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'Broadsides from the Crawford Collection' contains the following 2181 items:

Thumbnail for 'Whole tryal and examination of Mary Allen'

Broadsides from the Crawford Collection >

Whole tryal and examination of Mary Allen [144783644]

Author: Allen, Mary, -1723

Probable date printed: 1723

Thumbnail for 'Cardinal Alberoni's letter to the Abbot of Westminster'

Broadsides from the Crawford Collection >

Cardinal Alberoni's letter to the Abbot of Westminster [144783645]

Printer: Humes, Thomas, -1737

Author: Alberoni, Giulio, 1664-1752

Date printed: 1723

Thumbnail for 'Last speech and dying words'

Broadsides from the Crawford Collection >

Last speech and dying words [144783646]

Author: Malone, Robert, -1723

Date printed: 1723

Thumbnail for 'Cato's letter to the Bishop of Rochester'

Broadsides from the Crawford Collection >

Cato's letter to the Bishop of Rochester [144783647]

Author: Dicephilus

Printer: Humes, Thomas, -1737

Date printed: 1723

Thumbnail for 'Remarks on the present conspiracy'

Broadsides from the Crawford Collection >

Remarks on the present conspiracy [144783648]

Author: Hoadly, Benjamin, 1676-1761

Printer: Ffookes, Margaret

Date printed: 1723

Thumbnail for 'Fyngaull pakete jist noo came to toone'

Broadsides from the Crawford Collection >

Fyngaull pakete jist noo came to toone [144783649]

Printer: Harding, John, -1725

Probable date printed: 1723

Thumbnail for 'Letter in answer to a letter wrote by a member of parliament'

Broadsides from the Crawford Collection >

Letter in answer to a letter wrote by a member of parliament [144783650]

Author: Dunkin, Jeremy

Date printed: 1723

Date created: 1723

Thumbnail for 'True and particular account of the escape and apprehending Thomas Kincaid, who barbarously murdered his own wife Mrs. Elizabeth Murray'

Broadsides from the Crawford Collection >

True and particular account of the escape and apprehending Thomas Kincaid, who barbarously murdered his own wife Mrs. Elizabeth Murray [144783651]

Author: Inglis, James, active 1723

Probable date printed: 1723

Thumbnail for 'Full and true account of a barbarous and bloody murder committed on the body of Mr. John Bray'

Broadsides from the Crawford Collection >

Full and true account of a barbarous and bloody murder committed on the body of Mr. John Bray [144783652]

Printer: Carter, Cornelius, -1734

Date printed: 1723

Thumbnail for 'Letter from a nonjuring lady to the clergy of the Church of England'

Broadsides from the Crawford Collection >

Letter from a nonjuring lady to the clergy of the Church of England [144783653]

Author: Nonjuring lady

Date printed: 1723

Thumbnail for 'Swearers bank, or, Parliamentary security for a new bank'

Broadsides from the Crawford Collection >

Swearers bank, or, Parliamentary security for a new bank [144783654]

Printer: Humes, Thomas, -1737

Probable date printed: 1720

Thumbnail for 'List of the names of the adventurers in the Bank of Scotland'

Broadsides from the Crawford Collection >

List of the names of the adventurers in the Bank of Scotland [144783655]

Author: Bank of Scotland

Probable date printed: 1724

Date created: 1724

Thumbnail for 'Art of rapping'

Broadsides from the Crawford Collection >

Art of rapping [144783656]

Printer: Harding, John, -1725

Author: Knockondoor, Monsieur

Date printed: 1724

Thumbnail for 'Tryal and examination of William Dover a Quaker'

Broadsides from the Crawford Collection >

Tryal and examination of William Dover a Quaker [144783657]

Probable date printed: 1724

Thumbnail for 'Compleat and correct lists of all the Lords Chancellors and Keepers, Lords Treasurers and First Commissioners, Lords Presidents of the Council, Lords Privy-Seal, Lords Stewards and Lords Chamberlains of the Houshold, Principal Secretaries of State, Lords Lieutenants of Ireland, Speakers of the House of Commons, Lord Chief-Justices of the King's-Bench, and Common-pleas, Lord Chief-Barons of the Exchequer, Attorneys and Solicitors-General, Lord Mayors, Sheriffs,and Recorders of London, from the restoration in 1660 to the year 1724'

Broadsides from the Crawford Collection >

Compleat and correct lists of all the Lords Chancellors and Keepers, Lords Treasurers and First Commissioners, Lords Presidents of the Council, Lords Privy-Seal, Lords Stewards and Lords Chamberlains of the Houshold, Principal Secretaries of State, Lords Lieutenants of Ireland, Speakers of the House of Commons, Lord Chief-Justices of the King's-Bench, and Common-pleas, Lord Chief-Barons of the Exchequer, Attorneys and Solicitors-General, Lord Mayors, Sheriffs,and Recorders of London, from the restoration in 1660 to the year 1724 [144783658]

Probable date printed: 1724

Thumbnail for 'Sir Michael Creagh's letter to His Grace the Lord Arch.Bishop [sic] of Dublin in answer to some objections made to his letter to Doctor Cashin'

Broadsides from the Crawford Collection >

Sir Michael Creagh's letter to His Grace the Lord Arch.Bishop [sic] of Dublin in answer to some objections made to his letter to Doctor Cashin [144783659]

Author: Creagh, Michael, Sir

Probable date printed: 1724

Thumbnail for 'Whole tryal, and condemnation of Mrs. Jane Wade'

Broadsides from the Crawford Collection >

Whole tryal, and condemnation of Mrs. Jane Wade [144783660]

Date printed: 1724

Thumbnail for 'Declaration of the Corporation of the Guild of St. Loy'

Broadsides from the Crawford Collection >

Declaration of the Corporation of the Guild of St. Loy [144783661]

Printer: Needham, Gwyn, active 1714-1730

Author: Corporation of the Guild of St. Loy (Dublin, Ireland)

Date printed: 1724

Thumbnail for 'Whereas during the last session of Parliament held in this kingdom, it was reported, that a design having been carried on by William Wood, Esq; in order to utter coper halfpence and farthings in this kingdom'

Broadsides from the Crawford Collection >

Whereas during the last session of Parliament held in this kingdom, it was reported, that a design having been carried on by William Wood, Esq; in order to utter coper halfpence and farthings in this kingdom [144783662]

Author: Guild of St. John Baptist (Dublin, Ireland)

Printer: Carson, James, -1765

Date printed: 1724

Thumbnail for 'Harding's Dublin impartial news letter'

Broadsides from the Crawford Collection >

Harding's Dublin impartial news letter [144783663]

Printer: Harding, John, -1725

Probable date printed: 1724

Thumbnail for 'Last speech and dying words of Captain Collins who was executed at Kingston in Surry, the 4th, of October inst'

Broadsides from the Crawford Collection >

Last speech and dying words of Captain Collins who was executed at Kingston in Surry, the 4th, of October inst [144783664]

Printer: Harding, John, -1725

Author: Collins, Captain, -approximately 1724

Probable date printed: 1724

Thumbnail for 'Last speech and dying words of Captain Collins who was executed at Kingston in Surry, the 4th, of October inst'

Broadsides from the Crawford Collection >

Last speech and dying words of Captain Collins who was executed at Kingston in Surry, the 4th, of October inst [144783665]

Author: Collins, Captain, -approximately 1724

Printer: Harding, John, -1725

Probable date printed: 1724

Thumbnail for 'Speech of the Reverend Father, the Advocate for the Jesuits of Thorn, in the High Court of Chancery of Poland'

Broadsides from the Crawford Collection >

Speech of the Reverend Father, the Advocate for the Jesuits of Thorn, in the High Court of Chancery of Poland [144783666]

Printer: Needham, Elizabeth, -1755

Printer: Dickson, Richard, active 1718-1748

Probable date printed: 1724

Thumbnail for 'Presentment of the Grand-Jury of the county of the city of Dublin'

Broadsides from the Crawford Collection >

Presentment of the Grand-Jury of the county of the city of Dublin [144783667]

Author: Dublin (Ireland : County). Grand Jury

Printer: Rider, Pressick

Printer: Harbin, Thomas, -1737

Date printed: 1724

Thumbnail for 'Letter from a friend to the Right Honourable -- -- -- --'

Broadsides from the Crawford Collection >

Letter from a friend to the Right Honourable -- -- -- -- [144783668]

Date printed: 1724

Thumbnail for 'Brewers declaration'

Broadsides from the Crawford Collection >

Brewers declaration [144783669]

Printer: Harding, John, -1725

Probable date printed: 1724

Thumbnail for 'Letter to the K------- at Arms. From a reputed esquire, one of the subscribers to the bank.'

Broadsides from the Crawford Collection >

Letter to the K------- at Arms. From a reputed esquire, one of the subscribers to the bank. [144783670]

Author: Swift, Jonathan, 1667-1745

Printer: Harding, John, -1725

Probable date printed: 1721

Thumbnail for 'Remarks on the speech of the Reverend Father the Advocate for the Jesuits of Thorn; delivered before the Assessorial Tribunal of the Great Chancellor of Poland'

Broadsides from the Crawford Collection >

Remarks on the speech of the Reverend Father the Advocate for the Jesuits of Thorn; delivered before the Assessorial Tribunal of the Great Chancellor of Poland [144783671]

Author: Philopatris, active 1725

Printer: Dickson, Richard, active 1718-1748

Printer: Needham, Elizabeth, -1755

Date printed: 1725

Thumbnail for 'Letter ascrib'd to the Rt. Honble the Ld. C-----f-J--st--e W-----'

Broadsides from the Crawford Collection >

Letter ascrib'd to the Rt. Honble the Ld. C-----f-J--st--e W----- [144783672]

Probable date printed: 1725

Thumbnail for 'List of medals, struck since the latter end of the reign of His Majesty King William the Third'

Broadsides from the Crawford Collection >

List of medals, struck since the latter end of the reign of His Majesty King William the Third [144783673]

Probable date printed: 1727

Thumbnail for 'Letter from the Magistrates of Glasgow, to a gentleman in Edinburgh, giving an account of the late tumult which happened at Glasgow'

Broadsides from the Crawford Collection >

Letter from the Magistrates of Glasgow, to a gentleman in Edinburgh, giving an account of the late tumult which happened at Glasgow [144783674]

Author: Stirling, John (Magistrate of Glasgow)

Author: Johnston, James (Magistrate of Glasgow)

Probable date printed: 1725

Thumbnail for 'In the General Convention of the Royal Boroughs, holden at the burgh of Edinburgh upon the seventh day of July, one thousand seven hundred and twenty five years, by the commissioners therein conveened'

Broadsides from the Crawford Collection >

In the General Convention of the Royal Boroughs, holden at the burgh of Edinburgh upon the seventh day of July, one thousand seven hundred and twenty five years, by the commissioners therein conveened [144783675]

Author: Convention of Royal Burghs (Scotland)

Probable date printed: 1725

Thumbnail for 'Act for preventing the want or scarcity of ale or beer, and bread, in the good-town of Edinburgh'

Broadsides from the Crawford Collection >

Act for preventing the want or scarcity of ale or beer, and bread, in the good-town of Edinburgh [144783676]

Author: Scotland. Court of Session

Author: Dalrymple, Hew, Sir, 1652-1737

Probable date printed: 1725

Thumbnail for 'Case of the scribblers, alias Dutch-spinners of the city and county of Dublin'

Broadsides from the Crawford Collection >

Case of the scribblers, alias Dutch-spinners of the city and county of Dublin [144783677]

Probable date printed: 1725

Thumbnail for 'Copy of a letter from Sir Th. Herbert to Dr. Samways, and by him sent to the Archbishop of Canterbury, Dr. Sandcroft'

Broadsides from the Crawford Collection >

Copy of a letter from Sir Th. Herbert to Dr. Samways, and by him sent to the Archbishop of Canterbury, Dr. Sandcroft [144783678]

Author: Herbert, Thomas, Sir, 1606-1682

Probable date printed: 1721-1739

Thumbnail for 'Emperor of Garmany's [sic] ambassadors memorial. His M-a-j-e-s-t-y- K. G---------e -'

Broadsides from the Crawford Collection >

Emperor of Garmany's [sic] ambassadors memorial. His M-a-j-e-s-t-y- K. G---------e - [144783679]

Probable date printed: 1725

Thumbnail for 'He's brush'd from his castle good brother Ned, or, the St James's spider has spun his last webb'

Broadsides from the Crawford Collection >

He's brush'd from his castle good brother Ned, or, the St James's spider has spun his last webb [144783680]

Probable date printed: 1725

Thumbnail for 'Full and true account of a most horrid, ba[r]barous, blood[y], [a]nd inhuman murther which was this day committed on the body of Sir R-t W--p--le in a duel fought this morning at the St. James's Coffee-House, near St. James's House, between Sir R---t and Squir P--l---ny'

Broadsides from the Crawford Collection >

Full and true account of a most horrid, ba[r]barous, blood[y], [a]nd inhuman murther which was this day committed on the body of Sir R-t W--p--le in a duel fought this morning at the St. James's Coffee-House, near St. James's House, between Sir R---t and Squir P--l---ny [144783681]

Probable date printed: 1725

Thumbnail for 'Key to the Tunbridge love-letter'

Broadsides from the Crawford Collection >

Key to the Tunbridge love-letter [144783682]

Probable date printed: 1710

Thumbnail for 'Letter to the freemen and freeholders of the city of Dublin, who are protestants of the Church of Ireland as by law established'

Broadsides from the Crawford Collection >

Letter to the freemen and freeholders of the city of Dublin, who are protestants of the Church of Ireland as by law established [144783683]

Probable date printed: 1725

Thumbnail for 'Objections humbly offer'd to both Houses of Parliament, on behalf of several land-owners near the city of London, and several thousands of poor people in or near the said city, against a clause in a bill, entitled, A bill for giving the Commissioners, for the city of Londo the same powers as the Commissioners of Sewers for counties have: and also for preventing annoyances to the common-sewers, and to the River of Thames; and for obliging collectors for the sewers, by which sand is prohibited to be strown in houses within the bills of mortality'

Broadsides from the Crawford Collection >

Objections humbly offer'd to both Houses of Parliament, on behalf of several land-owners near the city of London, and several thousands of poor people in or near the said city, against a clause in a bill, entitled, A bill for giving the Commissioners, for the city of Londo the same powers as the Commissioners of Sewers for counties have: and also for preventing annoyances to the common-sewers, and to the River of Thames; and for obliging collectors for the sewers, by which sand is prohibited to be strown in houses within the bills of mortality [144783684]

Probable date printed: 1709

Thumbnail for 'Occasional writer'

Broadsides from the Crawford Collection >

Occasional writer [144783685]

Author: Bolingbroke, Henry St. John, Viscount, 1678-1751

Printer: Praker, R., active 1727

Probable date printed: 1727

Thumbnail for 'Orders to be observed by the pensioners and servants entertain'd in the Royal Hospital for seamen at Greenwich'

Broadsides from the Crawford Collection >

Orders to be observed by the pensioners and servants entertain'd in the Royal Hospital for seamen at Greenwich [144783686]

Author: Royal Hospital for Seamen at Greenwich

Probable date printed: 1725

Thumbnail for 'Speech without doors'

Broadsides from the Crawford Collection >

Speech without doors [144783687]

Printer: Harding, John, -1725

Probable date printed: 1725

Thumbnail for 'Table, for taxing all letters and pacquets going and coming from Ireland, between Donoghodee and Port-Patrick'

Broadsides from the Crawford Collection >

Table, for taxing all letters and pacquets going and coming from Ireland, between Donoghodee and Port-Patrick [144783688]

Probable date printed: 1725

Thumbnail for 'Unto the King's most excellent Majesty, the humble petition of the free-holders and heretors of the shire of Elgine of Murray'

Broadsides from the Crawford Collection >

Unto the King's most excellent Majesty, the humble petition of the free-holders and heretors of the shire of Elgine of Murray [144783689]

Author: Brodie, Alexander, -1754

Probable date printed: 1726

Thumbnail for 'Act and recommendation of the General Assembly for a voluntary contribution for a bridge over the Water of Dee near Braemar'

Broadsides from the Crawford Collection >

Act and recommendation of the General Assembly for a voluntary contribution for a bridge over the Water of Dee near Braemar [144783690]

Author: Church of Scotland. General Assembly

Probable date printed: 1726

Thumbnail for 'Last speech confession and dying words of Moses Nowland, who is to be hang'd at St. Stephen's Green, f[o]r inlisting men for the service of the Pretender, on Wednesday being the 6th of July, 1726'

Broadsides from the Crawford Collection >

Last speech confession and dying words of Moses Nowland, who is to be hang'd at St. Stephen's Green, f[o]r inlisting men for the service of the Pretender, on Wednesday being the 6th of July, 1726 [144783691]

Printer: Faulkner, George, 1699?-1775

Author: Nowland, Moses, -1726

Probable date printed: 1726

Thumbnail for 'Follows the order observed at the ceremonial of delivering the ensigns of the most ancient and most noble Order of the Thistle, by the Right Honourable James Earl of Findlater and Seafield, Commissioner appointed by his Majesty for that end, to his Grace James Duke of Hamiltoun and Brandon, at his Majesty's Palace of Holy-rood-house, upon the 31st of October 1726'

Broadsides from the Crawford Collection >

Follows the order observed at the ceremonial of delivering the ensigns of the most ancient and most noble Order of the Thistle, by the Right Honourable James Earl of Findlater and Seafield, Commissioner appointed by his Majesty for that end, to his Grace James Duke of Hamiltoun and Brandon, at his Majesty's Palace of Holy-rood-house, upon the 31st of October 1726 [144783692]

Author: Order of the Thistle

Probable date printed: 1726

Thumbnail for 'Unto the Right Honourable, the Lords of Council and Session. The petition of Margaret Chalmers, lawful daughter to the deceast William Chalmers of Allrick, procreate betwixt him and the deceast Christian Clerk, his spouse, portioner of Nether-Auchenleish, in the parochin of Glenyla, and Janet McLauchlan her sister uterine'

Broadsides from the Crawford Collection >

Unto the Right Honourable, the Lords of Council and Session. The petition of Margaret Chalmers, lawful daughter to the deceast William Chalmers of Allrick, procreate betwixt him and the deceast Christian Clerk, his spouse, portioner of Nether-Auchenleish, in the parochin of Glenyla, and Janet McLauchlan her sister uterine [144783693]

Author: Chalmers, Margaret

Author: McLauchlan, Janet

Probable date printed: 1726