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The Victoria Cross.
Ninthly, It Is ordained that in the event of any
unit of Our Naval, Military or Air Forces, con-
sisting in the case of our Navy of a squadron,
flotilla or ship's company, or of a detached body
of seamen or marines ; or In the case of our Army
of a Regiment, squadron, battery or company, or
of a detached body of soldiers ; or in the case
of Our Air Forces of a squadron or other body of
airmen, having distinguished itself collectively
by the performance of an act of heroic gallantry
or daring in the presence of the enemy in such a
way that the Flag, Genera), Air or other Officer
In Command of the Force to which such an unit
belongs, is unable to single out any Individual as
specially pre-eminent in gallantry or daring, then
one or more of the personnel comprising the unit
shall be selected to be recommended to Us for
the award of the Victoria Gross in the following
manner i —
(a) When the total personnel of the unit does
not exceed 100, then one officer shall
be selected for the Decoration by the
officers engaged ; and in like manner
one warrant officer or petty officer or
non-oommissioned officer of the unit
shall be selected by the warrant
officers, petty officers or non-com-
missioned officers engaged, and one
seaman, marine, private soldier, or
aircraftman shall be selected by the
seamen, marines, private soldiers or
aircraftmen engaged.
(6) When the total personnel of tb.3 unit
exceeds 100 but does not exceed 200,
then the number of seamen, marines,
private soldiers or aircraftmen to be
selected in the manner described in
(a) shall be increased to two.
(e) When the total personnel of the unit
exceeds 200 in number, the number
of Crosses to be awarded in accordance
with these provisions shall be the
subject of special consideration by
Our Lords Commissioners of the
Admiralty or by one of Oar Principal
Secretaries of State for submission
to Us.
(d) The selection to be by a secret ballot in
such manner as shall be determined
in accordance with the foregoing pro-
visions by the Officer directing the
selection to be made.
(e) The death of any person engaged shall
not be a bar to his selection.
(/) The names of the persons recommended
in accordance with these provisions
shall be submitted to Us in the niannei
laid down in the Eighth Clause at
this Our Warrant.
Tanthly, it is ordained thst every recipient of
(he Crdss, not being or ranking as a Commis-
sioner! Officer, and in the case of Our Navy and
Our Marines, not being or ranking with a warrant
officer, and not (\iming within the Eleventh
Clause of this Our Warrant, shall from the date
of the act by wh'ch the decoration has been
gained, be entitled to a special pension of ten
pounds a year, and each additional Bar conferred
under the Seventh Clause of this Our Warrant on
such recipient shall carry with it an additional
pension of five pounds a year.
Eleventhly. (See Royal Warrant dated 0th
May, 1938.)
TwelffMy, It Is ordained that reproductions of
the Cross known as a Miniature Cross which may
be worn on certain occasions by those to whom
the Decoration is awarded shall be half the size
of The Victoria Cross and that a Sealed Pattern
of the said Miniature Cross shall be deposited
and kept in the Central Chancery of Our Orders
of Knighthood.
ThirteentMy, It Is ordained that it shall be com-
petent 'for Ue, Our Heirs and Successors, by an
Order under Our Sign Manual and on the recom-
mendation to that effect by or through Oar
First Lord of the Admiralty or one of Our
Prinoipal Secretaries of State to cancel and annul
the award of The Victoria Cross to any person,
together with any pension appertaining thereto
not already paid, and that thereupon his or her
name in the Register shall be erased ; but that
it shall be competent to Us, Our Heirs and
Successors, to restore the Decoration when such
recommendation has been withdrawn and with
it such pension as may have been forfeited.
Fourteenthly, it is ordained that notloe of
cancellation or restoration in every case shall be
published in the London Gazette.
Lastly, We reserve to Ourself, Our Heirs and
Successors full power of annulling, altering,
abrogating, augmenting, interpreting or dis-
pensing with these regulations, or any part
thereof, by a notification under Our Sign Manual.
Given at Our Court at St. James's, this 5th
day of February, in the 21st year of Our Reign,
and in the year of Our Lord one thousand nine
hundred and thirty one.
By His Majesty's Command,
George the Sixth, by the Grace of God, of Great
Britain, Ireland and the British Dominions
beyond the Seas, King, Defender of the
Faith, Emperor of India ; to all to whom
these Presents shall come, Greeting !
Whereas His late Majesty King George V, by
a Warrant under his Royal Sign Manual dated
the 5th .day of February, one thousand nine
hundred and thirty-one, was pleased to make,
ordain and establish rules and ordinances for the
governance of the Decoration of The Victoria
Cross reserving to Himself, His Heirs and
Successors full power of annulling, altering,
abrogating, augmenting, interpreting or dispens-
ing with those rules and ordinance, or any part
thereof, by a notification under Royal Sign
Manual ;

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