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10. If It Is desired that Marines who hav^ received
Medals should also be given Gratuities, separate
application must be made for the latter, on the Men
becoming eligible for the award.
11. If a Marine is awarded the character of "Good "
Instead of " Very Good," after the grant of a Medal,
the period of service during which the character of
" Good " is awarded will not count for increase of
Gratuity, notwithstanding that he may not have been
deprived of the Medal.
12. If a Marine is deprived of his Medal, he will
lose all claim to Gratuity, but in the event of the
Medal being restored before he is pensioned, not
more than the lowest scale of Gratuity, viz. 6i., will
be awarded.
13. If a Marine is Invalided after having been
awarded the Medal, and before completion of the full
time for pension, he will be awarded the amount of
Gratuity to which he may be then entitled by service
14. If a Marine should die after the award of his
Medal, any Gratuity to which he may be entitled will
be paid to his widow, or next of Itin if dependent
upon him.
15. Any Marine volimtarily quitting the Service
before being entitled to a Pension will not be entitled
to a Gratuity.
16. In cases where Marines who have completed
time for Pension re-engage for a further period of
service, and are not at the time of re-engaging entitled
to the Maximum Gratuity, such further service may
count towards it, provided they in all respects comply
with the Kegulations.
17. Marines who have been paid the Good Conduct
Gratuity for which they are eligible at the date of
completing time for Pension, and who subsequently
became eligible by further service for a higher rate of
Gratuity, may be paid the diflerenee between the
amount they have already received and such higher
rate. But in no case will more than two payments
on account of Good Conduct Gratuity be made to the
same Marine.
18. In the case of a Marine who has been paid a
Good Conduct tlratuity after completing time lor
pension, so much of the Gratuity paid as may have
been earned by service in excess or 21 years will be
recovered from his Naval Pension 11 he misconducts
himself during subsequent service, and becomes
Ineligible for the award on final discharge.
19. Whenever the Captain sees fit to withhold the
required recommendation, he will record fully his
reasons on the Company Conduct Sheet, and a copy
of this record Is to be attached to the next quarterly
return. In the case of Marines on shore, the Com-
mandant will similarly record his reasons on Form
K. 164.
20. No service can reckon for Medal or Gratuity
which does not also reckon for Pension.
21. Imprisonment by the Civil Power shall not
prejudice a Marine's claim to Medal or Gratuity,
unless it shall have been so directed by the Admiralty,
If the man was serving at home at the time, or by the
Commander-in-Chief if abroad.
22. A break In service caused by a Marine being
Invalided will not be considered as breaking the
continuity of his " Very Good " character, or of
recommendations for Medal Gratuity, provided
that, should he be eligible for re-entry", he rejoins as
soon as the state of his health will permit, and com-
pletes the required aervlce.
23. The service of a Marine who reverts to the
corps after serving In the Ship's Police or Sick Berth
StaH on probation, will not be considered as broken
in continuity with reference to Medal and Gratuity
or Pension.
24. In the case of a Marine who has served In the
Army prior to Joining the Boyal Marines, and whose
former Army service after 18 years of age is allowed
to reckon towards Naval Pension, only such portion
of his Army Service will be allowed as qualifying
service for a Good Conduct Medal and Gratuity as
would be admitted if the service had been rendered
hi the Eoyal Marines instead of in the Army; in
determining which, regard must be had to his
" Register of Service " in the Army as well as to the
character awarded to him on discharge therefrom.
Men who Join from the Army must be recommended
for Medals and Gratuities for three consecutive years
after entry in the Marines before becoming eligible
for the award in accordance with Clauses 2 and 3 of
this Article.
25. Names of Marines recommended for Medals
and Gratuities are to be transmitted to the Admiralty
on Form S. 218 accompanied by their Service Certifi-
cates or certified copies thereof by the Commanders-
in-Chief and Senior Officers at Home and Abroad,
and the Commandants of Royal Marines, through
the Adjutant General, as soon as the Marines
become eligible for them, and when the approval of
the Admiralty has been received, the Medals are to be
presented before the Ship's Company by the Captain
of the ship, and in the case of Marines on shore, by
the Commandants on parade.
1193. A snm not exceeding 400J. a year Is placed
at the disposal of the Admiralty, to be distributed in
Annuities not exceeding 2QI. as rewards for distin-
guished or meritorious service, to be granted either
before or after discharge to Sergeants who have
completed 21 years' service, or have been granted a
life pension on account of hurts received in action, or
otherwise in the execution of duty. Such Annuities
may be retained by any recipients who may subse-
quently attain the rank of Warrant OflJcer, and may
be held in addition to Pension.
2. The names of Sergeants who may be considered
eligible lor this reward lor distinguished or meritor-
ious service by the OflScer under whose command
they are serving at the time of their discharge to
Pension, are to be reported to, and registered In the
Department of the Adjutant - General of Royal
Marines, in order that when an Annuity becomes
vacant it may be granted to the most deserving.
3. The Sergeants selected for this honorary dis-
tinction shall be entitled to wear a Silver Medal,
having on one side His Majesty's efflgy, and on the
other the words "For Meritorious Service," and the
name of the Sergeant, with the date of its grant ;
and they will not be liable to forfeiture of the Annuity
and Medal, except by sentence of a Court Martial, or
by conviction of felony by the Civil Power.
1194. Conspicuous Gallantry Medals and Aimul-
tlesmaybe awarded to Non-Commissioned Ofldcers
and Privates of Royal Marines who distinguish them-
selves by acts of conspicuous gallantry in action with
the enemy, under the provisions of Art. 159.
2. A Warrant OfiBcer may retain an Annuity
granted to him before promotion for conspicuous
gallantry in action.
NoTB.— The rules as to deprivation and restoration of Medals aia contained In Article 778, &c., oJt the
King's Regulations and Admiralty Instructions,

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