

Date created: 1740

Thumbnail for 'Act of Council regulating hackney-coaches'

Broadsides from the Crawford Collection >

Act of Council regulating hackney-coaches [144783779]

Author: Edinburgh (Scotland). Town Council

Probable date printed: 1740

Date created: 1740

Thumbnail for 'Full and particular account of the proceedings of the mob that happened in and about Edinburgh and Leith on Thursday the 23rd instant'

Broadsides from the Crawford Collection >

Full and particular account of the proceedings of the mob that happened in and about Edinburgh and Leith on Thursday the 23rd instant [144783780]

Probable date printed: 1740

Thumbnail for 'Ladies of St. Catherine's reply to Mr. Devereux and his adherents'

Broadsides from the Crawford Collection >

Ladies of St. Catherine's reply to Mr. Devereux and his adherents [144783781]

Author: Stickfast, Isabella

Printer: Dickson, Christopher, -1749

Date printed: 1740

Date created: 1749

Thumbnail for 'His Majesty's most gracious speech to both Houses of Parliament, on Tuesday the eighteenth day of November, 1740'

Broadsides from the Crawford Collection >

His Majesty's most gracious speech to both Houses of Parliament, on Tuesday the eighteenth day of November, 1740 [144783782]

Author: George II, King of Great Britain, 1683-1760

Printer: Baskett, John, 1666 or 7-1742

Date printed: 1740

Thumbnail for 'Genuine declaration of Edward Shuel'

Broadsides from the Crawford Collection >

Genuine declaration of Edward Shuel [144783783]

Printer: Goulding, Christopher, -1746

Author: Sewell, Edward (Clergyman)

Probable date printed: 1740

Thumbnail for 'Reverend Sir, you have been pleased often to question me about my father's sufferings; but never meeting so good an opportunity for that relation as I could have wished, I have presumed to give you the following account'

Broadsides from the Crawford Collection >

Reverend Sir, you have been pleased often to question me about my father's sufferings; but never meeting so good an opportunity for that relation as I could have wished, I have presumed to give you the following account [144783784]

Author: Noake, Dorothy

Probable date printed: 1740

Thumbnail for 'Act of the Town-Council of Edinburgh, for encouraging the importation of grain to the port of Leith'

Broadsides from the Crawford Collection >

Act of the Town-Council of Edinburgh, for encouraging the importation of grain to the port of Leith [144783785]

Author: Edinburgh (Scotland). Town Council

Probable date printed: 1740

Thumbnail for 'Pay of the officers and men in the Royal Navy, together with the number in each rate, their daily allowance of provisions, and the number of ships'

Broadsides from the Crawford Collection >

Pay of the officers and men in the Royal Navy, together with the number in each rate, their daily allowance of provisions, and the number of ships [144783786]

Author: Great Britain. Royal Navy

Probable date printed: 1740

Thumbnail for 'Act and recommendation of the General Assembly of the Church of Scotland, concerning a fast'

Broadsides from the Crawford Collection >

Act and recommendation of the General Assembly of the Church of Scotland, concerning a fast [144783787]

Author: Church of Scotland. General Assembly

Probable date printed: 1741

Date created: 1741

Thumbnail for 'By consent. Charecters [sic] of some young women, belonging to the Changes: who are to be dispos'd of by way of auction, July 41'

Broadsides from the Crawford Collection >

By consent. Charecters [sic] of some young women, belonging to the Changes: who are to be dispos'd of by way of auction, July 41 [144783788]

Probable date printed: 1691

Thumbnail for 'Act of the Presbytery of Edinburgh, setting apart a day for solemn prayer and thanksgiving'

Broadsides from the Crawford Collection >

Act of the Presbytery of Edinburgh, setting apart a day for solemn prayer and thanksgiving [144783789]

Author: Church of Scotland. Presbytery of Edinburgh

Probable date printed: 1741

Date created: 1741

Thumbnail for 'Act of the Presbytery of Edinburgh for a fast'

Broadsides from the Crawford Collection >

Act of the Presbytery of Edinburgh for a fast [144783790]

Author: Church of Scotland. Presbytery of Edinburgh

Probable date printed: 1744

Date created: 1744

Thumbnail for 'Two genuine private letters from the army in Flanders'

Broadsides from the Crawford Collection >

Two genuine private letters from the army in Flanders [144783791]

Probable date printed: 1745

Thumbnail for 'Act of council for keeping clean the streets of the City of Edinburgh, and suburbs thereof'

Broadsides from the Crawford Collection >

Act of council for keeping clean the streets of the City of Edinburgh, and suburbs thereof [144783792]

Author: Edinburgh (Scotland). Town Council

Probable date printed: 1745

Thumbnail for 'Act of the Presbytery of Edinburgh for a fast'

Broadsides from the Crawford Collection >

Act of the Presbytery of Edinburgh for a fast [144783793]

Author: Church of Scotland. Presbytery of Edinburgh

Probable date printed: 1745

Date created: 1745

Thumbnail for 'At Edinburgh, Thursday the 14th day of November, 1745'

Broadsides from the Crawford Collection >

At Edinburgh, Thursday the 14th day of November, 1745 [144783794]

Author: Church of Scotland. General Assembly

Probable date printed: 1745

Date created: 1745

Thumbnail for 'Journal of the marches of His Royal Highness the Prince Regent's army, from the time they entred [sic] England, the 8th of November, till their return to Scotland, the 20th of December, 1745'

Broadsides from the Crawford Collection >

Journal of the marches of His Royal Highness the Prince Regent's army, from the time they entred [sic] England, the 8th of November, till their return to Scotland, the 20th of December, 1745 [144783795]

Probable date printed: 1746