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For the Daughters of Deceased
Sailors, Soldiers, Marines and Airmen.
Administered by the Royal Patriotic Fund Corporation, 28, Sackville Street, W.l. through
a Committee of Management composed of nine members,
four of whom are ladies.
Chairman of Committee.
The objects of this Foundation are to maintain orphan girls free of all expense
to mother or guardian, to give a sound elementary and religious education, and to
train them practically in housework, needlework or for other suitable employment.
The School buildings, which stand in their own grounds of 21 acres, are excep-
tionally well equipped for ensuring the health and comfort of the children.
Applications for nominations should be addressed to The Secretary, Royal
Patriotic Fund Corporation, 28 Sackville Street, London, W.l.
Applications to visit the School should be addressed to The Lady Superin-
tendent, Royal Victoria Patriotic School, Wandsworth Common, London,S.W.18.
Note. — The Royal Patriotic Fund Corporation nominates to selected Convent
Schools in England and Ireland Roman Catholic Orphan Daughters of Sailors,
Soldiers, Marines and Airmen. A girl when selected for nomination is main-
tained, clothed, educated and trained free of expense to mother or guardian.
Applications for nominations should be made to the Secretary.
The United Services Trustee
123, Pali Mall, S.W.L
Honorary Directors.
R. L. Barclay, Esq.. C.B.E.
General Sir Felix F. Ready. G.B.E., K.C.B., C.S.I., C.M.G., D.S.O.
Paymaster Rear-Admiral A. F. Strickland, C.B., O.B.E., R.N.
The Lord Desborough, K.G., G.C.V.O.
The Lord Plender, G.B.E.
Marshal of the Royal Air Force, The Viscount Trenchard, G.C.B.,
G.C.V.O., D.S.O., D.C.L., LL.D.
The United Services Trustee is a Corporation which was formed in December,
1918, for the use and benefit of the Royal Navy, Army and Royal Air Force, and
not for gain or profit.
The main objects for which the Corporation is established are to act as
Trustee, or Custodian Trustee, or as Treasurer, Receiver or Manager, or as Agent
for persons having the management or control of any funds or property existing
for the benefit of members or ex-members of H.M. Forces.
The purchase and sale of investments, collection of dividends and recovery
of Income Tax are all matters on which The United Services Trustee is willing to
give expert advice and assistance.
Any further information can be obtained from the Secretary at the above
address. Telephone: Whitehall 0027.

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